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The God Switch: Human Beings Become Immortal, We Become Rich?

Sniffing out the mysterious "Dr. Blanc" and Patrick Cox's latest teaser for the Breakthrough Technology Alert

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, February 19, 2013

This article originally ran on January 8, 2013. It has not been updated save for the addition of this brief introductory note.

More recent ad pitches on this same topic that say the stock and ticker have been “hacked” probably refer to our coverage of the story, but the more recent ads do not appear to have otherwise been substantively updated. The stock teased (revealed and discussed below, don’t worry) bumped up dramatically during the first week or two of the Breakthrough Technology Alert ad campaign but has since fallen back down a bit.

“God’s power to grant ETERNAL LIFE stolen by stem cell scientists in California

“Heaven’s Been Robbed!

“With the flip of a switch, doctors can now make the human body heal and regenerate itself — quickly, painlessly and naturally.

“Imagine what your life would be like… how much money you could earn…

“if you become… IMMORTAL!”

That’s the lead-in to the latest ad for Patrick Cox’s Breakthrough Technology Alert, a newsletter that we end up covering pretty frequently here at Stock Gumshoe … in large part because their copywriters keep coming out with great stuff like that and getting our readers hot and bothered.

Patrick Cox is a lover of the biotech breakthrough, and it seems to me that he’s pretty quick to draw straight lines off into into the future, turning promising pre-clinical results into world-changing science.

And I haven’t read his actual newsletter, which I’m sure must be more sober than his ads, but I’ve read enough of his hype-filled ads over the years that I almost spit my coffee onto the computer monitor when I read this paragraph:

“If you’re familiar with him, either through his published articles or by reputation, you know he’s not given to exaggeration or hyperbole.

“If anything, he’s an avowed skeptic and card-carrying cynic”

Maybe so, but when he’s reading one of his “presentations” to entice investors, and tells us that we’re on the verge of both immortality and generation-spanning wealth, well, I can’t help but think there’s a fair helping of both exaggeration and hyperbole.

Not that this means we’re less interested in finding out which companies he teases, of course — these companies have cool science and sometimes some of them do break through, turn science into products and FDA approvals, and make investors a lot of money. Not often, from what I hear, but sometimes.

And yes, I’m quite aware that a quick browse through the Stock Gumshoe Tracking Spreadsheets will not show you many Patrick Cox picks in the top half of the rankings. Or in the green, frankly. But they do have substantial pops from time to time, either because of Mr. Cox’s attention and Agora’s massive email lists or because of company news — these stocks are essentially never financial investments, because they almost never have meaningful sales and never have profits in these early stages … they’re driven by news, sentiment, and science.

So will this be one of the times that a teaser pick of his does well? Well, let’s see which stock he’s touting as the owner of the patent for the “God Switch” that can turn off aging in your body’s cells.

And no, we’re not going to get into the tease about whether this is really a “playing God” thing, or a threat to religion — the copywriter just throws that into the ad to get your temperature up a little bit and make sure you read (or listen to) the whole thing.

People heated up about big picture issues often don’t make rational small picture choices, I reckon, which certainly helps someone who’s selling an expensive and speculative newsletter to individual investors.

So … with that said, what’s our “God Switch” company? The tease says it’s run by a man who gets the pseudonym “Dr. Blanc” …

“The founder, CEO and lead scientist of the biotech company I’m talking to you about today — the company that could provide you with the means to live forever… and enough money to do so.

“Because I can’t disclose his real name just yet, I’ll simply refer to him as Dr. Blanc.

“A quiet, pensive man and small of stature, he is, nevertheless, a giant within the stem cell community.

“I believe, in time, he will be viewed in the same light we view other great medical minds that have changed the world.

“Pasteur, Mendel, Curie and Fleming immediately come to mind. Though I have no doubt his contribution to the improvement of the human condition will be considered far, far greater.”

And we’re told that Patrick Cox is a true believer in this one:

“Patrick is strictly forbidden from holding shares in any company he recommends — accordingly, he owns no shares of Dr. Blanc’s company.

“But if he could, he swears… he would’ve long ago purchased every share he could — enough to make him at least a “10% beneficial owner” and, therefore, technically speaking, a company insider.”

