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“Minting Millions from the Magic Molecule” (Nick Hodge)

Checking out a recent teaser for Hodge's Early Advantage and the Outside Club

“How to get this $35,000/gram miracle cure for just $0.65” — that’s the subject line of the latest teaser ad we’re reviewing … how can you resist?

The folks at Angel Publishing appear to be spinning off some of their newsletters, with Nick Hodge headlining, into a new little entity called the Outsider Club — which, as far as I can tell, is just another of the dozens of interrelated newsletter brands that have been built by Agora-affiliated publishers over the years. Some of them catch on and build big mailing lists, some of them quietly disappear.

But this pitch is not really just from this “Outsider Club”, it’s from Nick Hodge’s pricey newsletter called Early Advantage, which has been around for many years at Angel Publishing — it used to be called Alternative Energy Speculator until they realized that particular subsector was losing investor interest a couple years back, and it has called some interesting stocks to our attention, including Westport Innovations about five years ago before they were listed in NY.

So I tend to pay attention to their new picks even though some of the tiny ones end up being crash-and-burn disasters — my readers keep asking about them, and they pick so many tiny stocks that their attentions have a tendency to drive big spikes in the share price. I expect we’ll see the same thing once again here, since this latest teaser pick (which I mentioned a couple weeks ago, but haven’t gotten to looking at closely until now) is even smaller than most.

Of course, such spikes up in price are usually followed by a collapse if the story doesn’t play out as cleanly or as quickly as the ads always seem to imply, but they can at least be fun to watch.

So what’s Hodge’s latest darling stock?

Here’s the teaser pitch:

“… for 5+ years, a team of America’s foremost scientists has been hard at work in a laboratory… working on a Nobel Prize-worthy discovery.

“And it ALL revolves around the giant keyhole limpet… or more simply, the sea snail.

“It’s something you’d ordinarily see in a sci-fi film. But this is very real.

“And if you understand why this sea snail is so crucial — and what these scientists discovered while burning the midnight oil — you’ll be on the fast track to 300x your money profits….

“What was unearthed in a Ventura County lab is something that will alter the way the medical world operates forever…

“Few discoveries in history have had the kind of impact this one will have. It’s simply so game-changing, examples of past scientific developments may be completely pointless.

“We’re treading on truly unheard-of profit territory here.”

Well, we can at least rest assured that the fertile fields of hyperbole are growing nicely in Baltimore, MD — how can you not want to know about “unheard-of profit?”

Even if we know that the reality never matches the hype, there’s still that little part of our brain that says, “what if he’s even just halfway right?”

He compares this advancement to the big antiviral discoveries made by Gilead Sciences (GILD) back in 1992, and shows the dramatic stock move from 50 cents or so up to the low $20s — he doesn’t mention that it took 15+ years of patience and fortitude to enjoy those gains, or how many other companies seemed to have similarly exciting discoveries in 1992 and are now bankrupt, but you get the idea — biotech is one of those areas of the market where huge gains are possible. And even though the fact isn’t hammered into your head everyday the way those potential gains are, you probably area also quite aware that with 1,000%+ return potential you almost always get a heightened risk of 100% losses.

So what is this “Magic Molecule” that’s supposed to make us rich?

Here’s some more from the teaser ad:

“The world-shaking discovery… REVEALED

“For decades now, medical companies around the globe have heavily relied on a compound known as Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (referred to as KLH — or what I call the “magic molecule”).

“That’s a fancy name for what essentially amounts to sea snail blood…

“KLH only comes from one place: the giant keyhole limpet, aka the sea snail I showed you a picture of earlier. And this sea snail lives in one very specific part of the world, off the coast of Central California….

“Here’s the key: There are only 100,000 of these creatures left in the wild. Once the KLH has been extracted from them, they die.

“In other words, the hundreds of drugs that rely on KLH — the drugs that assist patients who suffer from cancer to Alzheimer’s to drug addiction — are in grave danger of extinction… along with this specific species of sea snail.

