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“This Tiny, Unknown Biotech is About to Unleash Its ‘Holy Grail’ Drug”

Biotech Supertrader teases that "This May be the Most Radical Advance in Medicine in the Last 100 Years"

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, January 8, 2014

Robert Morris is helming a biotech-focused stock newsletter that’s called Biotech Supertrader (modesty has no place in the world of newsletter promotions, of course), and I’ve never covered this letter before so I thought I ought to have a look at the latest teaser we’ve been asked about.

Morris, incidentally, has been featured in our pages before — but that was back when he was editor of China Stock Insider at the same publisher. That letter, like almost all China-focused investment newsletters, seems to have disappeared quietly into that good night … which probably tells you that it’s time to invest in China again, since the newsletter publishers are ignoring the Middle Kingdom and rushing out their pitches about biotech and tech stocks. At the time, Morris was teasing NQ Mobile (NQ), which has turned out to be pretty good if you bought it down there in the $6-8 neighborhood (though it’s been a wild ride).

So now what’s he pitching for his Biotech Supertrader?

Well, the destruction of “Man’s deadliest disease”, of course. Here’s how the teaser gets our attention:

“This Tiny, Unknown Biotech is About to Unleash Its ‘Holy Grail’ Drug on Man’s Deadliest Disease

“Their ‘Guided Missile Approach’ Could Save Thousands of Lives Each Year

“It’s about to become the most talked about advancement in cancer treatment in our lifetimes and you can lock in a life-transforming fortune if you act quickly….

“I’m urging my subscribers to load up on this stock NOW….

“I’ve just uncovered a tiny, unknown biotechnology company with a new cancer drug in phase 3 clinical trials which is showing remarkable success at treating several types of cancer.

“Their scientists have found an innovative approach to cancer care which involves a breakthrough in treatment. It goes deep inside the inner workings of our cells.

“Plus, this medicine looks to be many times more effective and with fewer side effects than the chemo, radiation, and drug therapies currently available.”

If there’s one thing that investors know can make them rich and make them feel good about themselves and the world, it’s a cure for cancer — we’ve seen that effective cancer treatments can and do (occasionally) turn little biotech stocks into gigantic successes, so the dream lives on that you’re going to catch one of these lottery tickets and own the next Genentech. Will we be so lucky? Well, let’s see which one he’s pitching:

“When this drug wins FDA approval – which I believe it will – this small company’s $4.16 stock price will go straight to the moon.

“And the market for this drug is absolutely huge!

“You see, this small biotech is targeting its new drug, let’s call it ‘drug S’, at cancers of the blood and bone marrow. And it is already in very promising phase 3 trials for these two types of cancer.

“But here’s where it gets really interesting. It looks like the drug this company is developing will also work on other types of cancer!

“There are positive signs it works on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) too. There are 1.1 million people with this type of malignancy. Just in the United States alone there are over 300,000 patients with this disease according to The American Cancer Society. Each desperate for a cure.

“Plus it looks like ‘drug S’ may turn out to be an effective treatment for ovarian Cancer. There are more than 204,000 new cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed worldwide each year with 22,280 of these in the United States according to the National Cancer Institute estimates.”

So … who is it? Thinkolator sez this is Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals (CYCC)

Cyclacel is indeed a little biotech around $4 (it closed at $4.35 yesterday), with a market capitalization of only about $80 million — so be careful, we’re a big enough group here that if just a small percentage of Stock Gumshoe readers got enthused about this stock it could drive the shares up, less than a million dollars worth of shares trade each day (Biotech Supertrader says they limited their readership to 750 people — I don’t know if that’s still their cap or if they’ve hit it, but we’ll have more folks than that reading this free article).