So what’s their technology? Apparently it’s some kind of way of creating pluripotent stem cells (ie, not embryonic stem cells — they want to use the body to make it’s own new stem cells), a way that is less dangerous than the previous virus delivery method for inserting gene control agents (Shinya Yamanaka just won the Nobel Prize for this 2006 discovery of those gene control proteins that can induce stem cell creation, creating induced pluripotent cells). More from Cox’s ad:

“Dr. Yamanaka’s process of inserting the four genes into an adult cell to create iPS cells appeared to be another dead end…

“The riches investors believed they could earn by backing the winning horse in the race to cure and prevent disease and prolong life were as faraway as ever.

“But Patrick knew the race had only just begun, and he told his readers so.

“Don’t fall prey to the skeptics who doubt the near-alchemical power of stem cells, he told them….

“Dr. Blanc knew, too, that if there was one way to create an iPS cell, there had to be another.

“And soon enough, he found it — and far quicker than anyone could’ve imagined.

“You see, he realized… if other animals (certain mammals, fish and reptiles, for example) could self-regenerate — grow new limbs or tails and repair damaged internal organs — it wasn’t impossible.

“And we should, therefore, given the right conditions, be able to do the same.

“Enter the one gene that rules them all — the God Switch!”

How does that work? The ad describes it as kind of like “breaking the encryption” for a cell’s DNA:

“[for] DNA to replicate and pass into a new cell, encryption must be turned off.

“Dr. Blanc reasoned, therefore, that if he could find the encryption key — in other words, the gene or genes responsible for encryption — he could unlock the cell and instruct it to return to its embryonic state — just as Yamanaka did using a virus….

“Fortunately, in one of his subsidiary companies, a scientist devoted to finding a cure for cancer found that needle without even knowing it.

“After analyzing gene ‘expressions’ from numerous cancerous and healthy cells, this scientist noticed that one particular gene, named SP100, was not activated in cancer cells.

“A quick side note: Dr. Blanc’s company is now on the threshold of using gene SP100 to screen patients for cancer before they actually develop cancer, and even cure cancer if they already have it.”

And then, as the ad says “Dr. Blanc’s company” has done, the IPS cells (that’s the acronym for the adult stem cells, the induced pluripotent stem cells that we want) have to be directed to turn into the kind of cell you need to repair the heart, or whatever. That part is a few years old as far as I can tell, the transplant of a donor trachea that the ad mentions, using stem cells in a Spanish woman, was almost five years ago, and the similar transplant of bladders that were infused with stem cells to remove rejection risk and help them meld into the body (I’m sure none of that is a proper technical description) was a couple years before that.

And finally, we’re told, there’s one more challenge — how to reset the “biological clock” of cells so that your transplanted IPS cells from your own body don’t have the same age-related weaknesses as your current cells. And “Dr. Blanc” also solved this problem, apparently.

With Patrick Cox as a guinea pig of sorts — we see some photos in the ad of Cox visiting “Dr. Blanc” in his lab, and having Patrick’s stem cells turned into “immortal” heart cells that could be injected into the heart, rejuvenating that tissue.

The cells weren’t injected, apparently — this was a test, and such injection is, we’re told, illegal without FDA approval. But we’re told they would have worked just fine and would have had the same impact as would Cox’s own embryonic stem cells … had he happened to have any of those lying around.

We also hear a bit about the huge stock pops that some of these advancements were made:

“He successfully immortalized an iPS cell — it became ageless and continued to replicate without end.

“After he published his findings, CNBC immediately asked to interview him so he could explain why his company’s stock had more than doubled overnight.

“The rest of the world’s press was also quick to pick up on his impossible breakthrough…

“A Bloomberg headline read: ‘Stock Soars as Firm Clones ‘Immortality’ Gene.’

“Time magazine titled its coverage ‘The Immortality Enzyme.'”

Now, those quotes are about this key part of the scientific advancement — largely related to telomerase, the aging enzyme first cloned 20 years ago — but they’re also quite old now, this particular wave of press and the spike in the share price of the company happened about 15 years ago, and the company that headlined those advances was Geron (GERN), which was the standard-bearer for stem cell research among publicly traded companies for a long time … but has also been a huge disappointment over most of the past decade.

So Geron is both an example of the huge profits you can make from these advancements — more than once it has gone up 5-10X in value in a matter of months — and a cautionary tale, as those who believed in the technology and promise and held for the long term have seen the stock go from about $10 to $1.50 over just the past five years (to say nothing of the $60+ share price it hit during the market mania in 2000).

But Geron isn’t our teaser target today.