“None of this may seem very exciting, but get this: Because it’s so scarce, the KLH extracted from these sea snails sells for between $35,000 and $900,000 per gram.”

OK, so that’s our little “Magic Molecule” — Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin. I confess that I had never heard of it before taking a quick look at this story about two weeks ago.

And yes, the Keyhole Limpet was featured in Popular Science as an enabler of a cure for cancer about 18 months ago — an article that is worth a quick read, and that mentions the company that’s farming these mollusks in California to extract their blood.

So is that the same company being teased by Nick Hodge? Let’s quickly check a few more clues:

“Once single company — whose shares currently trade around a mere $0.60 as you read this — is the ONLY company that knows how to extract KLH without killing the sea snail. And they have a patent on it.

“So, not only does no one else know how to do this…

“But this tiny company also has a patent pending for a process in which they raise the sea snails on land.

“That’s what happens when you have the likes of these guys working in your Ventura County laboratory:

  • The board-certified immunologist who, together with his team at UCLA, was the first to discover AIDS in 1980; and
  • the Professor of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry at UC-Santa Barbara — named one of the 50 leading technology pioneers of 2006 by Scientific American.”

So … yep, this is Stellar Biotechnologies, which is listed on the Venture exchange in Canada at KLH and also trades over the counter in the US at ticker SBOTF (with low volume in both places, this is a sub-$40 million stock and $100,000 in money flowing in or out could dramatically impact the stock price).

And yes, Stellar is the leading (and practically the only, they say) company that’s sustainably cultivating Keyhole Limpets on land, in a controlled environment aquaculture farm/lab, and extracting their blood for use in vaccines. Their current capacity is about one kilogram of blood per year, which doesn’t sound like a lot — but apparently the amount required for each dosage of a vaccine must be infinitesimally small.

KLH is really a vaccine conduit, not a curative compound in its own right (there are other mollusks that have been touted as miracule cures, like the anti-bacterial and cancer-fighting properties of some sea snails that have been in the press in recent years) — it’s a large molecule that’s safe for humans but has a strong immune response, here’s how they describe it:

“KLH is an important immune-stimulating protein used in wide-ranging therapeutic and diagnostic markets. Potent, yet proven safe in humans, KLH operates as both a vital component for conjugate vaccines (targeting cancer, autoimmune, and infectious diseases) as well as an antigen for measuring immune status. Stellar Biotechnologies was founded to address the growing demand for renewable, commercial-scale supplies of high-quality, GMP-grade KLH. Stellar has developed leading practices, facilities and proprietary capabilities to address this need.”

So apparently this KLH stuff is a great base for vaccines — it’s part of a tested compound for dozens of clinical trials right now, including at least a few active trials where they have supply agreements with pharmaceutical companies. You can see several presentations here about their business and technology. The Wikipedia page explaining this protein gives a pretty good broad overview here.

And the stock has climbed nicely this year, following their listing on the OTCQB and rising awareness among US speculators and plenty of news releases from the company about their aquaculture achievements and the progress of potential vaccines for cancer and other diseases, along with, of course, this recent attention from Nick Hodge. This isn’t the first time the company has been a stock market darling, that Popular Science article came a year after the surge of excitement that drove the shaers from 20-30 cents to well over a dollar for a few weeks in late 2010-early 2011, but we’re broaching new highs for the year again here in the 70 cent range.

That means Stellar Biotechnologies now has a market cap approaching $40 million — laughable for the kind of potential market they’re talking about, with hoped for royalties and other revenue bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars a year perhaps as soon as 3-5 years from now (that’s from one of their investor presentations), but very large for a company that has negligible revenue and posts losses in most quarters of roughly a million dollars. They’ll also have to raise money by selling stock, I expect, if they haven’t made any big deals with pharmaceutical companies by late this year.

