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“This Tiny, Unknown Biotech is About to Unleash Its ‘Holy Grail’ Drug”

Biotech Supertrader teases that "This May be the Most Radical Advance in Medicine in the Last 100 Years"

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, January 8, 2014

Robert Morris is helming a biotech-focused stock newsletter that’s called Biotech Supertrader (modesty has no place in the world of newsletter promotions, of course), and I’ve never covered this letter before so I thought I ought to have a look at the latest teaser we’ve been asked about.

Morris, incidentally, has been featured in our pages before — but that was back when he was editor of China Stock Insider at the same publisher. That letter, like almost all China-focused investment newsletters, seems to have disappeared quietly into that good night … which probably tells you that it’s time to invest in China again, since the newsletter publishers are ignoring the Middle Kingdom and rushing out their pitches about biotech and tech stocks. At the time, Morris was teasing NQ Mobile (NQ), which has turned out to be pretty good if you bought it down there in the $6-8 neighborhood (though it’s been a wild ride).

So now what’s he pitching for his Biotech Supertrader?

Well, the destruction of “Man’s deadliest disease”, of course. Here’s how the teaser gets our attention:

“This Tiny, Unknown Biotech is About to Unleash Its ‘Holy Grail’ Drug on Man’s Deadliest Disease

“Their ‘Guided Missile Approach’ Could Save Thousands of Lives Each Year

“It’s about to become the most talked about advancement in cancer treatment in our lifetimes and you can lock in a life-transforming fortune if you act quickly….

“I’m urging my subscribers to load up on this stock NOW….

“I’ve just uncovered a tiny, unknown biotechnology company with a new cancer drug in phase 3 clinical trials which is showing remarkable success at treating several types of cancer.

“Their scientists have found an innovative approach to cancer care which involves a breakthrough in treatment. It goes deep inside the inner workings of our cells.

“Plus, this medicine looks to be many times more effective and with fewer side effects than the chemo, radiation, and drug therapies currently available.”

If there’s one thing that investors know can make them rich and make them feel good about themselves and the world, it’s a cure for cancer — we’ve seen that effective cancer treatments can and do (occasionally) turn little biotech stocks into gigantic successes, so the dream lives on that you’re going to catch one of these lottery tickets and own the next Genentech. Will we be so lucky? Well, let’s see which one he’s pitching:

“When this drug wins FDA approval – which I believe it will – this small company’s $4.16 stock price will go straight to the moon.

“And the market for this drug is absolutely huge!

“You see, this small biotech is targeting its new drug, let’s call it ‘drug S’, at cancers of the blood and bone marrow. And it is already in very promising phase 3 trials for these two types of cancer.

“But here’s where it gets really interesting. It looks like the drug this company is developing will also work on other types of cancer!

“There are positive signs it works on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) too. There are 1.1 million people with this type of malignancy. Just in the United States alone there are over 300,000 patients with this disease according to The American Cancer Society. Each desperate for a cure.

“Plus it looks like ‘drug S’ may turn out to be an effective treatment for ovarian Cancer. There are more than 204,000 new cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed worldwide each year with 22,280 of these in the United States according to the National Cancer Institute estimates.”

So … who is it? Thinkolator sez this is Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals (CYCC)

Cyclacel is indeed a little biotech around $4 (it closed at $4.35 yesterday), with a market capitalization of only about $80 million — so be careful, we’re a big enough group here that if just a small percentage of Stock Gumshoe readers got enthused about this stock it could drive the shares up, less than a million dollars worth of shares trade each day (Biotech Supertrader says they limited their readership to 750 people — I don’t know if that’s still their cap or if they’ve hit it, but we’ll have more folks than that reading this free article).

And like many biotech stocks, it’s got some impressive scientists and it’s been losing money for a long time as they’ve been searching for a viable drug (their current lead drug also was a big focus of theirs back when it was in Phase 1 trials five or more years ago, so that’s a good reminder of the time these things take, it’s just starting Phase 3 trials now). It looks like they must have gone public in 2004, when they were about eight years old, and a quick scan of ten years of their financials over at Morningstar indicates that they’ve never generated more than a token amount of revenue (meaning, they’ve probably had some research collaboration payments or partnership funding, but never got a product to market), and have accumulated more than $250 million in losses to date. And had two reverse splits to keep the price from sinking far into penny territory.

So that’s not unusual, but it means that — as with all developmental-stage biotechs — it’s not about the financials or the fundamentals, it’s about what’s going to happen in their clinical trials and whether things are going well enough that they can continue to finance the trials … which get much more expensive as you progress through Phase 2 and Phase 3.