No, the Mighty, Mighty Thinkolator tells us that we’re again being teased about BioTime (BTX), a longtime Patrick Cox favorite that has had a very bumpy ride … and that is helmed by Michael West, who was a founder of Geron and is described as a pioneer of stem cell research. It’s hard to tell from the photos that Cox includes in his ad, but the images from the lab show someone who looks a lot like Dr. West working on Patrick Cox’s skin cells. West is, ironically enough, showing some signs of age since his publicity photo was taken for the BioTime website, so I’m not 100% sure on that.

But the match is perfect for all the other clues, too, including several pages of blather that I’ve spared you from the ad. Cox talks about this company’s strategy of pursuing multiple products and technologies using a set of seven subsidiaries, and that’s what BioTime has — or did have until this week, when they added an eighth subsidiary (BioTime Acquisition Corp) to buy some of the stem cell intellectual property from Geron. And he talks about a few of their key products, including a new cancer diagnostic test that could become a huge seller — all of which also match BioTime and its subsidiaries.

Cox has probably teased BioTime more over the last several years than any other stock, with the possible exception of Star Scientific (STSI), but he hasn’t aggressively teased it like this for quite a while — I don’t think I’ve mentioned the stock for close to two years now. BioTime has also been around for ages, it’s been publicly traded for about 20 years but has seen some wild ups and downs and major changes to the business over that time … though the price now, right around $3.50, is pretty close to where it was in the early 1990s. It’s a small company but not a ridiculously teensy one, with a market cap of close to $200 million, and the shares are up by a good 15-20% over the last couple days based either on their deal with Geron or on Patrick Cox’s renewed enthusiasm — I’d guess it’s the latter, but I don’t really know.

Those subsidiaries at BioTime are involved in a lot of different things, and each one is apparently a joint venture that helps to get outside funding. That, and BioTime’s work to expand cell lines that are available for researchers at low cost (but with royalties due on future products), gives quite a few ways for the science to “work” in a business sense (ie, to make money).

In terms of substantial new products from BioTime, it looks like they’re targeting late 2014/early 2015 as a key time period, that’s when they hope to get European approval for a new cancer blood screening test, which would be a big deal (identifying genetic markers of cancer in the blood might be more effective and catch cancer much earlier than conventional screening like mammography or colonoscopy), and for a plastic surgery product called Renevia … and before that they hope to have launched clinical trials for an Age-related Macular Degeneration drug called OpReven that’s partnered with Teva. So there are some potential catalysts out there, though from a look at the balance sheet it appears they’ll probably have to bring in some cash from a new partnership or raise money over the next couple quarters in some other way.

BioTime has plenty of skeptics out there, folks who note that they have few real products and that those products bring in essentially no revenue, and that the promise of future revenue from work that’s now in the lab has been made many, many times over the years — so a substantial chunk of the shares are sold short, it would take a couple months of “normal” trading volume to clear up the short position, so if there happened to be some event that drove the shares much higher that move could be amplified by short covering … or, of course, the shorts could just hold on, if they have enough margin, and wait for the fall back down. There’s one bearish case for BTX here from last year — it needs updating but is still largely relevant, and some short sellers have shares negative pieces about BTX on SeekingAlpha, like this one from last summer. That’s not to say the short sellers will necessarily be right, but if you’re betting on a company with a large short position it’s usually a good idea to understand why folks are so aggressively betting against them.

There’s really no reasonable way to value this company, in my opinion — it’s worth what the future has you believing it to be worth, and I can see two investors coming up with wildly different numbers based on whether they agree with Patrick Cox that Michael West and his company and subsidiaries have now “cracked the code” to repair and rejuvenate human cells and that it’s just a matter of time before that leads to wealth. From reading their latest investor presentation it sounds like they’re on the verge of some products that have real, large addressable markets … but they’ve made that claim on other products as well (including Hextend, their one real marketed product, that appears to have a much smaller market than was initially hoped by investors).

The implicit hope of investors from years past seemed to me that BioTime would make enough money licensing their cell lines and selling research materials to turn them into a steady cash generator who could push that cash into developing breakthrough products, and that hasn’t happened (yet, at least), but the blue sky potential seems to still be there … of course, lots of companies, including the Geron of five and ten years ago, have had that potential too.