But that’s probably the immediate upside potential, beyond the possibility that they might get exciting news from one of the current KLH vaccine trials that leads to a rapid increase in demand for the molecule — they say they are “actively exploring multiple, current avenues of co-involvement with 7 of the 15 largest biopharma companies.”

And for a $40 million company, a joint venture deal with a larger pharma company can easily provide enough cash to keep them going for quite a while — and spur some increased investor love.

I have no real sense for what the market for this KLH will be in the end — certainly demand could be very high if there are effective vaccines for Lupus, Breast Cancer or Rheumatoid Arthritis that use this molecule, but it’s not clear to me what the physical capacity is or what the pricing would be in that world if higher demand… or whether the mass market demand for this compound would lead to new ways of synthesizing it and therefore sidestepping the limited capacity of Stellar’s mollusk farm. They have managed to get these creatures to reproduce in captivity, so they’re managing multiple generations of them and can increase capacity over time, but I can’t imagine that they can increase capacity all that quickly.

The only folks I saw actively selling and quoting prices for KLH for labs were selling it for about $10/mg, I have absolutely no idea whether their variety is as good as Stellar’s (or maybe it is Stellar’s, I dunno), but at that rate a kilogram, Stellar’s annual capacity, would be worth $10 million. If Hodge is right and this stuff is good enough that it sells for $35,000-900,000/gram, then that means their annual kilogram of KLH production could pull in somewhere between $35 million and $900 million a year in revenue.

So that’s a pretty wide range, potential revenue somewhere between $10 million and $900 million … which doesn’t count any royalties they might get for their proprietary products or from joint ventures if they really proceed with developing their own compounds for clinical study, as they indicate they might.

So far, though, revenue is more like $250,000 over the last four quarters … which means the low end of that estimate would be hugely dramatic growth for Stellar. Of course, whether or not they can ever reach that low-end guess is an open question — it looks really interesting, I can see that they’ve invested a lot (including government grants) to build this sustainable aquaculture and processing capacity, but with science still proceeding and the vaccine trials still pretty early, I can’t even halfway guess what the company should be worth or whether their product will stand out as a crucial component and see increased demand even if prices rise.

But that’s the long-term imagining about Stellar’s future — most likely, the stock will bounce around like a cork as news flows regarding any of their clinical trials or joint venture deals with pharmaceutical companies, so I wouldn’t expect to see the shares trade on some fundamental valuation based on revenue or earnings anytime soon. File this under “speculation” and be prepared for a bumpy ride if you decide to get on board, I expect that Nick Hodge’s attention (and the attention of our merry band here at Gumshoe Nation) will make the stock bouncy even without any fundamental news (average trading volume combined in Canada and the US is not often much more than $100,000, which is very, very light — don’t count on getting out of a position at a reasonable price if you want to sell in a hurry).

If you’d like to hazard a guess as to what the stock is worth, or whether it’s worth a nibble, feel free to use the friendly little comment box below.

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Martial Artist
May 29, 2013 2:47 pm

What the heck. Even if it’s a flyer, 100 shares for $78 is not a huge gamble in my IRA. Thank you Travis.

June 9, 2013 2:20 pm
Reply to  Martial Artist

I have studied this for a long time, you’re absouletly right.
If you visit someone in the last stages of cancer – they smell different. Their body is usually very acidic. The soil in which our food is grown is depleted and being laced with acid riverting compounds hence the end result.

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Myron Martin
August 12, 2013 10:05 am
Reply to  otamc

OTOM: you give yourself away by your opening statement that; “I have studied this for a long time” something relatively few people have done compared to the masses that have been bamboozled by medical propaganda from the “cut, burn and poison” gang. I used to sell hospitals a natural deodorizer from England called Ozlab, which they claimed was the only one they had found that would get rid of the terrible smell from cancer patients.
As a life long organic gardener pioneered by Rodale et al, I would not only endorse your statement by saying human health is directly related to healthy soil with high organic matter, earthworms and various microorganisms. Chemical fertilizers kill these essential ingredients and eventually produce a sterile soil that is incapable of producing anything without massive injections of chemicals every year. Besides that it makes soils incapable of water retention so irrigation becomes necessary, flooding is more prevalent and bigger heavier tractors are needed to work the increasingly cement like soil.

