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The God Switch: Human Beings Become Immortal, We Become Rich?

Sniffing out the mysterious "Dr. Blanc" and Patrick Cox's latest teaser for the Breakthrough Technology Alert

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, February 19, 2013

This article originally ran on January 8, 2013. It has not been updated save for the addition of this brief introductory note.

More recent ad pitches on this same topic that say the stock and ticker have been “hacked” probably refer to our coverage of the story, but the more recent ads do not appear to have otherwise been substantively updated. The stock teased (revealed and discussed below, don’t worry) bumped up dramatically during the first week or two of the Breakthrough Technology Alert ad campaign but has since fallen back down a bit.

“God’s power to grant ETERNAL LIFE stolen by stem cell scientists in California

“Heaven’s Been Robbed!

“With the flip of a switch, doctors can now make the human body heal and regenerate itself — quickly, painlessly and naturally.

“Imagine what your life would be like… how much money you could earn…

“if you become… IMMORTAL!”

That’s the lead-in to the latest ad for Patrick Cox’s Breakthrough Technology Alert, a newsletter that we end up covering pretty frequently here at Stock Gumshoe … in large part because their copywriters keep coming out with great stuff like that and getting our readers hot and bothered.

Patrick Cox is a lover of the biotech breakthrough, and it seems to me that he’s pretty quick to draw straight lines off into into the future, turning promising pre-clinical results into world-changing science.

And I haven’t read his actual newsletter, which I’m sure must be more sober than his ads, but I’ve read enough of his hype-filled ads over the years that I almost spit my coffee onto the computer monitor when I read this paragraph:

“If you’re familiar with him, either through his published articles or by reputation, you know he’s not given to exaggeration or hyperbole.

“If anything, he’s an avowed skeptic and card-carrying cynic”

Maybe so, but when he’s reading one of his “presentations” to entice investors, and tells us that we’re on the verge of both immortality and generation-spanning wealth, well, I can’t help but think there’s a fair helping of both exaggeration and hyperbole.

Not that this means we’re less interested in finding out which companies he teases, of course — these companies have cool science and sometimes some of them do break through, turn science into products and FDA approvals, and make investors a lot of money. Not often, from what I hear, but sometimes.

And yes, I’m quite aware that a quick browse through the Stock Gumshoe Tracking Spreadsheets will not show you many Patrick Cox picks in the top half of the rankings. Or in the green, frankly. But they do have substantial pops from time to time, either because of Mr. Cox’s attention and Agora’s massive email lists or because of company news — these stocks are essentially never financial investments, because they almost never have meaningful sales and never have profits in these early stages … they’re driven by news, sentiment, and science.

So will this be one of the times that a teaser pick of his does well? Well, let’s see which stock he’s touting as the owner of the patent for the “God Switch” that can turn off aging in your body’s cells.

And no, we’re not going to get into the tease about whether this is really a “playing God” thing, or a threat to religion — the copywriter just throws that into the ad to get your temperature up a little bit and make sure you read (or listen to) the whole thing.

People heated up about big picture issues often don’t make rational small picture choices, I reckon, which certainly helps someone who’s selling an expensive and speculative newsletter to individual investors.

So … with that said, what’s our “God Switch” company? The tease says it’s run by a man who gets the pseudonym “Dr. Blanc” …

“The founder, CEO and lead scientist of the biotech company I’m talking to you about today — the company that could provide you with the means to live forever… and enough money to do so.

“Because I can’t disclose his real name just yet, I’ll simply refer to him as Dr. Blanc.

“A quiet, pensive man and small of stature, he is, nevertheless, a giant within the stem cell community.

“I believe, in time, he will be viewed in the same light we view other great medical minds that have changed the world.

“Pasteur, Mendel, Curie and Fleming immediately come to mind. Though I have no doubt his contribution to the improvement of the human condition will be considered far, far greater.”

And we’re told that Patrick Cox is a true believer in this one:

“Patrick is strictly forbidden from holding shares in any company he recommends — accordingly, he owns no shares of Dr. Blanc’s company.

“But if he could, he swears… he would’ve long ago purchased every share he could — enough to make him at least a “10% beneficial owner” and, therefore, technically speaking, a company insider.”

So what’s their technology? Apparently it’s some kind of way of creating pluripotent stem cells (ie, not embryonic stem cells — they want to use the body to make it’s own new stem cells), a way that is less dangerous than the previous virus delivery method for inserting gene control agents (Shinya Yamanaka just won the Nobel Prize for this 2006 discovery of those gene control proteins that can induce stem cell creation, creating induced pluripotent cells). More from Cox’s ad:

“Dr. Yamanaka’s process of inserting the four genes into an adult cell to create iPS cells appeared to be another dead end…

“The riches investors believed they could earn by backing the winning horse in the race to cure and prevent disease and prolong life were as faraway as ever.