Immortality would lead to the Earth being such a festering, overpopulated cesspool that none of us would want to live forever, I expect… but I can see that developments along the way to that hypothetical future, like all of the advancements in regenerative medicine to help your body repair itself from specific injuries or diseases, would certainly be welcomed by the marketplace … not least because the largest and wealthiest generation of the wealthiest country on earth is starting to face its own mortality. So it wouldn’t be a shock if anything in this realm turns into a moneymaker, it’s just that I have no idea which of the many, many regenerative technologies bouncing around in labs and in early clinical and animal studies, if any, is actually going to turn into a blockbuster product.

I’m sure Patrick Cox has a better handle on the science than I do, and BioTime is certainly a stock that he speaks more glowingly about than some and has followed quite closely for years, but it’s also been my impression that he shares a burst of manic optimism about a new stock with almost as much enthusiasm every few months… so if you’re interested in BioTime and think they’ll be turning their science into huge piles of money at some point soon, by all means, start nibbling, but take the promise of the “God Switch” and immortality with a wee bit of a grain of salt. I’ve played around with some speculating in BioTime and other “revolutionary” biotech stocks in the past, and some have worked out for relatively quick profits … but most have not — I don’t have the brains or the stomach to bet big on an early stage biotech stock and let it ride, so I’ll leave that for the stronger spirits out there. If you’ve got an opinion on BioTime and the promise of stem cells, and the wealth it may or may not bring for little investors like us, feel free to shout it out with a comment below.

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Jacqueline Brown
Jacqueline Brown
January 13, 2013 4:04 pm

You always do such a great job Travis and I thank you.

Alastair Rutherford
Alastair Rutherford
January 13, 2013 7:10 pm

Based on a number of people I know using it, Anatabloc doesn’t seem to work for all individuals or conditions. If you received no results in 3 months, you, unfortunately, may be one of them. Usually positive results are felt in two to three weeks if you start off with the recommended 3 pills per day. The interesting thing is that after you get the results desired (lack of inflammation pain), it appears that you can back off the number of pills per day and achieve the same results. Does that suggest you could get down to one pill every other day, every other week, etc. as maintenance for the condition being treated? I have no idea. Instructions on the bottle don’t say. But, in my case, that seems to be what’s happening. I’m pleased with the results.

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charles Large
charles Large
January 14, 2013 2:11 am

Very impressive work on BTX, Thanx

simple buy in when low
simple buy in when low
January 14, 2013 7:28 am
January 16, 2013 6:44 am

I bought some BTX last time it was teased and am just waiting to unload it for the best profit. It did cross my mind that there is a remote possibility that they might actually have tricked the god fella, in which case the stock would just keep going up for ever! It would be a pity to miss out on financial immortality, I would need the money to fund such a long retirement. I guess I’ll just hedge my bet till I see the edge of the cliff coming up. WOOOOPS, all together boys and girls. Ron

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November 20, 2013 5:18 pm
Reply to  ronleniston

God laughs at he/she who make plans. Always loved that saying.

January 16, 2013 1:18 pm

Congratulations to the Thinkolater which appears to have again divined correctly the teaser stock and subject of a huge hype and expensive ($900 annual) subscription to otherwise obtain this information. But I must admit, I think this was one of the less challenging tasks for the Thinkolater. Providentially (or serendipitously if you’re not religious) I read an article by Michael West, himself, in Life Extension magazine on this new science of creating pluripotent (stem) cells the same morning I received Cox’s email hype, and all of the facts of the article seemed to jive with the generalities described in this impressive video from Cox. It mentioned Geron, his first company, the current parent company Biotime (BTX) and the spin-off subsidiaries now created, A little further research on the net revealed that Biotime is also partnering with Teva pharmaceuticals, providing it with stem cell lines to potentially cure retinal disease, and that one of West’s subsidiary companies has been developing an early stage cancer test–two additional details provided in Cox’s video. So the bottom line is that even I, a mere reader, who humbly bows at the feet of the great Thinkolater, figured this one out. For anyone regularly reading Stock Gumshoe, Cox has been discussed several times over the past couple of years, and his record at picking winners seems to be inversely related to his towering intellect and ability to understand and uncover the latest scientific breakthroughs. Couple that with West’s heretofore fairly abysmal record of generating long term and in many cases, even short term, profits for his companies makes this venture sound like it belongs in the “speculation” part of one’s portfolio, in spite of the exciting potential for “immortal” cells and the unusually interesting and exciting publicity hype by Cox and his narrator which certainly grab the imagination. So, in conclusion–thank God for providence and Stock Gumshoe–I just saved $900 and some potentially big losses that a large investment, inspired by Cox’s hype, would have engendered.