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September 20, 2013 5:31 pm
Reply to  Martial Artist

Hi I am new hear and this is the my first time, be gentle. If you bought this and .65 I hope you sold last Wednesday went it hit $2.30.

Golf Lover
Golf Lover
October 25, 2013 11:16 am
Reply to  Martial Artist

Just got Nick’s pitch to buy his $499 book and get the inside tips on SBOTF, looks like it jumped up last week but it is coming down, sits at $1.75 now, heaven help those that are hanging on waiting for it to go back up….

Bonnie Ember
May 29, 2013 2:53 pm

Breast cancer is acid pH.
I cured my tumors with alkaline.

This product muzt be alkaline.

I would not think this is a buy & hold.

Cancer cannot live in 8.5 pH.

Stop worrying about losing your life’s savings if you get cancer.

There has always been a cure.

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May 29, 2013 5:13 pm
Reply to  Bonnie Ember

You mean like baking soda?

August 11, 2013 5:41 pm
Reply to  Bonnie Ember

Right, cancer and virtually all “dis” ease is PH related which is directly related to O2 levels and O2 uptake by the cells. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize in the 1940’s for this revelation. The Cancer Industry knows this and stomps down any doctor who tries to use O2 or PH related means to “cure” cancer. Dr. Simoncelli of Italy injects baking soda directly into cancer tumors and DISSOLVES them. Don’t believe it? Go watch it on Youtube. Gee, why doesn’t our magnomous “Health” Care industry tell us about this or use it? Because baking soda is $2 a box. Duh.

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BB Smith
BB Smith
August 12, 2013 4:36 pm
Reply to  Tactical111

I’m proud to say I’m a direct descendent of Otto Warburg. I also have used Baking soda to brush my teeth for most of my lifetime and have no gum problems (though I figured that one out on my own). My dentist always remarks on how healthy my mouth looks though he gives sme a tube of toothpaste after cleannings,.It’s Highly recommended that you throw out the silly expensive Colgate, and buy yourself a box of Arm & Hammer. It’ll last you well over a year and your teeth will thank you (and don’t believe the hyginist when she says Baking soda will wear the enamel on your teeth. It hasn’t done any such thing to mine.)…oh, my heavens!! I just read DAvid Clumpner who says the same thing.

May 29, 2013 3:26 pm

wow, bonnie , you just rattled atrillion dollar industry to throw more light on that, can contact me at ‘madhupgi’ gmail

May 30, 2013 11:23 pm
Reply to  maddy

Bonnie and Bob are spot on Maddy.
There’s a LOT of excellent research on google and youtube about the acid
alkaline connection to all disease.
Many state of art dentists are now telling their patients to throw away
their toothpaste and brush their ENTIRE mouth with baking soda and sea salt the VERY
last thing b4 retiring so your mouth’s environ is totally alkaline all nite long.
Baking soda and magnesium (epsom salt, milk of mag, or citrate) are excellent for
the outer as well as inner environment but the most important thing of all is to eat a LOT of veggies and get a juicer as well.
My yahoo email is archives2001

👍 94
Myron Martin
August 12, 2013 10:20 am
Reply to  maddy

Theres the rub Maddy, it has been said that “more people are making a living from cancer than are dying from cancer” so FOLLOW the MONEY! It is hard for any decent thinking human to believe that anybody would put MONEY ahead of TRUTH and the best interests of their fellow man. It is a harsh reality, but even idealistic people get sucked in and then find it hard to take a stand and find a more moral means of earning a living once they become disillusioned with the direction of the profession into ever more expensive and destructive “cures” ?? when their eyes are opened to the reality of the forces allied against them.