All I know about them so far is that they say they’ve got enough cash to get through enrollment in their key Phase 3 study for “drug S” (which is sapacitabine) as of September when they last updated their investor presentation, but I know nothing about the science or the competing cancer drugs that are out there or how fabulous this particular one might be, so I asked our favorite medical writer, Doc Gumshoe (who, yes, is not a doctor) to check them out quickly and chime in. Here’s what he could share after looking into them for a few minutes (he’s just looking at the medical stuff, not so much the “investor presentations”):

    Cyclacel’s Prospects

    Cyclacel has three drugs in development at this time, and is involved in eight clinical trials with these drugs, not including two clinical trials that have been terminated. Their top contender is sapacitabine which targets the division of cancer cells. If you can prevent cancer cells from dividing and reproducing, you have the cancer whipped, so targeting cancer cell division (or mitosis, which is the technical term) is a highly promising avenue for treating cancer. However, we need to take note of the fact that sapacitabine is one of a large number of drugs that propose to fight cancer by this method.

    At present, all eight of Cyclacel’s clinical trials involve sapacitabine. Of these, at least one has been completed – a Phase 1 study of the safety and pharmacology of the drug. Four others are current, with no information about results. These are likely Phase 1 or small Phase 2 studies, to assess safety, determine what a correct dose might be, and evaluate whether the drug does what it’s supposed to do in human subjects with the target diseases, which in this case include acute myeloid leukemia (AML), cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and some advanced solid tumors. Prior to the clinical trials, sapacitabine has demonstrated impressive results in delaying the spread of metastatic liver cancers in mice.

    From what I can gather from public sources (i.e., the NIH Clinical Trials Registry), there is one Phase 3 trial, which started recruiting patients in February of 2013 and is expected to be completed in late 2015. The trial is in elderly patients with AML, and compares alternating cycles of sapacitabine and decitabine with decitabine alone. Decitabine (Dacogen) is FDA-approved for treating AML and also targets cancer cells’ replication by attacking their DNA.

    It is possible that the Phase 3 trial by itself could lead to FDA approval for sapacitabine, depending on the strength of the results. However, that trial would not get the drug approved for use as monotherapy, since it is not being investigated as monotherapy. My guess is that Cyclacel is planning more trials of sapacitabine as monotherapy, perhaps in younger patients. And my further guess is that FDA approval is still quite a long way off.

    Sapacitabine is also in a Phase 3 trial with cyclophosphamide and rituximab for the treatment of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Cyclophosphamide (marketed under several trade names) is a well-established chemotherapy agent used in a number of cancers, and has led to remission in many cases; however, it is associated with truly harrowing adverse effects. Rituximab (Rituxan, Genentech) is used not only in cancers but in some autoimmune diseases. And sapacitabine is also being studied in patients with previously-treated non-small-cell lung cancers.

    Although the piece from Biotech Supertrader said that the drug – identified as “drug S” –is also a promising treatment for ovarian cancer, I find no clue that it is being studied in such patients. [ed note: that’s because that “promise” is in the lab still, not in people — they had a press release about this in the Fall, “75% of Ovarian Cancer Patient Samples Highly Sensitive to Sapacitabine”, not studied in patients but on patient samples]

    Cyclacel has two other drugs in development: selicilib and a drug designated as CYC116. One selicilib study has been terminated, and in a second Phase 1 study, selicilib is used with sapacitabine in patients with advanced solid tumors. Remember, however, that Phase 1 studies are many rungs of the ladder below what’s needed to gain FDA approval.

    CYC116 is an aurora kinase inhibitor, meaning that it blocks the action of an intracellular enzyme that facilitates cancer cell mitosis. This is a promising avenue of cancer treatment, however, the traffic on this avenue is fairly heavy, and includes several other classes of drugs including tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and taxol based agents such as paclitaxel (Taxol, Bristol Myers Squibb); docetaxel (Taxotere, Sanofi-Aventis), Abraxane (a newer formulation of paclitaxel from Celgene) and others.

    CYC116 supposedly also inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which induces the growth of blood vessels that nourish cancer cells. Inhibiting VEGF is a well-established means of combating cancer, and CYC116 could hardly be characterized as a radically new departure in cancer treatment.

    The one trial involving this agent has been terminated. That, of course, does not mean that development of CYC116 stops dead in its tracks – there are many reasons why a trial can be terminated, and ours is not to speculate without more information.

    Beyond those three drugs, it’s hard to guess what Cyclacel may have up its corporate sleeve. It is certainly true that a successful cancer drug – even if only moderately successful– can be transformational for the biotech that develops the drug. But the drugs that Cyclacel has under development do not appear to this skeptical observer to be radically new departures in cancer treatment.

    It’s important to remember, when trying to estimate the likelihood of a single drug demonstrating sufficient efficacy and safety to gain FDA approval and market share, that the competitive field is vast. As I mentioned earlier, Cyclacel has a total of 8 clinical trials in process at this time.

    For the sake of perspective, it’s worth knowing that at present there are 41,445 cancer trials being conducted. So those are the odds.