“But Patrick knew the race had only just begun, and he told his readers so.

“Don’t fall prey to the skeptics who doubt the near-alchemical power of stem cells, he told them….

“Dr. Blanc knew, too, that if there was one way to create an iPS cell, there had to be another.

“And soon enough, he found it — and far quicker than anyone could’ve imagined.

“You see, he realized… if other animals (certain mammals, fish and reptiles, for example) could self-regenerate — grow new limbs or tails and repair damaged internal organs — it wasn’t impossible.

“And we should, therefore, given the right conditions, be able to do the same.

“Enter the one gene that rules them all — the God Switch!”

How does that work? The ad describes it as kind of like “breaking the encryption” for a cell’s DNA:

“[for] DNA to replicate and pass into a new cell, encryption must be turned off.

“Dr. Blanc reasoned, therefore, that if he could find the encryption key — in other words, the gene or genes responsible for encryption — he could unlock the cell and instruct it to return to its embryonic state — just as Yamanaka did using a virus….

“Fortunately, in one of his subsidiary companies, a scientist devoted to finding a cure for cancer found that needle without even knowing it.

“After analyzing gene ‘expressions’ from numerous cancerous and healthy cells, this scientist noticed that one particular gene, named SP100, was not activated in cancer cells.

“A quick side note: Dr. Blanc’s company is now on the threshold of using gene SP100 to screen patients for cancer before they actually develop cancer, and even cure cancer if they already have it.”

And then, as the ad says “Dr. Blanc’s company” has done, the IPS cells (that’s the acronym for the adult stem cells, the induced pluripotent stem cells that we want) have to be directed to turn into the kind of cell you need to repair the heart, or whatever. That part is a few years old as far as I can tell, the transplant of a donor trachea that the ad mentions, using stem cells in a Spanish woman, was almost five years ago, and the similar transplant of bladders that were infused with stem cells to remove rejection risk and help them meld into the body (I’m sure none of that is a proper technical description) was a couple years before that.

And finally, we’re told, there’s one more challenge — how to reset the “biological clock” of cells so that your transplanted IPS cells from your own body don’t have the same age-related weaknesses as your current cells. And “Dr. Blanc” also solved this problem, apparently.

With Patrick Cox as a guinea pig of sorts — we see some photos in the ad of Cox visiting “Dr. Blanc” in his lab, and having Patrick’s stem cells turned into “immortal” heart cells that could be injected into the heart, rejuvenating that tissue.

The cells weren’t injected, apparently — this was a test, and such injection is, we’re told, illegal without FDA approval. But we’re told they would have worked just fine and would have had the same impact as would Cox’s own embryonic stem cells … had he happened to have any of those lying around.

We also hear a bit about the huge stock pops that some of these advancements were made:

“He successfully immortalized an iPS cell — it became ageless and continued to replicate without end.

“After he published his findings, CNBC immediately asked to interview him so he could explain why his company’s stock had more than doubled overnight.

“The rest of the world’s press was also quick to pick up on his impossible breakthrough…

“A Bloomberg headline read: ‘Stock Soars as Firm Clones ‘Immortality’ Gene.’

“Time magazine titled its coverage ‘The Immortality Enzyme.'”

Now, those quotes are about this key part of the scientific advancement — largely related to telomerase, the aging enzyme first cloned 20 years ago — but they’re also quite old now, this particular wave of press and the spike in the share price of the company happened about 15 years ago, and the company that headlined those advances was Geron (GERN), which was the standard-bearer for stem cell research among publicly traded companies for a long time … but has also been a huge disappointment over most of the past decade.

So Geron is both an example of the huge profits you can make from these advancements — more than once it has gone up 5-10X in value in a matter of months — and a cautionary tale, as those who believed in the technology and promise and held for the long term have seen the stock go from about $10 to $1.50 over just the past five years (to say nothing of the $60+ share price it hit during the market mania in 2000).

But Geron isn’t our teaser target today.

No, the Mighty, Mighty Thinkolator tells us that we’re again being teased about BioTime (BTX), a longtime Patrick Cox favorite that has had a very bumpy ride … and that is helmed by Michael West, who was a founder of Geron and is described as a pioneer of stem cell research. It’s hard to tell from the photos that Cox includes in his ad, but the images from the lab show someone who looks a lot like Dr. West working on Patrick Cox’s skin cells. West is, ironically enough, showing some signs of age since his publicity photo was taken for the BioTime website, so I’m not 100% sure on that.