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January 18, 2013 8:38 pm

Does the Thinkolator have anything on the “Phoenix Event” that is offered as a free report as offered for a subscription to the Dr. Blanc Geron / BioTime tease?

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Richard Stevenson
Richard Stevenson
January 21, 2013 1:56 am

Think of all the new careers you could develop and, out of curiosity, would your brain ever become “FULL”

Virginia Scanlan
Virginia Scanlan
February 20, 2013 8:04 am

Unless you were an entreprenuer, you would not develop new careers, unless age bias is eliminated. Mny people over 55 cannot find good job.

Wayne Hatcher
Wayne Hatcher
February 20, 2013 10:33 pm

Oh how I can relate to that. I am retired and 56 years old after 33 years in the brewing industry. I have a load of mechanical experience from my days prior in construction. I have veritable smorgasbord of process systems knowledge and a background in safety and much more. I have already become bored with retirement. Hell I can’t even get a job stacking lumber at my local Lowe’s Home Improvement store. Who the hell wants to live forever?

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Richard Stevenson
Richard Stevenson
February 27, 2013 12:19 am

Yes, but you wouldn’t BE 55 or 65 any more. If all this were to become true then you would be agelesss !

November 20, 2013 5:22 pm

Can you imagine the dating sites??? “Well preserved 262 yr. old male seeks female 25-40 yrs. old for fun, good times, and maybe something serious…..”

Rob Ash
Rob Ash
April 18, 2015 4:08 pm
Reply to  Tactical111

Wouldn’t that ad more likely read:

“Well preserved 262 year old male seeks female age 25-250 years old for fun, good times and maybe something serious….”

? 🙂

January 26, 2013 1:37 am

I have just signed up and this is my first post, I read/listened to Cox’s pitch this morning and then did a bit of research and found the Gumshoe, I am so happy that I did. I look forward to a long and beneficial relationship.
With a few exceptions the contributors seem to be reasonable in their comments than on many forums.

👍 69
Alexander Kortiak
Alexander Kortiak
January 27, 2013 11:08 am

Has anybody checked the odds of Cox’s pitches and State Lotery, I believe that State Lotery has better odds.

January 27, 2013 4:32 pm

Gee imortality. What do we do for water when it runs out. Nothing like war to cull the populations. If not water, the threat of bombing from North Korea, Iran, crazed militants. Will stem cells protect us from that. Immortality is overrated.

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Edward Maddox
Edward Maddox
January 27, 2013 7:01 pm
Reply to  Julz

Julz, remember your chemistry. Or maybe not. Water doesn’t run out. The only way to destroy it is to break it down into Hydrogen and Oxygen and/or combine those elements with some other element or combination thereof. And then you can chemically undo that with basic chemistry, turning the oxygen and hydrogen back into water or breaking down some other chemical combination and recovering water.

Well, you could shoot the water off into space. That would get rid of it I suppose, but I think you meant that we would consume it by drinking it or flushing it down the toilet, etc.

You are certainly correct about the possibility of bombing. No “immortality” will defend us from bombs and bullets and any other of the things that physically destroy us. The immortality we are promised is only good for the elimination of aging as we now know it.

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January 29, 2013 11:54 am

Thanks Travis, you give us a fabulous help to save 900$ from extraordinary regenerative medecine from Docteur Blanc pushed by Cox.
Any idea which tobacco manufacturer provide nutraceutical products to add 20 years to your life, in another report of Cox . UNBELIEVABLE .
Play on the human misery, intolerable and unfair

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👍 22347
January 29, 2013 12:05 pm

Wow! This seems to be a much better forum based on reality than the “5 minute forecast” although I enjoy both. The “forecast” needs to cut down on the repetitive and redundant “pitches” though.

January 30, 2013 7:53 pm

I’ve tried almost of Agora’s publications and have yet to invest in any of their recommendations. Thanks for your review . I was about to subscribe to Mr. Cox’s publication and invest in the God Switch company. I’m 73 years old and doubt that I’ll benefit from any of these miracles. At least I won’t be putting any money in the “shorters” pockets.

February 20, 2013 9:55 am
Reply to  ray

I believe Mauldin’s was promoting ISCO, not BTX, also a Cox recommendation.