So there you have it — it’s almost impossible to find a development-stage biotech whose financials look great or that makes your heart go pit-a-pat over their valuation, especially in a biotech bull market like we’ve seen over the past year or so, and Cyclacel doesn’t jump out as spectacular on that front either, not unless you’re a big believer in the promise of their specific drug. They’re a small stock and they don’t get much attention, other than from the analysts who probably helped them sell shares in secondary offerings in recent years, and there aren’t any major “skin in the game” insiders as far as I can tell (the CEO owns $1 million worth of shares, but he gets paid more than that every year), and there’s only one really focused owner on the institutional side that seems to have any kind of biotech focus (Eastern Capital owns about 7% of the shares, roughly $5 million worth … don’t know much about them).

So I don’t see a lot to make them stand out other than Robert Morris’ apparent enthusiasm for the shares (which certainly goes over the top, he calls his special report “The End of Cancer Worries Forever“), and I don’t know enough about the science to be a believer (though, to be fair, I almost never speculate on developmental biotechs because they’re so hit-driven and I’m not smart enough to be a hit-picker in the sector). It is at least encouraging that they are enrolling patients for Phase 3, and that they probably won’t have to raise more money before they have some indication of how the trial is going, but sometime in the next year or two they’re probably going to have to either get good results from this trial that let them raise cash at a good price, or have promising enough results that some big pharma company wants to jump in and help fund development of “drug S” (or just buy up the whole company, as happens with some regularity when a little biotech gets promising results).

Oh, and they are presenting at an investor conference next week, so maybe they’ll have something interesting to share then. As you can tell, this one doesn’t jump into my cup of tea … but these kinds of stocks almost never do. Sound interesting to you? Interested in the science or the lottery-ticket possibilities of $80-million developmental biotechs? Have any experience with Robert Morris or know whether or not we should consider him a biotech savant? Let us know with a comment below.

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Alan Harris
Alan Harris
February 22, 2014 8:42 pm

Ok, I get it. Weve hit that point where we are all just waiting for some Beni news and everyones getting playful while we’re waiting. Well, talking of that ticker POOH try this. And yes it is a real product.

Randy Trier
February 22, 2014 10:36 pm
Reply to  Alan Harris

Awsome Allen!!!

February 22, 2014 9:02 pm

In his reply at #651, Dr KSS referenced the ASX inquiry to Benitec regarding the trading volume. The inquiry and answer is posted on the Benitec website.

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👍 644
February 22, 2014 9:03 pm

Karma Swim Swami,
I have been inspired (to deeper thinking and sharper reasoning) as I read your perspicacious assessments of these biotech companies. Your astuteness in integrating the basic science, the research design, the potential usefulness or dangers of the intended products, and the social/financial likelihood of product success is enlightening. As others have noted, your explanations of recent thinking about the human condition and maladies of concern to many of us, has been more than interesting, it has been useful.
However, what most impresses me most is your passion for truth, your zeal to expose misinformation, bad science, and those inhabiting sneaky sinecures while masquerading as hot research companies. Your work to set things straight resonates with my experience.
As a psychiatrist for more than thirty years, I have seen a plethora of eagerly anticipated new cures, research from prestigious centers that is polluted by pharma money (eventually discredited), allegedly revolutionary approaches that will be a emotional/behavioral panacea, and the fierce battles waged by opposing orthodoxies as they struggle to preserve turf. Ferreting out enduring and useful truths is an ongoing battle.
Thank you for your generosity; being willing to share your intellectual largess and your steadfast labor has been a gift.

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👍 62
February 22, 2014 9:09 pm

Travis; what happens when we get to post #999? Is it going to roll over to #1 or can it continue with 4 digits?

👍 644
February 22, 2014 9:49 pm

Hey KSS, why don’t you join our forum on Hotcopper? You have the advantage of making seperate threads under different headings to tease out different aspects of BLT and to interact directly with a group of largely intelligent, informed investors who have been researching and posting about Benitec for years? We also tend to stay on topic! We’d love to welcome you there.

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Subramania Kaushik
Subramania Kaushik
February 22, 2014 10:10 pm
Reply to  Dank

Dank, I just came across Hotcopper today. I do see lot of discussion about Benitec. Anything informative is always good. Good to know people from down under are following Stock Gumshoe and this thread in particular.

Dr. KSS is our wikipedia when it comes to Benitec or any other biotech stocks! 🙂

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👍 673
February 22, 2014 10:26 pm

Hot Copper has some great posters and I hope more such as yourself Subramania and also Dr KSS pop in from time to time. The welcome mat has been shampooed, deodorized and now rolled out for you :>

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February 22, 2014 10:38 pm
Reply to  Dank

I just tried the Hotcopper site and it practically killed my browser [Firefox] there are so many ads on it. Nice conversation though.