And like many biotech stocks, it’s got some impressive scientists and it’s been losing money for a long time as they’ve been searching for a viable drug (their current lead drug also was a big focus of theirs back when it was in Phase 1 trials five or more years ago, so that’s a good reminder of the time these things take, it’s just starting Phase 3 trials now). It looks like they must have gone public in 2004, when they were about eight years old, and a quick scan of ten years of their financials over at Morningstar indicates that they’ve never generated more than a token amount of revenue (meaning, they’ve probably had some research collaboration payments or partnership funding, but never got a product to market), and have accumulated more than $250 million in losses to date. And had two reverse splits to keep the price from sinking far into penny territory.

So that’s not unusual, but it means that — as with all developmental-stage biotechs — it’s not about the financials or the fundamentals, it’s about what’s going to happen in their clinical trials and whether things are going well enough that they can continue to finance the trials … which get much more expensive as you progress through Phase 2 and Phase 3.

All I know about them so far is that they say they’ve got enough cash to get through enrollment in their key Phase 3 study for “drug S” (which is sapacitabine) as of September when they last updated their investor presentation, but I know nothing about the science or the competing cancer drugs that are out there or how fabulous this particular one might be, so I asked our favorite medical writer, Doc Gumshoe (who, yes, is not a doctor) to check them out quickly and chime in. Here’s what he could share after looking into them for a few minutes (he’s just looking at the medical stuff, not so much the “investor presentations”):

    Cyclacel’s Prospects

    Cyclacel has three drugs in development at this time, and is involved in eight clinical trials with these drugs, not including two clinical trials that have been terminated. Their top contender is sapacitabine which targets the division of cancer cells. If you can prevent cancer cells from dividing and reproducing, you have the cancer whipped, so targeting cancer cell division (or mitosis, which is the technical term) is a highly promising avenue for treating cancer. However, we need to take note of the fact that sapacitabine is one of a large number of drugs that propose to fight cancer by this method.

    At present, all eight of Cyclacel’s clinical trials involve sapacitabine. Of these, at least one has been completed – a Phase 1 study of the safety and pharmacology of the drug. Four others are current, with no information about results. These are likely Phase 1 or small Phase 2 studies, to assess safety, determine what a correct dose might be, and evaluate whether the drug does what it’s supposed to do in human subjects with the target diseases, which in this case include acute myeloid leukemia (AML), cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and some advanced solid tumors. Prior to the clinical trials, sapacitabine has demonstrated impressive results in delaying the spread of metastatic liver cancers in mice.

    From what I can gather from public sources (i.e., the NIH Clinical Trials Registry), there is one Phase 3 trial, which started recruiting patients in February of 2013 and is expected to be completed in late 2015. The trial is in elderly patients with AML, and compares alternating cycles of sapacitabine and decitabine with decitabine alone. Decitabine (Dacogen) is FDA-approved for treating AML and also targets cancer cells’ replication by attacking their DNA.

    It is possible that the Phase 3 trial by itself could lead to FDA approval for sapacitabine, depending on the strength of the results. However, that trial would not get the drug approved for use as monotherapy, since it is not being investigated as monotherapy. My guess is that Cyclacel is planning more trials of sapacitabine as monotherapy, perhaps in younger patients. And my further guess is that FDA approval is still quite a long way off.

    Sapacitabine is also in a Phase 3 trial with cyclophosphamide and rituximab for the treatment of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Cyclophosphamide (marketed under several trade names) is a well-established chemotherapy agent used in a number of cancers, and has led to remission in many cases; however, it is associated with truly harrowing adverse effects. Rituximab (Rituxan, Genentech) is used not only in cancers but in some autoimmune diseases. And sapacitabine is also being studied in patients with previously-treated non-small-cell lung cancers.

    Although the piece from Biotech Supertrader said that the drug – identified as “drug S” –is also a promising treatment for ovarian cancer, I find no clue that it is being studied in such patients. [ed note: that’s because that “promise” is in the lab still, not in people — they had a press release about this in the Fall, “75% of Ovarian Cancer Patient Samples Highly Sensitive to Sapacitabine”, not studied in patients but on patient samples]

    Cyclacel has two other drugs in development: selicilib and a drug designated as CYC116. One selicilib study has been terminated, and in a second Phase 1 study, selicilib is used with sapacitabine in patients with advanced solid tumors. Remember, however, that Phase 1 studies are many rungs of the ladder below what’s needed to gain FDA approval.