But the match is perfect for all the other clues, too, including several pages of blather that I’ve spared you from the ad. Cox talks about this company’s strategy of pursuing multiple products and technologies using a set of seven subsidiaries, and that’s what BioTime has — or did have until this week, when they added an eighth subsidiary (BioTime Acquisition Corp) to buy some of the stem cell intellectual property from Geron. And he talks about a few of their key products, including a new cancer diagnostic test that could become a huge seller — all of which also match BioTime and its subsidiaries.

Cox has probably teased BioTime more over the last several years than any other stock, with the possible exception of Star Scientific (STSI), but he hasn’t aggressively teased it like this for quite a while — I don’t think I’ve mentioned the stock for close to two years now. BioTime has also been around for ages, it’s been publicly traded for about 20 years but has seen some wild ups and downs and major changes to the business over that time … though the price now, right around $3.50, is pretty close to where it was in the early 1990s. It’s a small company but not a ridiculously teensy one, with a market cap of close to $200 million, and the shares are up by a good 15-20% over the last couple days based either on their deal with Geron or on Patrick Cox’s renewed enthusiasm — I’d guess it’s the latter, but I don’t really know.

Those subsidiaries at BioTime are involved in a lot of different things, and each one is apparently a joint venture that helps to get outside funding. That, and BioTime’s work to expand cell lines that are available for researchers at low cost (but with royalties due on future products), gives quite a few ways for the science to “work” in a business sense (ie, to make money).

In terms of substantial new products from BioTime, it looks like they’re targeting late 2014/early 2015 as a key time period, that’s when they hope to get European approval for a new cancer blood screening test, which would be a big deal (identifying genetic markers of cancer in the blood might be more effective and catch cancer much earlier than conventional screening like mammography or colonoscopy), and for a plastic surgery product called Renevia … and before that they hope to have launched clinical trials for an Age-related Macular Degeneration drug called OpReven that’s partnered with Teva. So there are some potential catalysts out there, though from a look at the balance sheet it appears they’ll probably have to bring in some cash from a new partnership or raise money over the next couple quarters in some other way.

BioTime has plenty of skeptics out there, folks who note that they have few real products and that those products bring in essentially no revenue, and that the promise of future revenue from work that’s now in the lab has been made many, many times over the years — so a substantial chunk of the shares are sold short, it would take a couple months of “normal” trading volume to clear up the short position, so if there happened to be some event that drove the shares much higher that move could be amplified by short covering … or, of course, the shorts could just hold on, if they have enough margin, and wait for the fall back down. There’s one bearish case for BTX here from last year — it needs updating but is still largely relevant, and some short sellers have shares negative pieces about BTX on SeekingAlpha, like this one from last summer. That’s not to say the short sellers will necessarily be right, but if you’re betting on a company with a large short position it’s usually a good idea to understand why folks are so aggressively betting against them.

There’s really no reasonable way to value this company, in my opinion — it’s worth what the future has you believing it to be worth, and I can see two investors coming up with wildly different numbers based on whether they agree with Patrick Cox that Michael West and his company and subsidiaries have now “cracked the code” to repair and rejuvenate human cells and that it’s just a matter of time before that leads to wealth. From reading their latest investor presentation it sounds like they’re on the verge of some products that have real, large addressable markets … but they’ve made that claim on other products as well (including Hextend, their one real marketed product, that appears to have a much smaller market than was initially hoped by investors).

The implicit hope of investors from years past seemed to me that BioTime would make enough money licensing their cell lines and selling research materials to turn them into a steady cash generator who could push that cash into developing breakthrough products, and that hasn’t happened (yet, at least), but the blue sky potential seems to still be there … of course, lots of companies, including the Geron of five and ten years ago, have had that potential too.

Immortality would lead to the Earth being such a festering, overpopulated cesspool that none of us would want to live forever, I expect… but I can see that developments along the way to that hypothetical future, like all of the advancements in regenerative medicine to help your body repair itself from specific injuries or diseases, would certainly be welcomed by the marketplace … not least because the largest and wealthiest generation of the wealthiest country on earth is starting to face its own mortality. So it wouldn’t be a shock if anything in this realm turns into a moneymaker, it’s just that I have no idea which of the many, many regenerative technologies bouncing around in labs and in early clinical and animal studies, if any, is actually going to turn into a blockbuster product.