👍 37
Randy Trier
February 22, 2014 10:44 pm
Reply to  Dank

Dank: Hotcopper has been a most informative read of all past posts. Whish i had been there when CSIRO discovered this technology. Have been following their NGARA wifi tech and hope to see some commercialization soon. That is one kick ass organization

Randy Trier
February 22, 2014 10:51 pm
Reply to  Randy Trier


February 22, 2014 10:23 pm

In my opinion, the recent BLT/BNIKF run is a combination of word getting out to a broader crowd from this thread (many many thanks to Dr KSS ) plus a technical breakout. Anybody looking at the chart of Benitec a couple of days back would know that a big breakout was coming as it was constantly setting 52 week highs. There is also a cyclical reference to ASX and OTCMKTS that is causing the stocks to move up higher PLUS the trading difficulties on OTCMKTS are causing this spike. It must chill down for the goodness of the stock. It will settle down at 1.25 range in the next 2 weeks. I like stocks that move on a stealth mode rather than getting onto manipulators like thestreet and seekaingalpha but I also realize this will not be under the radar for many days. It will be manipulated up and down many times and the best way to play in my mind is to have 60% of BNKIF as a long term hold and play the remaining 40% as trades. I have also emailed a Noble financial analyst about this stock to cover this stock.

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👍 4
February 22, 2014 10:29 pm
Reply to  sivapann

Siva; Thank you,I think you show wisdom in this.

👍 7797
Subramania Kaushik
Subramania Kaushik
February 22, 2014 10:45 pm
Reply to  arch1

Well to add to what Siva just mentioned, Benitec is sitting at only a MC of 140m which is still grossly undervalued based on the sheer patents and the potential this company has. There has been no price manipulation in my opinion on the OTC markets just yet since the supply has been scarce. People are getting to know the stock and the low supply ofcourse demands a premium. That said even at $2 we are looking at 170m MC. I am not saying it will be $2 tomorrow but i am not sure about $1.25 either. I know we all want to load the truck if it comes down to $1.25 or so. It might pullback which will be followed by heavy buying which will push the price above $2. Dozing of the 1st patient will be the next bullish signal and i expect some wild moments. I am not a trader, and i am buying more on dips!

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👍 673
February 22, 2014 11:00 pm

If I may add; After proof of effectiveness of discovery , next may come problems in consistent production, to be followed by apt/inept marketing & acceptance of market. Each stage has its own risk and opportunity. Speculation/manipulation, Hype can derail normal progression and delay at any stage.

👍 7797
Subramania Kaushik
Subramania Kaushik
February 22, 2014 11:08 pm
Reply to  arch1

yep, which is the case for all clinical stage biotech companies! smart management plans things in advance and i hope Benitec gets it right!

👍 673
February 23, 2014 12:26 am
Reply to  arch1

I mean as a general cautionary that I think applies to all companies ,not just bio-tec .I also hope Benitec gets it right for help it promises patients as well as some financial reward. Please do not doubt that I think this shows great promise. Don’t be easily panicked in reaction to price fluctuations.

👍 7797
Alan Harris
Alan Harris
February 23, 2014 7:16 am
Reply to  arch1

Agreed but…..I think its more than likely Benitec will not attempt the manufacture etc. Expect a licencing announcement.

February 22, 2014 11:17 pm

I like the way you are thinking on this.Sold out of one of my stock position’s to free up money for any pullbacks on our beloved Benitec.Will not be giving up any of my shares any time soon.Subramania how soon do you think first dosing will take place?I wish they could get off the pink sheets and least get to the OTC.Will have to have patience to watch this play out for sure.

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👍 6779
Subramania Kaushik
Subramania Kaushik
February 22, 2014 11:26 pm
Reply to  newby3867

$BNIKF anticipated piggback Feb 28th!

Glenn: Based on the company news i expect before March 15th followed by an announcement. Benitec has been pretty good in keep all investors informed of any progress or activities!

👍 673
February 23, 2014 12:39 pm
Reply to  sivapann

The seeking alpha author has submitted the article to SA. Chances are it will get published by next week.

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👍 4
February 23, 2014 1:27 pm
Reply to  sivapann

Siva – – I assume you are referring to BNIKF in the “upcoming” article? Can you share who the author is?

Subramania Kaushik
Subramania Kaushik
February 23, 2014 1:45 pm
Reply to  KennyG

Yes Benitec(BNIKF) articles has been submitted and the SA author goes by couple of names!
Long Term Bio & Biotech Pick List!

👍 673
February 23, 2014 2:38 pm

Great. Thanks for info. I follow both of those authors but never knew it was one and the same.

David B
February 23, 2014 4:48 pm

Ah, I like him. That will provide another catalyst.

David B
February 23, 2014 4:51 pm
Reply to  sivapann

Great advice Siva.

February 22, 2014 11:40 pm

Thanks Subramania,this means they could be uplisted to OTC or there after i suppose.This would be great.I know this sounds selfish but I hope we do not loose the great Doctor to the Hotcopper board.I mean the guy is making such a huge sacrifice doing what he is doing here.I have learned more here on this thread in my 30 years of investing than any other message board on the net by far.