All the more reason WHY we should dedicate our charitable donations to organizations that are focussed on EDUCATION and natural means of health promotion instead of the foundations of disease perpetuation (as I see them) with their “runs” or ribbon campaigns for this or that, when all they are doing is milking the public to increase the profits of drug companies.

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Sharon Logue
Sharon Logue
May 29, 2013 3:41 pm

I went to the Sigma Aldrich website ( I used a lot of Sigma products when I worked in clinical labs) and they sell this in 20 mg vials for $70.40, a five pack is $264.00. That’s about $3,500 for a gram. I wonder If Nick Hodge made a metric conversion mistake? or are these snails really that hard to farm? My garden snails love Sam Adams beer, maybe these little guys need some incentive to multiply. If you use a Ichimoku Cloud indicator that predicts 26 bars out, SBOTF will bounce back down to 0.56 cents by June 24. I’ll keep it on watch for awhile.

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👍 22347
September 29, 2013 10:21 pm

Different grades are different prices, but I also saw on another website that stellar sells it to sigma… thats the lowest prices ive found on the interest for it, and the highest price is 70,000 a gram. found 4 or 5 websites to get it from so far

May 29, 2013 3:48 pm

That is heavy. Thanks Travis

Jack Seals
Jack Seals
May 29, 2013 6:27 pm

A scientist with one of the algae companies recently used an algae to formulate a
way to use an algae substance as an injection carrier to inject a cancer cure
medicine. He claimed to be successful but stopped when several others were basically doing the same thing.

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john o'connor
May 29, 2013 6:33 pm

attention Bonnie Ember in which journal did you acquire the information that this snail has a pH of at least 8.5 and in which journal did you acquire the information that it takes an acidic pH for cancer to survive and thrive a normal pH in a perfectly balanced functioning human being is 7.35-7.45 with a bicarbonate used to buffer and keep check out of wack pH disorders whether they are respiratory or metabolic of at around 30-40 . no animal that i am aware of can sustain a abnormal low or high ph without longterm respiratory and metabolic internal adjustments taken over many years and how are there millions of people walking the street right now with medically controlled electrolytes with normal pH CAN you explain this and how did you get rid of your cancer while surviving a deadly alkalotic pH of 8.5 i certainly and i think the whole cancer community would like to know what ground breaking new way to be treated and cured is and how you survived an 8.5 pH HOW AND FOR HOW LONG AND BY WHAT MEANS AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REMAINING TISSUE AND CELLS THAT YOU HAVE CURED …………………………………………..

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May 31, 2013 2:08 pm
Reply to  john o'connor

Thank you, John O’Connor. I was wondering the same as you and would love to read the data supporting the given statements made by Bonnie.
As to the possibility of this item being worth the investment…there are a lot of “maybe’s” involved here, so I would probably do some more research, but am not feeling like it would be a good buy at this time.

June 7, 2013 12:23 pm
Reply to  john o'connor

The disease/cancer – acid environment connection was a Nobel prize discovery by Dr. Otto Warburg maybe 75 years ago.

Michael Keaton
May 29, 2013 8:57 pm

Pinnacle Digest has profiled Stellar as a featured company in the past! They still may be a featured company. I have personally met with the CEO at a conference in Nashville, TN at Vanderbilt University and am a shareholder.

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mike sanders
mike sanders
May 30, 2013 3:03 am

Hey John O’Connor no need to shout ask the question and wait for an answer, play nice this is a very friendly community.

May 30, 2013 12:06 pm

Also, this is the wrong venue to discuss health issues. Try the (so far pretty fallible) Dr. Gumshoe’s blog, or maybe Dr. Mercola’s.

