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Search Results for: 2017

Please indulge Doc Gumshoe while he presents his musings on what’s going on in general in the health-care arena, and in particular, which new drugs are getting the FDA blessing and why, as well as which ones are getting the short straw.   My impressions and conclusions are in some cases only loosely based on […]

NXP Semiconductor (NXPI) and Visteon (VC) both reported results this week, both pretty much in line with what I would have expected and pretty close to analyst estimates (Visteon earnings were well above estimates, revenue well below because analysts have a hard time getting very specific on Visteon quarters — but their big picture remains […]

11/15/16 SHLD closed at $12.30 down .50 for the day. News on the street is that suppliers are concerned the company is headed for bankruptcy. Money Map Press touts a Buy at the close for a $5.00 PUT on Jan 17, 2017 at .35-.50 Agora Financial touts Zachary Scheidt’s method of selling short to create […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I dubbed “Doc Gumshoe” years ago, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us a couple times a month about health issues and trends. He does not typically focus on specific investment opportunities, but has agreed to our trading restrictions… as with all of our authors, he […]

Most of the attention in the media is now focused on the several forms of cancer treatment grouped under the flattering term “Precision Medicine.”   I find that the term raises my skepticism index just a bit; it’s like eating establishments labeling themselves “Gourmet Restaurants,” the implication being that joints not so identified are just […]

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I call Doc Gumshoe, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us about medicine and health a couple times a month. He has agreed to our trading and disclosure restrictions, but does not generally write directly about investment ideas. His ideas, thoughts and words are his […]

Gobble Gobble! It’s that time again! Stock Gumshoe is mostly closed down for the holiday week, but we do have to continue our annual tradition of calling out our “Turkey of the Year” … so take a pause from that turkey brining and join us, won’t you? What is this tradition, you ask? Every year, […]

Few weeks ago i`ve been told by a friend to buy 3 stocks: FFH (Fairfax Financial) 2016 Performance: +16.8% MKL (Markel) 2016 Performance: -4,77% CLX (Clorox) 2016 Performance: +0,56% With S&P 500 dow 8,46% it has been a wonderful deal. Tonight, i saw Prem Watsa Portfolio: 85% of it is in 4 stocks, let´s see […]

We haven’t looked at a Louis Navellier pitch for a little while, and this one caught the eye of some intrepid Gumshoe readers — it is, like virtually every Louis Navellier pitch, a promise that his favorite growth stock will double this year… though he goes even further in announcing that “long term, a $1,000 […]

Each year I go through all of the stocks that I either own personally or have brought to the attention of the Irregulars (there’s quite a bit of overlap on those lists), and I make sure to update my thoughts and opinion on that stock in an organized and, hopefully, disciplined way — that helps […]

Nicholas Vardy is out with a new biotech pick, and he says that he’s making an “unprecedented offer” for subscribers to his Bull Market Alert ($995/year “on sale”, published by Eagle Financial). The pitch is partly an argument that biotech and pharma stocks are still where the big opportunities are for investors, but most of […]

This thread is designed to allow Irregulars to discuss, share and provide input for calender catalyst events, primarily but not limited to equities contained on the Green Tab of the KSS Da Man! spreadsheet that is maintained by Hi Pockets. The calender currently can be updated only by Benny, Lawrence, Dr. KSS and myself. The […]

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