👍 6779
February 23, 2014 6:50 am
Reply to  newby3867

No reason the good Doctor could not post in 2 places? Certainly don’t want to take him off here!

Alan Harris
Alan Harris
February 23, 2014 7:12 am
Reply to  Dank

If the good Dr posted on both, it would take twice as much of his time, so he’d have 1/2 as much time to do research and we’d all be the losers. Also, as for ”staying on topic”; all work and no play make Jack a dull boy.
I looked at HC. Good content but horrible presentation….I prefer this friendly little group. GLA

February 23, 2014 12:43 am

Frank that is a great point you brought out.We as investors seem to forget sometimes what medicine can do for mankind also when we are involved with our investments.Cheers,Glenn

👍 6779
February 23, 2014 12:56 am
Reply to  newby3867

Thank you Glenn; Commerce produces many “goods” as well as some “bads”. I think it ethical to support “goods”. Cheers to you.

👍 7797
The Croc
The Croc
February 23, 2014 2:34 am

Hello Dr KSS
Many thanks for your top posts on Benitec. Wonderful reviews. I noticed from your comments that you may have a strong interest in Liver function and scarring tissue? Over hear in Aussie we have a listed company that has recently received a US Patent for the treatment of surgical adhesions via midkine targeting by nucleotide based drugs. The company is called Cellmid (CDY) (disclosure – long CDY).

If you can make many comment on the future price direction of this other Aussie company that also holds a world majority of patents (in Midkine) – it would be greatly appreciated? This could be another aussie gem?

Cheers from Australia.

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February 23, 2014 4:15 am

Guys I need some help on this.Doing some late night research on Benitec’s partners.Came across Bio-Matrix Scientific Group(BMSN) which REGEN(RGN) is a subsidary of BMSN.REGEN is on BENITEC’S pipeline for cancer treatments and their Dcellvax cancer vaccine was mentioned twice in a presentation by Benitec’s CEO at JP Morgans Healthcare in San Francisco held this past Jan.13-15.REGEN and Benitec are also partnering for trials of Hemaxellerate and Dcellvax.RGEN is currently selling for 16.00 a share with a deep pipeline.Here is the story,BMSN announced in January of this year they are spinning off REGEN to shareholders as a stock dividend.For every 140 shares of BMSN you would get 1 share of REGEN stock.BMSN is currently selling at (.0019) with alot of dilution.Record of date has not been set yet.I would think BMSN would run on this sooner or later.REGEN looks like a real promising company that is tied with our beloved Benitec.Help me out people.It is late at night but this looks like a no brainer if you like Benitec’s prospects.Thanks,Glenn

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👍 6779
February 23, 2014 4:52 am

Okay I told you it was late. I got REGEN Biopharma mixed up with another stock symbol.REGEN Biopharma is the subsidary of BMSN and sells for nothing yet.(DUH)Every thing else is correct on post above except for the 16.00 share price.This spinoff should be a real positive you would think.You could get alot of shares of REGEN by buying BMSN shares which are very cheap.Sorry for mistake on previous post.

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👍 6779
Subramania Kaushik
Subramania Kaushik
February 23, 2014 12:47 pm
Reply to  newby3867

Glenn, I have checked long back on Regen Bio and it is wholly owned by BMSN. Not sure though as it is at .002 cents. Only UniQure which has licensed ddRNAi from Benitec for cure of Huntington’s Disease came public at $17 a share early this month. i believe and is trading in that price range now.

👍 673
February 23, 2014 1:24 pm

Thank’s Subramania for taking a look on this one.BMSN is actually selling for .0019 cents.My question is this maybe worth a investment since Benitecs CEO mentioned Regen Bio’s cancer vaccine twice in his presentation in Jan.13-15 in San Francisco.You could get a whole lot of shares cheap and get the spinoff of Regen Bio.For every 140 shares of BMSN you would get 1 share of Regen Bio.I would not think they are not viable with Benitec’s Ceo mentioning them twice on the cancer vaccine in presentation.

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👍 6779
Subramania Kaushik
Subramania Kaushik
February 23, 2014 1:46 pm
Reply to  newby3867

Glenn, how did you arrive at 1 share of Regen for every 140 BMSN held? 🙂

👍 673
February 23, 2014 1:58 pm

Here is a link to the SEC filing:

“Plan of Distribution” section talks about 1:140 dividend ratio.

Anyone dig up any info on the Record Date?

Any opinions as to whether this is worth looking at?