👍 116
Jo Ramcha
May 30, 2013 7:18 pm

Just like martial arts, 200 shares for $160 in my IRA isn’t bad at all.
After all I was dumb enough to pay $1900 to buy Vantage Point prediction software, so this is cheap and fun and I love the comments.

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May 30, 2013 7:40 pm

Not Mercola. He’s a card-carrying quack. See:
So, unfortunately, is Dr. Oz — at least as seen on TV.

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October 25, 2013 11:02 am
Reply to  captschnuff

Captschnuff, I have no idea what your knowledge level is but yr suggestion that Dr Mercola is a Quack is definitely suspect as being motivated by the Pharmecuetical Industry, I have been for almost 40 years a Naturopathic self healer and if nothing else Dr Mercola alerts people about the harmful effects of modern medicine and I applaud him for that. It is true that he has products for sale but so what ?

Carl May
Carl May
May 31, 2013 9:10 pm

A limpet is not a snail of any sort. Yes, they are both mollusks. Did everyone sleep through general biology? Knowing taxonomic relationships among organisms (systematics) is key to chasing down potentially useful molecules in them. Anyway, nature originates the active agents in most medicines but efficient commercial exploitation usually depends on synthesizing the molecules once they are discovered.

June 1, 2013 6:14 pm

The powers that be will always try to destroy any cure for diseases like cancer, diabetes etc;
as there is too much money in the treatment. Its why they tried to destroy Dr Burzynski and his cure for cancer that has been shown to be very effective. Big Pharma wants everyone on 4-6 drugs to keep the profits coming. Almost as evil as Monsanto.

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👍 45
Myron Martin
August 12, 2013 10:29 am
Reply to  billharner

ALMOST? In terms of negative influence on society in general’s perception of reality and truth, try double, not that I would in any way endorse Monsanto. You are however right on the money when you imply the “powers that be” try to destroy anyone that would under-mine their profit machine managing disease instead of preventing them and putting them out of business. This is a cartel, in bed with, and endorsed by government.

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June 2, 2013 2:40 pm

Puleeze! Activate your common sense switch. Why in the world would big pharma pass up proven cures for the above conditions since, if such cures were found, they would mean even bigger profits for pharma? They simply haven’t been able yet to develop effective new cures yet, try as they might — even if not out of the goodness of their hearts then for their bottom lines. Such discoveries would be BIG. Also pls be advised that Burzynski is yet another certified scammer-quack. See and http://www.quackwatch.org01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Cancer/burzynski1.html

August 27, 2013 1:02 pm
Reply to  Per

Big pharma cannot charge for what is found in nature. They make money on chemical structures devised in laboratory settings that more often than not, provide small benefit to the consumer – if any at all. Speaking of common sense: shouldn’t we apply it when considering the likelyhood of the creator providing natural cures to not simply perpetually “treat illness”, but actually ‘cure it?

June 3, 2013 9:55 am

While everyone is entitled to “their opinion,” after reading the “quackwatch” post by “captschnuff” I am offended by the allegation that BOTH Dr. Mercola and Dr. Oz. are “card carrying quacks” based on what, their disagreeing with medical orthodoxy? it is clear to me that this is a highly biased medical propaganda vehicle intent on denigrating any competition. While I do not doubt that some quackery exists in the alternative medicine field, judged by the same standards as the medical establishment uses to define “quackery” among their competition, there is far MORE quackery in the medical field itself. They need to clean up their own act before pointing fingers at dissenters.

The simple truth is that there is no such thing as a 100% “safe drug” even aspirin kills hundreds of people every year, ALL drugs have side effects and are properly designated as “poisons” that are potentially harmful, sometimes taking years to manifest themselves.
With the fastest growing class of diseases being “IATROGENIC” (doctor caused) the medical profession has enough skeletons in their closet that they are ill qualified to pass judgement on other approaches to healing and health. At their best drugs merely alleviate symptoms and do NOT promote health, in fact they MASK problems that could be alleviated by a positive change from the destructive lifestyles practiced by the average consumer.
Dr. Mercola and Dr. Oz have attracted a following because they as medical profession “insiders” have seen the destructive results of medical practice and been willing to take a stand against unnecessary surgeries and the indiscriminate use of harmful drugs.
PER asks; WHY in the world would big pharma pass up proven cures” and the simple answer is, because they can’t patent and control natural remedies and therapies.