    CYC116 is an aurora kinase inhibitor, meaning that it blocks the action of an intracellular enzyme that facilitates cancer cell mitosis. This is a promising avenue of cancer treatment, however, the traffic on this avenue is fairly heavy, and includes several other classes of drugs including tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and taxol based agents such as paclitaxel (Taxol, Bristol Myers Squibb); docetaxel (Taxotere, Sanofi-Aventis), Abraxane (a newer formulation of paclitaxel from Celgene) and others.

    CYC116 supposedly also inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which induces the growth of blood vessels that nourish cancer cells. Inhibiting VEGF is a well-established means of combating cancer, and CYC116 could hardly be characterized as a radically new departure in cancer treatment.

    The one trial involving this agent has been terminated. That, of course, does not mean that development of CYC116 stops dead in its tracks – there are many reasons why a trial can be terminated, and ours is not to speculate without more information.

    Beyond those three drugs, it’s hard to guess what Cyclacel may have up its corporate sleeve. It is certainly true that a successful cancer drug – even if only moderately successful– can be transformational for the biotech that develops the drug. But the drugs that Cyclacel has under development do not appear to this skeptical observer to be radically new departures in cancer treatment.

    It’s important to remember, when trying to estimate the likelihood of a single drug demonstrating sufficient efficacy and safety to gain FDA approval and market share, that the competitive field is vast. As I mentioned earlier, Cyclacel has a total of 8 clinical trials in process at this time.

    For the sake of perspective, it’s worth knowing that at present there are 41,445 cancer trials being conducted. So those are the odds.

So there you have it — it’s almost impossible to find a development-stage biotech whose financials look great or that makes your heart go pit-a-pat over their valuation, especially in a biotech bull market like we’ve seen over the past year or so, and Cyclacel doesn’t jump out as spectacular on that front either, not unless you’re a big believer in the promise of their specific drug. They’re a small stock and they don’t get much attention, other than from the analysts who probably helped them sell shares in secondary offerings in recent years, and there aren’t any major “skin in the game” insiders as far as I can tell (the CEO owns $1 million worth of shares, but he gets paid more than that every year), and there’s only one really focused owner on the institutional side that seems to have any kind of biotech focus (Eastern Capital owns about 7% of the shares, roughly $5 million worth … don’t know much about them).

So I don’t see a lot to make them stand out other than Robert Morris’ apparent enthusiasm for the shares (which certainly goes over the top, he calls his special report “The End of Cancer Worries Forever“), and I don’t know enough about the science to be a believer (though, to be fair, I almost never speculate on developmental biotechs because they’re so hit-driven and I’m not smart enough to be a hit-picker in the sector). It is at least encouraging that they are enrolling patients for Phase 3, and that they probably won’t have to raise more money before they have some indication of how the trial is going, but sometime in the next year or two they’re probably going to have to either get good results from this trial that let them raise cash at a good price, or have promising enough results that some big pharma company wants to jump in and help fund development of “drug S” (or just buy up the whole company, as happens with some regularity when a little biotech gets promising results).

Oh, and they are presenting at an investor conference next week, so maybe they’ll have something interesting to share then. As you can tell, this one doesn’t jump into my cup of tea … but these kinds of stocks almost never do. Sound interesting to you? Interested in the science or the lottery-ticket possibilities of $80-million developmental biotechs? Have any experience with Robert Morris or know whether or not we should consider him a biotech savant? Let us know with a comment below.

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Leo S
Leo S
March 4, 2014 5:52 pm

Walter: Can we still get a decent RNN entry point? I got off the train at an ill-timed 1.05 stop. It looks like it is playing around with 1.47. Thanks.

David B
March 4, 2014 9:03 pm
Reply to  Leo S

Walter is the man re. price points. My basic advice–wait for a pull back and get in as RNN has a lot more run left. I believe it will probably hit $3 at some point in 2014.