👍 338
February 23, 2014 3:57 pm

Subramania this was announced last October by the company.Record of date has not been set but could come any day now.If you go to Benitec’s message board on Investorhub there is alot of talk about this.Let me know what you think.Thanks,Glenn

👍 6779
February 23, 2014 4:38 pm
Reply to  newby3867

I would be a little wary of Regen. They told shareholders that they would submit an IND for this drug late last year. Any company that either deliberately deceives their shareholders or does not realise that they have to do the required toxicology test requested from the FDA and also does not know that they have to go through the RAC first, is to be avoided. I’m not saying they won’t do well eventually, and all biotech tend to stretch the truth when it comes to timelines, but just something to be aware of.

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February 23, 2014 8:55 am

Another day, will try to be more civil. This is the discussion I was trying to start yesterday.
The inescapable conclusion of what has been witnessed here is that Dr KSS singlehandedly introduced BNIKF to the American market on this thread. The Australian market catching fire and the rapid stock appreciation was also started, I believe, by this catalyst, the increased volume and share price here. Of course as DR KSS has said this was all overdue and bound to happen but Dr KSS started it. I think the word and excitement will expand and continue.

That is just incredible. As others I think we will see price fluctuations but as more and more people discover this company’s potential we will certainly see much greater appreciation in share price/market cap.

Do we get to vote on the idea of the month?

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👍 28
Lou L
Lou L
February 23, 2014 10:38 am
Reply to  yoyo

To be prudent on investment is one thing, to insinuate on other’s intention/integrity is another. I am glad you choose to stay the course of investment.

Joseph Rotondi
Joseph Rotondi
February 23, 2014 4:31 pm
Reply to  yoyo

Didn’t you say a few weeks ago that we shouldn’t trust Dr.KSS and that Benitec was a penny stock that we should avoid at all costs? Ouch.

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February 23, 2014 1:31 pm

Travis & All Members. I would like to suggest that SG investigate the possibility of taking this thread in it’s entirety. and transferring it into an Irregulars Forum which could be titled “Irregular Bio-Tech Forum” As such there could be many benefits. Like other forums I enjoy, the organizational structure is much better with obvious thread continuity. It would allow loading the page with only current comments and access to all old comments. It would be a privilege for all Irregular members and create growth for SG. An asterisk could be placed on all subjects that are commented by Dr. KSS, Traviis, and certain others. An administrator could easily monitor and approve comments to keep us on focus and make sure the comments are not abusive. Some forums offer status references (names) that signify term of membership, comments made, special significance, etc. I could go on, however you get the jest of the possibilities. I know I would very much enjoy it and it brings resolution to this tread in a positive way. I look forward to any comments.

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👍 117
Alan Harris
Alan Harris
February 23, 2014 1:39 pm
Reply to  Warner

I think youve got it wrong. This thread has acted as a great show case for GS. I wonder how many new Irregs there are as a result. Still something has to be done. I had hoped KSS would take up Travis’s offer of a regular column. While KSS seemed up for it, nothing has happened yet.

February 23, 2014 1:50 pm
Reply to  Alan Harris

I agree that this thread is a great showcase for SG. I am just suggesting the forum as a means of permanent process going forward.

👍 117
Alan Harris
Alan Harris
February 23, 2014 2:06 pm
Reply to  Warner

I hear what your saying, but had this thread been on the Irregs, It couldnt have sold a single new Irregs membership. Perhaps the solution is to leave the past on free GS with a note saying ……continued on Irregs @ $49 membership ? Win Win.

February 23, 2014 2:56 pm
Reply to  Alan Harris

Good idea Alan. I would make it into a win-win-win by requesting that those of us all that are benefiting by all this make a contribution to Dr.KSS’s favorite charity. Afterall, it is through his pain staking efforts that are making this rewarding for us – both financially and intellectually.

February 23, 2014 3:28 pm
Reply to  Alan Harris

As this site becomes more public, I think perhaps time sensitive info should first be put on the irregulars site.

👍 12
Alan Harris
Alan Harris
February 23, 2014 4:11 pm
Reply to  Alan Harris

maybe this calls for a vote guys. Time sensitive info to irregs Yes or No.

February 23, 2014 1:58 pm

All, I’ve received an email from the Wall Street Daily today and being a company from down under, I was wondering whether Dr. KSS and her Aussie accountant friend had heard of it? Or perhaps Dank and his friends on Hotcopper? They do not seem link with ddRNAi with Benitec but thought I would throw it out there as they are supposedly working hard at Alzheimer’s and others. The company is Prana Biotechnology (PRAN).
PS: Thank you Dr KSS for all your hard work on our behalf and to all: sorry for the long thread.

Prana Biotechnology (PRAN) – a small Australian firm that develops drugs for neurological disorders. Its primary focus is on the most deadly diseases – Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s.

I first covered Prana on August 28, 2013, when the stock was trading at $4.83. By late January, shares had surged to a high of $13.29. That’s a 175% gain. Since then, however, it’s dropped back to the $8 level.
So what gives? Is the stock still a viable investment? If you’ve followed Prana recently, you’ll know that the stock has experienced quite a roller coaster ride… I’d still like to explain these wild mood swings to you…
Mood Swing #1: When biotech firms are approaching clinical trial results, traders like to buy into the speculation of successful results. The buildup to that 175% gain came in anticipation of the company’s trial results for PBT2 – its drug therapy for Huntington’s Disease. (The results came out this Tuesday – more on that in a moment.)