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👍 418
June 3, 2013 2:27 pm

Any one is of course free to follow any path he/she chooses — evidence-based or anecdote-based. Medicine is still an largely an “art.” Some things work in some people, some things don’t work in other people. Nothing is or ever will be “100% ‘safe'” and that includes the very phenomenon of being alive. No question that a healthy lifestyle is extremely important yet, when bad stuff happens, I prefer peer-reviewed science-based medicine. Others may prefer to consult the hit-or-miss-type naturopathic doctors of the Amazon or New Guinea rain forest persuasion, because SOMETIMES their treatments make the patients better. And of course, SOMETIMES their patients die.
Here are a few articles among many that obviously won’t change any made-up minds. They deserve some level-headed perusal by all persuasions.
(Summary of the lengthy New Yorker article above is here):

Etc. etc…

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July 23, 2013 12:41 pm
Reply to  Per

Holy Moley, what was that mike sanders said about this being a (friendly community) ???
gee tony, its just a stock tease. no need to go all political on the (community) have a nice day 🙂 .

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August 11, 2013 6:45 pm
Reply to  Per

Every two days in America there are approximately enough people who die due to iatrogenic diseases (doctor-induced disease) from PROPERLY PRESCRIBED pharmaceuticals to fill three jumbo jets. If there were that many people dying in jumbo jet crashes that often there would be a national uproar and hell to pay in Washington to do something about air traffic safety. But there isn’t merely because it’s happening in quiet wards in hospitals or in homes, spread all over the country, not spectacular conflagrations in front of crowds. And these are the ones that DIED, while far more survived to continue suffering the damage wrought by properly prescribed drugs. This doesn’t even include the damage done by MISTAKES made by allopathic practice. The public is told to believe that such damage is ‘the price of medicine.’ To me, it’s just gambling with your life and health.
I personally know some people who collected published papers in medical journals on the hazards of various aspects of modern medicine. It made a stack totaling over 40 feet high, and was still growing after about 6 months research when they stopped because it seemed endless, and clearly made the point. It also brought home an observation: a narrow knowledge is a dangerous thing. Allopathic treatments are almost completely symptom driven; it very often treats the symptom but harms the patient in other ways rather than correcting the underlying cause and promoting overall health of the patient. Even some of the diagnostic methods are harmful.
Allopathy knows virtually NOTHING about what it means to be healthy, and does pitifully little to find out. Most medical schools don’t even teach anything significant about nutrition—a few days. Doctors are so much influenced by pharmaceutical companies that they have effectively become drug pushers, not health promoters. Patients looking for the cause and cure of chronic disease are often just given prescriptions to ‘control’ the disease. A friend of mine had dizzy spells, the doctor zapped his thyroid, then prescribed thyroid drugs for the rest of his life. There are very effective alternative treatments to bring the thyroid back to healthy functioning.
Americans pay the most for ‘disease care’ in the world yet rank around 40th in the world in real health.
Don’t complain about doctors trying to inform the public about alternatives to such hazardous practices. There are some useless and even some harmful alternatives but there are also some incredibly beneficial alternatives that even defy the conventional ‘wisdom’ of modern medicine. Even chronic diseases CAN be cured. You just have to look for those with the best knowledge and time-tested treatments. Judge by the results, not the methods. That’s real science.