Andy Bell
Andy Bell
March 4, 2014 8:04 pm

Response to David B’s reply to post #1131: (the first March 4 entry):

You claim that Mick Jagger and Keith Richards have not aged very well??? Right now
these two seventy something rockers are on their Hell Fire tour in Australia. There are
teenage girls, and 20-30 year old women rocking out to their tunes, that con-
ceivably would marry either dude at the drop of a tab, err … a hat. That’s aging pretty
well in my opinion, even with their skull and crossbones demeanors. Here’s hoping all
of you get “satisfaction” in your long trades on BNIKF, RNN, CTIX & PTN!

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David B
March 4, 2014 8:52 pm
Reply to  Andy Bell

The walking dead Rock On Andy!!

Nick Semuta
Nick Semuta
March 4, 2014 9:48 pm
Reply to  Andy Bell

What a great set of picks…BNIKF, RNN, CTIX & PTN . They are the rock stars of this thread and will be dependable beasts of burden well into the future.

March 4, 2014 9:52 pm

One we talked about earlier in the thread here (ONCS) up 30% today.Wow!

👍 6779
March 4, 2014 10:19 pm

Anyone here with a position In Merrimack Pharmaceuticals(MACK)?Their pancreatic Phase 3 data out in a few months and looks promising up to this point.Alot of insider buys in December of last year also.Cheers,Glenn

👍 6779
March 4, 2014 10:19 pm

Leo S and David B……thanks for the compliment. My technical chart reading, like all others who do this type of stock investing, is always somewhere on a learning curve that never ends. The market is always one step ahead of us. Looking at RNN tonight, it looks as though it may be going into one of two different patterns.
The first pattern looks like a cup formation entering its final phase. The left side of the cup has a high of $1.60 at the close of the second day of the gap up. At the time that price breaks out over 1.60 and HOLDS THAT LEVEL into the last minutes of the day, it may give us a good buy entry unless it has already driven up more than 3-5 % past the 1.60 price. It could also start to form a handle consolidation just where it is now and later break out over the 1.50 level and that would also be an entry.

My own leaning is that it will correct on a pullback to the 1.08 to 1.20 area where it has some price support and also support at the 20 day EMA. That would be the best entries from a risk reward analysis. I would enter at both 1.20 and also at 1.08 if it should pull back that far. I personally will buy more size at 1.20 than 1.08. The stop for me would be a closing price below 0.94 as it will likely fall on down to 0.80 from there if it does break down thru 0.94 and I do not want the additional 15% haircut.
The target for me will be a run to 1.60 from a pull back to the 1.20 or 1.08 level. That gives a P/L of at ;east 33%.
The target price level for next resistance from a breakout at the 1.60 cup formation would be to expect a 0.60 gain to 2.20 or even 2.60 if the market and volume will let it run. That is the “measured gain” from the base prior to the breakout in early January. I am in RNN and looking for one of these entry points to emerge. One of them will definitely materialize because it has to eventually go up or down from where it is, the question is which way will it go?

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👍 72
March 4, 2014 10:36 pm

one other caution. RNN could run up to 1.60 and fail, forming a double top. That is why we wait until the last few minutes of the day to enter, or even wait until the next day to determine that it will hold the breakout. It is always risky to be buying on new highs and that is why I prefer the risk/reward ratio of buying on pullbacks to support. At support, we are very close to the stop which should be just modestly below the entry, so if we are wrong, it is a small loss of capital and we can go find a better horse and entry. If we are right, the target usually will be the prior highs, which the stock has already shown it can achieve and if the loss risk is less 50% of the gain potential, it is a good trade.
To sum it up, if RNN pulls back, I enter at 1.20 and again at 1.08. If it falls on down to 0.94 I am out. If it goes up and breaks over 1.60 AND HOLDS, I enter just above 1.60 or as close as I can get. If it reverses and falls below 1.55 I am out.