Mood Swing #2: Prana’s share price tumbled on heavy selling volume. Why were investors selling? Because those same traders buying into the trial results dumped their shares before the actual announcement to get a quick gain without the risk from a potential negative result.

Mood Swing #3: Prana shares did an immediate 180-degree turn and bounced back into double-digit territory. This Tuesday, Prana reported that PBT2 had met its primary safety and tolerability endpoint. It also reported that PBT2 met its secondary endpoint. The formula showed significant statistical improvements in cognitive functionality. Preliminary evidence also suggests that PBT2 reduced atrophy tissue in the areas of the brain affected by Huntington’s. A stellar 95% of the patients who started the study ended up finishing it.

Mood Swing #4: Prana’s stock then tanked on fears that PBT2 didn’t show significant enough improvement in restoring cognitive function over its placebo.

And that’s where we stand today. So, what next?

The Holy Grail of Catalysts
Prana is chasing arguably the biggest prize in pharma – a cure for Alzheimer’s. After all, Alzheimer’s is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States. It’s also the leading cause of dementia, and costs $5.3 billion in treatment costs for the 5.2 million people who are affected.

Currently, there are only five approved drugs for treating Alzheimer’s – Galantamine, Memantine, Donepezil, Rivastigmine and Tacrine. But these drugs are barely effective, acting more like “stop-gap” measures by only mildly slowing the progression of the disease.
With no new drugs approved since 2003, it’s safe to say that Alzheimer’s victims and their families are begging for a new drug.

And Prana is answering their pleas with the same PBT2 compound that just reported Huntington’s disease trials.

Why Next Month is Crucial:
PBT2 has already been studied extensively in pre-clinical testing, as well as Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials. Pre-clinical testing showed that PBT2 rapidly improves cognition in mice with Alzheimer’s.

In 2007, Prana met primary safety and tolerability goals in its Phase 2 trial of PBT2, along with several secondary endpoints. And 81% of patients showed significantly improved cognitive function than the best-performing patient on the placebo.

Today, PBT2 for Alzheimer’s is running through “The IMAGINE Trial” – a 12-month, double-blind, placebo Phase 2 study involving 42 patients with mild Alzheimer’s. The study is designed to assess the effect of PBT2 on brain activity. It’ll also evaluate PBT2’s effect on cognition.

The last patient finished dosing at the end of November, with results expected next month. Analysts from The NeuroTherapeutics Research Institute (NTRI), who are close to the IMAGINE trial, have made estimates for probable March outcomes…

Best Outcome (200% Likelihood): Phase 2 IMAGINE trial results are a home run, with massive improvements in cognitive scores and physiological data. PBT2 proceeds to Phase 3 trials. The stock’s market valuation hits $2 billion or more.

Intermediate Outcome (60% Likelihood): The trial results show positive imaging and physiological data without a measurable improvement in cognition. PBT2 proceeds to Phase 3 trials. The stock’s market valuation reaches $782 million or slightly higher.

Disaster Outcome (20% Likelihood): The trial results show no measurable change in physiology or neuropsychological testing. Game over. PBT2 becomes worthless. In other words, according to NTRI’s analysis, there’s an 80% chance that PBT2 will move on to Phase 3 trials – which would significantly boost Prana shares again.

But if that doesn’t convince you, maybe this will… A Multi-Billion-Dollar Alzheimer’s Opportunity. Healthcare market research group, Decision Resources, projects that global sales for Alzheimer’s drugs will triple to $18.5 billion by 2020.

Much of that gain will come from new Alzheimer’s drug breakthroughs. So any successful new drug coming to market would have immediate and massive adoption. If that’s PBT2, Prana’s sales would catapult from the $4.75 million it notched over the past year into billions of dollars.

As it stands, Merck (MRK), Eli Lilly (LLY) and privately held TauRx also have Alzheimer’s drug candidates. But what makes me so sure that PBT2 will go from “candidate” to “approved drug?”

Well, the FDA has given its guidance on what’s required for a new Alzheimer’s drug to be approved…

It demands a cognitive or functional benefit for a new drug, but also acknowledges that the goal is to develop drugs that stall the development of dementia. Benchmarks that PBT2 has already hit in previous trials.

As for Prana’s stock, keep in mind that it’s still volatile and will continue its mazy runs higher and lower. If you can tolerate that, consider any weakness as a great buying opportunity before the PBT2 Phase 2 Alzheimer’s trial results are announced next month.

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Alan Harris
Alan Harris
February 23, 2014 2:27 pm
Reply to  Frenchy

Id guess only KSS is going to judge their science.