November 20, 2013 5:28 pm
Reply to  ray

Ray, check out Dr. Al Sears as he is cutting edge anti aging and age reversal. For example, taking cheap milk thistle and RNA/DNA supplements repairs cells and lengthens telomeres which determine cell replicating tenure. Also BBC study showed that feeding mice every other day lengthened their life span from 3 to over 5 yrs. For humans it’s call IF ( Intermittent Fasting) and easy to do. I eat one meal and one snack per day in a 4 hr. window most days. Try it and reverse aging and lose fat. Need to pump some iron too to retain muscle mass.

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Roger Bond
February 1, 2013 2:31 pm

John Mauldin has touted BioTime several times in the past, and if you bought when he first talked about it you would be down about 15 – 20%.

Mauldin, a Rice University Alum, I believe (FWIW, as I see it mentioned above), is a big fan of Cox.

Great post,

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February 1, 2013 11:13 pm

Clearly, I’m NOT alone, in my gratitude to Gumshoe, for doing the quality analysis that had kept me from making at least one expensive mistake! Thanx

February 3, 2013 9:38 am

When we study Einstein and E=MC2 we view in IMHO Truth as presented in an equation.
Making claims about living forever would lead a logical man to consider then the relevance of time in the regards to quantum Physics and the implications time has on quantum biology.
Even if the so called Dr. Blanc has discovered a switch through his genomic research , the conclusion that Patric Cox draws is illogical. he falls into the trap , as do many in the research and financial fields of linear thinking , and as a quantum organism ,homosapien is not subject to live a linear existence but one that is influenced by a whole array of conditions such as light, magnetic pull,food, air ,water and how they interact in time by a sequencing or timing of of various chemical/electrical reactions. Unless he can make a cell “bullet” proof i.e. immune to the changes in our quantum existence cellular degradation will continue. Therefore if Mr. Cox is misrepresenting even a portion of his claims as truth then it is all false. May I suggest researching the effects of cellular degradation on the cosmonaut in the MIR space station, the effects of resonance on honey bees , the cellular results of astronauts ( positive) in NASAs own space station ( they began to grow and did not age) and the effects of EMFs on the ionization of electrons in quantum biology.I would be happy to share and cite my the science behind my opinions.

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Wayne Hatcher
Wayne Hatcher
February 20, 2013 10:49 pm
Reply to  Tennisdoc

Now why would you want to go and confuse a farm boy like me with all those big words? I already made my mind up that Mr. Cox is full of hype (crap) and we will not live forever due to many reasons. Now I have to ponder quantum biology as well?
This is great and thank God I found Gumshoe.

Rob Ash
Rob Ash
April 18, 2015 4:23 pm
Reply to  Tennisdoc

After reading your post, I have a question…

What part of the concept of “regeneration” do you not understand?

Immortality is not a prerequisite for any treatment protocol relevant to this discussion to succeed. Ignoring the philosophical aspects of this issue, it is easy enough to believe that a widely available treatment that merely extends the average lifespan by only double the current averages would be amazingly profitable. Besides, this discussion is about neither the underlying philosophical potentialities, nor the pro’s and con’s of extended life. It is about whether or not buying stock in a company that achieves such a breakthrough is a good idea or not.

None of the situations you referenced have anything to do with cellular regeneration. And regeneration is at the heart of the research that BTX is conducting, and Mr. Cox is waxing poetic about.

However, that said, please do not allow me to dissuade you if you honestly believe that a significantly longer life has no value to you.

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Rob Ash
Rob Ash
April 18, 2015 4:25 pm
Reply to  Rob Ash

Wayne, my comments are aimed at Tennisdoc, not you.

February 15, 2013 7:49 pm

Thank you Gumshoe. I just received Agora’s “leak” about the God Switch today Feb 15, 2013. They claim the videa has been leaked and it is about to go viral!!!! I am so glad you dedicate yourself to shedding light on these hyped up claims.

February 19, 2013 5:46 pm

I happen to be a subscriber to several Agora services. This is one that I do not use, but Agora has always hyped their various newsletters and services. This practice of hyped “releases” has cost Agora some very good writers and experts in their field. For obvious reasons I won’t mention any names. This particular newsletter has some very speculative plays in it that, if they pay off at all, it won’t be for quite some time.

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Dr Ed
Dr Ed
February 19, 2013 5:46 pm

The video has pushed so much by hucksters that it is viral–and boring too. A test for terminal stupidity is failed by those not clicking the delete button within the first ten seconds of these countless, mindless narrated PowerPoint videos now so favored by hucksters. While stem cell research is certainly exciting, and the macular degeneration cure is real, selling “eternal life” is ridiculous. This video is a 21st Century version of snake oil sales.

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