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👍 72
March 4, 2014 11:14 pm

Anyone have an opinion on VVUS & Qysmia their obesity apnea diabetes2 drug? presently about $6 ,was once above$30 but terrible management & business plan didn’t work. I think their patent is still good til 2029.

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👍 7797
Subramania Kaushik
Subramania Kaushik
March 4, 2014 11:56 pm

ONCS, INSY, OXBT all were on a tear today.

Meanwhile Benitec back at $2 down under. I see it consolidating at this level which is a very good sign before the next leg up!

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👍 673
March 5, 2014 12:25 am

Hello Dr. Karma,
Since this is an australian company, and it seems Mr. Iain Ross (from Benitec) will join the Novogen board of directors…do you have any comments about Novogen (NRT.AX)?
It seems like a long term play but their strategy seems to be well thought (at least for a totally non-bio-expert like me)…do you care to comment?

Thanks as the way, I went ahead and bought a few Alchemia (ACL.AX) shares after your comment in post #753 and reading their last presentation, they will be in Boston and California, and just made an announcement regarding the ”
In-Licensing of FAK Inhibitors from Cancer Research Technology”…preclinical but at least they keep working on their pipeline…while we wait for their critical phase 3 study to be known in 2Q14…hope it goes well…


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👍 150
March 5, 2014 12:53 am

Amazing the information, both about stocks and about illness and potential treatments, that has been born of this thread. I am sincerely and deeply indebted to each of you that has generously contributed. That being said, I read this thread each and every day, not only to learn what to invest in or not, but just to LEARN… I am currently invested in INO, RNN, BNIKF, and I am always looking for more exciting investments in the biotech space (I am a Chemist and work as a Downstream Manufacturing Lead Tech at MedImmune in Maryland, owned by AZ Biologics) because it lands so close to my heart and is an amazing field… Thanks for all the good advice.

March 5, 2014 6:09 am

To anyone who is intrigued with Stem Cell research … Cytori Therapeutics (CYTX) appears interesting. Been working in stem cell therapy for heart and stroke victims, for 10+ years especially in Japan. They have several trials taking place internationally. Recently signed a sales+marketing deal with Lorem Vascular (startup company) which hopes to sell into China but beginning with Singapore, Australia and Malaysia.
Also working on burns care with US Army.
Their next news release likely to be March 11 (financial quarter results day).
Price $3.20 with MC of about $200m
I have just opened a very small position (250 shares).

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👍 4
March 5, 2014 7:20 am

Sorry, my mistake it wasn’t the US Army it was the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)

👍 4
March 5, 2014 7:58 am

I have no position but its nice to see the space get recognition. I have the full report but weary of posting.

Arrowhead Research Corp. (ARWR – Outperform / Speculative Risk / 35.00 PT / Last Sale $21.14 / Mkt Cap $1.1B ) – Michael Yee
We are initiating at Outperform, Speculative Risk with price target of $35/share. We believe it is an attractive small-cap with scarce RNAi-therapeutic platform & promising lead asset with key HBV data coming soon (*Contact us for HBV-APP*). Solid proof of concept here will likely lead to multiple value inflection. *We address 3 key questions on data and 10 key HBV topics*
We believe that we are still in the early innings of a relatively off-the-radar biotech company that could become a major story for 2014-15. ARWR is one of our top small-cap ideas and believe it is going higher beginning with the upcoming HBV data in Q3:14. Bottom line, what makes this stock attractive in our view is that: 1) the lead drug itself for Hep B looks promising so far based on pre-clinical data. If it provides a ‘functional cure’ by knocking down HBsAg as designed, then it could be a multi-billion dollar opportunity, and 2) the RNAi platform technology at ARWR is similar to ALNY. This could lead to many different blockbuster drugs in an uber-bull case, which looks very cheap in valuation versus its peers at 3–5x higher. We also think ARWR is a reasonable acquisition or partnership candidate for BMY, MRK, NVS, and other antiviral players if the early data start to play out.
Details – ARC-520 for HBV looks very interesting: 1) mechanism of action makes rational sense and is targeted RNAi that blocks replication of HBsAg (a key marker of the disease), 2) it has shown nearly 1 log reduction of HBsAg in very sick chimp and is reasonable read through to some effect for humans, and 3) drug already passed Phase I single dose with no issues. Key questions inside include what are our expectations for upcoming data Q3:2014? What is a potential development path for HBV?

