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Search Results for: gold-x

I’ve owned shares of Sandstorm Gold (SAND) for several years, and it was one of my larger holdings for a while, so readers ask about it with some frequency — particularly during times like these, when it is wildly volatile. So is Sandstorm Gold a buy today? Well, I haven’t sold any shares recently. But […]

Travis… can you help with uncovering this very secret teaser? Below is the text from a Stansberry sales letter this is posted at: Dear Reader, Recently, we received word of a major gold deposit… in a location you’d never guess in a thousand years. If this gold were buried underneath the Washington Monument… or […]

Here’s what I can’t tell you: Where the price of gold is going. Here’s what I can tell you: Over the past several weeks, as investor enthusiasm for gold clearly reached the melting point in a big price spike to near $900, I’ve seen almost every gold teaser in the book. Gold is down a bit again today, but the gold bugs are still out in force and certain that they will be vindicated when inflation and dollar devaluation finally rear their ugly heads. What do the experts say now?

I generally don’t like to write about super-heavily-hyped microcap stocks for the whole Gumshoe readership, because we’re almost guaranteed to cause a spike in the price for that stock. So when I saw the latest teaser for the Phase 1 folks over at Stansberry, and those teasers always cause a huge flood of emails to […]

The latest pitch from Mitchell Clark comes in for the Explosive Mine Stocks newsletter from Lombardi — and I don’t know where the dude finds the time. Clark is apparently now responsible for four or five newsletters at Lombardi, when I’ve written about him in the past he’s tended to focus on small cap stocks […]

This story has been making the rounds for quite a while — and in different versions, I’ve written about essentially this same pitch before … but it’s been years since it really hit the Gumshoe radar, and folks keep asking, so I thought I’d check out this latest version of the ad for you. The […]

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