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Myron Martin
August 12, 2013 8:51 am
Reply to  Steve

WOW STEVE, great response, glad to know there are others out there who are in tune with reality. There is no reason that falsely called “medical science” (since it is NOT a science) should be held up as some kind of “standard” against which all other modalities are measured. On balance the medical profession probably does more harm than good. You are right, they like all others should be judged by RESULTS and compete in a free market on that basis. Nobody should be FORCED to accept their poisonous nostrums including inoculations yet more and more laws are being enacted to get universal coverage. Yes the medical professionals are indispensable in saving lives in cases of accident and some drugs may be justified temporarily in emergencies, but in terms of health you are correct in labelling their services “disease care” or as I have for decades described it, as “disease management” or “symptom suppression” not health production. Health results from a sensible and balanced lifestyle that includes pure air and water, regular exercise and most important balanced nutrition from natural foods, primarily foods and vegetables, FRESH meat in very limited quantities and likewise dairy, particularly if you do not have access to unpasteurized raw milk for cheese and yogurt. Milk promoted for its calcium is designed to produce a 1000 lb. plus animal, if you must drink milk then goats milk is a much better choice and much easier to digest, but there are other choices, almond milk being one very healthy choice to promote P.H. balance so essential to avoiding dis-ease. The whole “germ theory” of disease is badly flawed. We all have various bacteria, germs etc. in and on our bodies both good and bad and they are naturally kept in check when we eat a healthy diet. I view that whole “virus” hysteria as nonsense, when your body is properly nourished and your IMMUNE system is up to snuff then the body is able to prevent the proliferation of any of the viruses, germs etc. that are identified, they are in effect “nature’s garbage disposal crew” so AVOID the garbage in the first place and your body will prevent the out of control proliferation of the viruses, germs and bacteria that are a natural part of our environment.

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Myron Martin
August 12, 2013 10:40 am
Reply to  Per

DAH! This statement, “SOMETIMES their treatments make the patients better. And of course, SOMETIMES their patients die.” strikes me as ODD coming from a defender of the medical profession, surely it applies in spades to them equally. While I am not aware of any such statistics being available, I would BET that based on number of patients treated and patient deaths, the medical profession would have a far higher percentage than any other method of treatment, and growing worse. Even those statistics (if available) would be skewered by the fact that most people will not seek help outside the medical profession BEFORE their treat-ments have failed them, and in many cases further damaged their fragile immune systems.

November 18, 2013 12:52 pm
Reply to  Per

>>Here are a few articles among many that obviously won’t change any made-up minds.<<
Exactly, Per, so why waste your time? It's not worth the trouble.

anthony barbuto
anthony barbuto
June 19, 2013 9:41 am

I am SO tired of these Wunderkind stocks. One of the commenter s hit it on the head….”short term profits”……The stock is hyped by Nick and other con artists…we suckers buy it and once they make 1000% profit they sell. Thats how the short term profit is made and once the stock collapses,… you have certificates you can use on the bottom of your birds cage.
The market is fixed. The pigs who brought down the economy in 2008 all got gov’t jobs……we spent billions because GM and others were “too big to fail”….baloney…in 1900 Roosevelt ( Teddy) broke up the cartels and business people bought up the little companies and made fortunes. Same would happen if a giant collapsed….people would buy up machines and receivables on pennies on the dollar and life goes on.
There is NOT a level playing field. Warren Buffet goes and sees Bozo Obama, and the next day the talks about the oil pipeline bringing crude oil from ND is killed. The oil will now be carried by Burlington Northern RR, owned by………Warren Buffet.
My security is what I can bury in the ground and hide from Home Land Security when they start rounding up Americans and taking them to the concentration …ur sorry…detention camps,… that HS built.
Former Free American….now waiting for the hammer to fall……

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Charles Callen
Charles Callen
June 19, 2013 4:08 pm

So, would you call SBOTF a keeper ?

July 16, 2013 11:07 pm

I thought Otto Warburg said that cancer likes an environment low in oxygen.
He may have said it likes acid conditions too. I don’t know.

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