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👍 132
March 5, 2014 8:21 am

Speaking of stocks on a tear, RXII continues to climb and up again today at least partially on news that they have been granted a key patent.

March 5, 2014 10:04 am

Here some news on GLYC:
GlycoMimetics to Present GMI-1271 Research Findings at AACR Annual Meeting 2014

– Data on E-selectin antagonist to be highlighted with three posters –

GAITHERSBURG, Md. –(BUSINESS WIRE)– GlycoMimetics, Inc. (NASDAQ:GLYC) announced today plans to present findings from research studies of its E-Selectin antagonist (GMI-1271) with three posters at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2014. The posters will focus on the novel glycomimetic drug candidate’s potential as a treatment beyond hematological cancers to solid tumors (i.e., for breast cancer metastasis) as well as for its use in improving chemotherapy treatment. The AACR Annual Meeting 2014 will be held April 5-9 at the San Diego Convention Center .

“Our preclinical research findings substantiate the focus on E-selectin as a potential target for blood-related malignancies and for solid tumors that have metastasized,” said John Magnani , Ph.D., GlycoMimetics Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer. “We are excited to have the opportunity to present our findings to the cancer research community members who will be in attendance at the meeting, and look forward to soon initiating our first clinical program with GMI-1271 for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML).”

GMI-1271 is currently in preclinical studies for blood cancers and other cancers that are associated with elevated risk of metastasis and thrombosis. GlycoMimetics anticipates initiating a Phase 1 trial of GMI-1271 in healthy volunteers in the second quarter of 2014. The company is initially exploring the clinical use of the drug to treat AML.

Following are the specifics of the abstracts, including session times and locations:

“Exploration of a Potent E-selectin Antagonist (GMI-1271) As a Potential Novel Therapeutic for Treating Breast Cancer Metastasis to the Bone and Lung.” [Poster Session: Therapeutic Approaches for Metastatic Tumors, Abstract Number 4039, Tuesday, Apr 08, 2014 , 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM , Hall A-E, Poster Section 7, Poster Board Number 18]
“A Small Molecule Glycomimetic Antagonist of E-selectin (GMI-1271) Prevents Pancreatic Tumor Metastasis and Offers a Novel Treatment for Improved Efficacy of Chemotherapy.” [Poster Session: Biologic Therapy 3, Abstract Number 4503, Tuesday, Apr 08, 2014 , 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM , Hall A-E, Poster Section 29, Poster Board Number 13]
“Breast Cancer Cells Metastasize to Bone Through E-selectin+ Vascular Gateways.” [Poster Session: Circulating and Disseminated Tumor Cells as Predictors of Tumor Metastasis, Abstract Number 4831, Wednesday, Apr 09, 2014 , 8:00 AM -12:00 PM , Hall A-E, Poster Section 1, Poster Board Number 19]
The meeting abstracts are available at AACR’s website.
About GlycoMimetics, Inc.
GlycoMimetics is a clinical stage biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of novel glycomimetic drugs to address unmet medical needs resulting from diseases in which carbohydrate biology plays a key role. Glycomimetics are molecules that mimic the structure of carbohydrates involved in important biological processes. Using its expertise in carbohydrate chemistry and knowledge of carbohydrate biology, GlycoMimetics is developing a pipeline of glycomimetic drug candidates that inhibit disease-related functions of carbohydrates, such as the roles they play in inflammation, cancer and infection.

