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Search Results for: motley

“This is the only company in the online higher education industry that’s creating a win-win for everyone. Which means it’s the only one with long-term staying power. The sad truth is, most online colleges exist for one simple purpose. To suck away federal loan dollars from Uncle Sam. These “diploma mills” don’t even care whether […]

Both versions of Motley Fool Stock Advisor, the US flagship and Motley Fool Stock Advisor Canada, have been out with teaser pitches about their “A.I. Disruption Playbook” investment ideas, and readers have some questions… so let’s see what we can tell you. First, the US version… “5 years from now, you’ll probably wish you’d grabbed […]

David Gardner has touted and teased many stocks for both his Rule Breakers and his Stock Advisor services — probably, in fact, we’ve covered more Motley Fool teaser ads here at Stock Gumshoe than we have any other publisher (and according to the quick calculations of one of our readers, they’ve had more winners than […]

That headline is a quote from the Motley Fool, in a recent teaser ad for their flagship Stock Advisor newsletter, the one that pits brother/founders Dave and Tom Gardner against each other. They run through their familiar spiel, that Wall Street ignores the little guy, mutual funds managers underperform and get overpaid, and that brokers […]

“ONE AMERICAN BRAND POISED TO POWER INTO THE GLOBAL MAINSTREAM! “Every decade or so, a brand is born in America that goes up like a moon shot and becomes a recognizable symbol all over the world… Brands like Levis… Coca-Cola… Harley-Davidson… Heinz… McDonalds… GE… Budweiser… Disney… Gillette… Pepsi… The Gap… IBM… Wal-Mart… Apple… Nike… Microsoft… […]

“The Obama Surprise” “The biggest surprise of President Obama’s first term could blindside the pundits… infuriate liberals… and create a decades-long string of profits for financial conservatives. I urge you to read on and get all the facts…” That’s our introduction to the new ad for Philip Durell’s Motley Fool Inside Value newsletter, which aims […]

Monthly newsletter that looks for rapid growth stocks, usually smaller capitalization companies. “Rule Breakers” are typically “first mover” or “top dog” companies with rapid growth rates that conventional analysts consider very overvalued.

The good folks at Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor newsletter have another teaser for us … they think they’ve got a “virtually recession-proof” stock for you to buy … in their words: “On Sale Now… a Virtually Recession-Proof Business Poised for 100% Gains… “An investment story like this doesn’t come along very often… “It’s a business […]

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