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Usually when you hear “little-known Canadian stock” you think, “hey, that’s probably some miner lying about their assay samples out of a storefront office in Vancouver” … but this one’s a little different. To start with, it’s not a mining stock, and has nothing to do with gold or tar sands or pipelines or any […]

[ed note: Michael Jorrin, aka “Doc Gumshoe,” is a medical writer (not a doctor) who shares his thoughts with us once or twice a month. As with all our guest authors, his words and opinions are his own] The stream – or should I say “torrent” – of medical and health-care related news doesn’t seem […]

Today we’ve got an interesting tease that a few readers sent in — it’s from the White Cap Report folks, who generally look for potentially high-octane growth stocks, and it’s about some kind of biotech stock. Here’s how they get our blood flowing this fine morning: “California Biotech Cleared to Bypass FDA – Next Month […]

Today we’ve got a teaser pitch from Marc Lichtenfeld to consider. It’s an ad for his Oxford Income Letter, but the “fountain of youth” pitch makes it sound like a wild ride of a biotech idea… so let’s dig in and see what we can find, shall we? Sometimes it’s best to start with the […]

[Ed note: This article was originally published in June, 2013 when the shares of the stock teased, Alnylam (ALNY) were around $30 and the Oxford Club was saying that the first person to live to 1,000 is already alive … now they’re touting it as the holder of the “Magic” Keys to Immortality, but the […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I dubbed “Doc Gumshoe” years ago, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us a couple times a month about health issues and trends. He does not typically focus on specific investment opportunities, but has agreed to our trading restrictions… as with all of our authors, […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I call Doc Gumshoe, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us about medicine and health a couple times a month. He has agreed to our trading and disclosure restrictions, but does not generally write directly about investment ideas. His ideas, thoughts and words are his […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for the Irregulars. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. All of his past articles and most recent comments are on his Stock Gumshoe page.] Remember that British group with frontman Robert Smith? […]

The pill pushed as the Pres pill.FORMULA FOCUS 1-855-457-0806.Another FOCUS is this the one Doc talked about?1-866-778-2646 Ext.1,if you want to order.You Gummarati lets get that thinkolator going full speed. Whisslepig the end

No, Balthasar is not a biotech company. Think fast! Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. Athos, Porthos and Aramis. Jaclyn, Farrah and Kate. Kirk, Spock and Bones. Barry, Robin and Maurice. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. History and culture bestow trios upon us because threesomes keep us rapt. The Three Magi, liking the Gummune as they do, have […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I dubbed “Doc Gumshoe” years ago, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us a couple times a month about health issues and trends. He does not typically focus on specific investment opportunities, but has agreed to our trading restrictions… as with all of our authors, […]

There’s a clear winner in the “what readers are asking about” sweepstakes this morning, and it’s the latest pitch from Charles Mizrahi for his Park Avenue Investment Club (currently $99/yr) — so that ad must really be making the rounds, and we’ll fire up the Thinkolator to get you some answers today. The pitch is […]

Ed note: this article was first published in 2015, but the ad continues to run and readers continue to ask about it, so we’re re-posting this teaser solution for you today. What follows has not been meaningfully updated or revised since it was originally published on March 14, 2015, though some minor updates have been […]

The last time Dr Al Sears crossed our path, his banner headline was that President Obama, “the most corrupt president in U. S. history,” issued a “Death Order” in 2016 that “could result in the needless deaths of 1.3 million American seniors this year.”   That “Death Order” consisted in the appointment of Robert Califf, […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I dubbed “Doc Gumshoe” years ago, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us a couple times a month about health issues and trends. He does not typically focus on specific investment opportunities, but has agreed to our trading restrictions… as with all of our authors, he […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I dubbed “Doc Gumshoe” years ago, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us a couple times a month about health issues and trends.  He does not typically focus on specific investment opportunities, but has agreed to our trading restrictions… as with all of our authors, he […]

Got some spam about these advertising a newsletter called ’The Near Future Report.’ A few details are revealed; you can find the pitch here: For the first one, one of the mentions ’Project Titan.’ But that is an Apple initiative so I doubt that is the key clue. I also think we can rule […]

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes about medicine and biotech stocks for our Irregulars. He chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. He has agreed to our trading restrictions. Visit his Stock Gumshoe page for more.] Bacteria are prokaryotes. Animal cells, fungi and plants are eukaryotes. Prokaryotes tend to be acellular and […]

This is a pitch from Jason Stutman’s The Cutting Edge newsletter, his higher-end service from Angel Publishing (about $1,500/year), and what caught my eye was the headline promise that Harvard University is “calling for a 29,000% surge for one tiny company you’ve never heard of.” So what is it? Well, it’s appropriate that we’re looking […]

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