This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding GlycoMimetics’ planned activities with respect to the clinical development of GMI-1271. Actual results may differ materially from those in these forward-looking statements. For a further description of the risks associated with these statements, as well as other risks facing GlycoMimetics , please see the risk factors described in the Company’s Registration Statement on Form S-1 that was originally filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on October 4, 2013 , and the amendments thereto, including those factors discussed under the caption “Risk Factors” in such filings. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release, and GlycoMimetics undertakes no obligation to update or revise these statements, except as may be required by law.

GlycoMimetics, Inc.
Brian Hahn , 240-243-1207

Source: GlycoMimetics, Inc.

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👍 208
March 5, 2014 12:11 pm
Reply to  herbalix

Thanks for posting info, been looking for stimulus to recent performance. Own GLYC and have been happy with it’s recent price appreciation. For those not following it is up almost 25% over the last few days.

👍 28
March 5, 2014 8:02 pm
Reply to  herbalix

Thanks for the post. i got in on a good position, and have an order for more. I was interested in multiple other applications, and will look into the metastatic mechanism. It may be a good long term play on “good new bad news”, and price appreciation. I bought with TD Ameri and had to place initial order with a broker. Even BNIKF was not a problem to order. Thanks again

👍 1097
March 5, 2014 10:19 am

I just noticed that INO has now started trading options. They don’t have a lot of available strike prices yet as far as I can tell but they have at least started being available. What are your thoughts on whether or not INO will be significantly above the $5 Call strike price by mid August 2014? I personally think it is a relatively good bet and there is very little downside to making this type of trade since the Call options are currently at around $1.40 per contract, and of course you could always exercise the option to purchase the shares (if you have the capital available) if the price is at a point that makes sense and if there is still a lot of run left in INO at that stage… Just kicking around the idea since I regularly invest in options and have been rather successful at doing so, but there is usually a lot more strike prices to choose from than what I see currently for INO. Any thoughts out there in Gumshoe Land?

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👍 2
Ken Meyer
Ken Meyer
March 5, 2014 10:30 am
Reply to  davidbelan

Hi David.
Somewhere I saw the info (about 2 weeks ago) that claimed INO had NO products in Phase3. I posted the question here and don’t believe anyone responded. Do you know? Thanks, Ken

March 5, 2014 11:08 am
Reply to  Ken Meyer

I do not believe that INO has any products in Phase 3 as yet. Take a look at this link and it does indicate that they may be entering Phase 3 late this year with one product;
” Last year, Inovio signed a $400-plus million collaboration with Roche to co-develop its therapeutic vaccine for prostate cancer, INO-5150, which is expected to enter clinical trials this year.” The full text of that abstract is here

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Ken Meyer
Ken Meyer
March 5, 2014 1:46 pm
Reply to  KennyG

Many thank KG

David B
March 5, 2014 11:53 am

Good news on Arrowhead today in the RNAi space:
Arrowhead Research up 16% in early trading
Investors like the news that Arrowhead Research (ARWR +19.8%) has received regulatory approval from the Hong Kong Department of Health to begin a phase 2a clinical trial for ARC-520, its RNAi-based drug for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infection.The phase 2 trial will be conducted at two local hospitals involving two cohorts at two dose levels.The purpose of the study is to determine the depth and duration of hepatitis B surface antigen ((HBsAg)) reduction after a single IV dose of ARC-520 in combination with entecavir in patients with chronic HBV infection.Secondary measures are safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetic measures.All four analysts covering the stock rate it as BUY.Mutual fund ownership has increased from 11 to 45 over the past 4 quarters.

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March 5, 2014 12:30 pm

Anyone know anything about Aquinox Parmaceuticals, or MediWound
I just got IPO offer for both via E-Trade.

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👍 853
Elliot Sedlecky
Elliot Sedlecky
March 5, 2014 12:49 pm

Any thoughts on PPHM Peregrine Pharmaceuticals? It’s been on my watch list for a while, but I never looked into it much. I just know they are in oncology. The stock is up 20% today

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March 5, 2014 1:02 pm

Elliot, i took a quick look and saw that Q3 earnings are expected to be announced Friday. The rise took be from expectations??

👍 181

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