February 23, 2014 2:28 pm
Reply to  Frenchy

As someone who used to develop an Alz drug for a living, they are VERY high risk and high reward. The current problems are: 1) Find the patient in time (early diagnosis is very difficult and expensive) and 2) Hit the right target. #1 is just starting to come along. #2 is guesswork: we know some targets require VERY early intervention to have any effect (a-beta) while some others (tau) might allow for a bit later (but still very early) intervention to work. There are some other proposed targets. The new monoclonal antibody study just starting in south america on familial Alz will tell us something… in years.
These are also extremely expensive trials.. Alz patients are the most expensive patients I have seen.
Also, there are many many more companies working one Alz drugs and vaccines than what you have listed.

February 23, 2014 2:19 pm

Prana has nothing to do with me and I’m not invested in it. Their theory of metal build up in the brain causing Alzheimers is not proven IMO.

February 23, 2014 3:15 pm

To French and others: I would never invest in Prana. The idea of metal build-up in the brain as a cause of Alzheimer’s, in addition to probably being deep nonsense, is also a narrative that has been around since the lava began to cool. In the 80’s it was aluminium. Yes, absolute certainty it was Al! Years pass and soon it is another metal. Copper. Iron. I have seen these stories come, infatuate people and then collapse. Just watch, Before this notion is exhausted, we will hear of strontium and arsenic and molybdenum and cadmium all being “definitely” fingered. It is nonsense. Metal accumulates in an injured brain just as it does in an injured liver. It is not the cause and thus offers no cure. Anti-tau monoclonals and BACE inhibitors for Alzheimer dementia are promising. Alzheimer trials are bloody expensive, highly fraught with placebo effects. Current therapies are nothing exceptional, but the biochem of the problem is deeply complex and will not lend itself to easy felling by any strategy I see in development. An Australian analyst I know (but do not necessarily respect) who has followed Prana for years recently got totally out of it, and I regard that as wise. I am not sure whether Prana actually BELIEVES the metal nonsense or is awash in a cognitive labyrinth that it itself has manufactured. I reviewed Prana in 2011 and felt it was best kept at arm’s length and still feel that way,

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Jim t.
Jim t.
February 23, 2014 3:23 pm

Re: post # 734
In it Frenchy says ” whether Dr. KSS and HER Aussie accountant ” (capitals mine). This got me thinking … we have all just assumed the good Dr. is male. Reminds me of the old conundrum involving the man who brings his son to the hospital and the doctor says ‘I can’t operate on this boy, he’s my son.’ Of course the answer is the doctor is a woman.
It does not matter one tiny bit whether the good Dr. is male, female, Martian, or robotic – the information offered has helped many. Peace.

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February 23, 2014 4:08 pm

Jerald thanks for the link on SEC filing.I am thinking this may be a good investment to get in before record of date is set.I believe BMSN will run after announcement.Doctor Kss,others would you be kind enough to give opinions on this?Thanks,Glenn

👍 6779
Randy Trier
February 23, 2014 4:15 pm
Reply to  newby3867

I’m thinking of getting in as well.

February 23, 2014 4:23 pm
Reply to  Randy Trier

Really!!?? Has anyone looked at their financials….or lack thereof? And it trades 50million shares A DAY. Last quote was .0019. Good luck…not for me.

Randy Trier
February 23, 2014 4:54 pm
Reply to  KennyG

Scary yes. The flip side is ground floor seats to a Benitec licensee stock show!

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David B
February 23, 2014 5:01 pm

Let’s just chill out a bit guys and gals re. making huge decisions about changing the thread to Irregulars, jumping to conclusions that this thread is a huge mover for BNIKF shares etc… Things are going well and “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” is great folk wisdom. Also, let’s not overstate our importance. If BNIKF is as good as we think it will be then it was going to make a big move eventually. Let’s count our lucky stars that we got in early.

Jeff MC
February 23, 2014 5:25 pm

Hello…has anyone seen this?

Thought it o be interesting! Any thoughts?

February 23, 2014 5:30 pm
Reply to  Jeff MC

Very interesting! Look term it should be great for the company moving forward. Plus the recognition it will be bringing. But short term it may cause some dilution of the stock. But since we are all in for the long term it seems to me to be good news? Other opinions?

Thanks for posting this

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February 23, 2014 5:48 pm
Reply to  KennyG

The part the I don’t like is for options that expire in 5 years at a price of AUD $1.26. Would seem kinda low to my liking. Would have hoped they could have gotten better terms for the cash.

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Subramania Kaushik
Subramania Kaushik
February 23, 2014 5:59 pm
Reply to  KennyG

well dilution is not for existing shareholders, but this will help benitec big time to accelerate the pipeline and programs!

I like the US investors which include Sabby Management, RA Capital Management, Perceptive Advisors and few more!

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👍 673
February 24, 2014 8:07 am
Reply to  Jeff MC

thanks for the tip

👍 1097

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