I’m sure Patrick Cox has a better handle on the science than I do, and BioTime is certainly a stock that he speaks more glowingly about than some and has followed quite closely for years, but it’s also been my impression that he shares a burst of manic optimism about a new stock with almost as much enthusiasm every few months… so if you’re interested in BioTime and think they’ll be turning their science into huge piles of money at some point soon, by all means, start nibbling, but take the promise of the “God Switch” and immortality with a wee bit of a grain of salt. I’ve played around with some speculating in BioTime and other “revolutionary” biotech stocks in the past, and some have worked out for relatively quick profits … but most have not — I don’t have the brains or the stomach to bet big on an early stage biotech stock and let it ride, so I’ll leave that for the stronger spirits out there. If you’ve got an opinion on BioTime and the promise of stem cells, and the wealth it may or may not bring for little investors like us, feel free to shout it out with a comment below.

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February 19, 2013 6:39 pm


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February 19, 2013 7:43 pm

Just found this site today. I have been a long time reader of both Agora and Life Extension.
I follow up on both of their recommendations, not because I want to invest in them, but because I want to USE them. I am 67, and a big fan of life extension. I want to have the latest innovative therapies bookmarked so that I can access them if and when I may need them.
I live in a rather small town and my local Docs are probably not up to speed on this info. This is a great site for learning what is new.
By the way, I tried the nicotine therapy for a while, I did not see any results.

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Alastair Rutherford
Alastair Rutherford
February 19, 2013 7:58 pm

STSI chart seems to be bottoming. Future looks good relative to the overall market movement, but the company has a long way to go before it’ll make all of us rich. Anatabloc is a great product as Cox touted for inflammation. I will attest to that personally. Unlike my January post, I’m down to one pill a day and pain has yet to come back. I don’t view it as a cure, but rather as a supplement. My greatest fear is that the makers of such prescription pain killers like Celebrex will buy the company out just to get Anatabloc off the market. Being a natural substance, Anatabloc has no side effects. If I was running Star Scientific, I’d shout that all over the TV commercials. That would make Celebrex and their kin look like poison with their list of side effects.

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February 19, 2013 9:03 pm

Celebrex and their kin ARE poison. They don’t just look like it, they really are. Luckily quite a few folk aren’t hit by the terrible side effects. I try hard to avoid all prescription drugs. The alternatives sometimes cost a good bit, and because insurance only covers the prescription drugs (why is that?) I have to spend real money to get the supplements that do real good. Certainly not everything can be cured by supplements, but the emphasis on symptom relief given by many prescriptions shows that there is more profit in giving relief than on curing the basic ailment. After all, a cure ends the profit. Relief calls for continuing consumption of the product that gives relief. Think about it. Even Anatabloc doesn’t cure, but it gives relief without risk, and I do appreciate that.

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👍 82
February 20, 2013 2:17 am

In spite of all the promotion Biotime has got the stock hasn’t moved very much, just enough for me to escape with a 20% profit. Thanks Pat Cox, now how about teasing Star Scientific, the stock is in need of a boost and I’d like to pass it on to someone who might make his fortune out of it. Ron

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Joe Horecny
Joe Horecny
February 20, 2013 3:55 pm

Thanks for your great information……Through an accident, the details of which would
be boring, I had guessed that it is BioTime, back in January…..Lucky guess…On the
subject of STSI, I can truly say that Anatobloc is fantastic! It has all but taken away
shoulder rotator pain and discomfort, old runner’s knee problem, and tons of general
muscle achiness…..and for my wife who suffers from lots of old surgeries from auto accident, has done wonders (no more Advil, Celebrex) To that, I am holding onto my shares – something good has to come from something this good……

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February 20, 2013 8:31 pm

Look at STEM TECH. I tried it for a year. Helped my rotator cuff a bit. Releases, they claim, undiffernciated(sp?) bone marrow stem cells.
Some folks are quite genuine in their quest to relieve the suffering of others; others, just looking for a sucker.
Travis: keep up the good work. Best bet for eternity is LIFE TIME MEMBER for Stock Gumshoe. Bob

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February 20, 2013 9:21 pm

Anatobloc is now part of a commercial with Fred Couples the great golfer with frequent back problems. It will be interesting to see if his back problems are gone permanently or will we still see him lying on the ground doing back exercises during his matches.
How much is this product? I need somethibg for my back, knee and rotater culf !!!

Edward Maddox
Edward Maddox
February 21, 2013 12:55 am
Reply to  Bob

Bob, The company sells through GNC and if you have a GNC discount card you pay $80 for a bottle. I went to the Anatabloc website and signed up for regular monthly shipments for $80 a bottle with free shipping.

Originally the bottle contained 200 lozenges but they have increased that to 300 lozenges and added their recommendations as to dosage. They now recommend by body weight as:
100 to 120 pounds / 2 lozenges 3 times per day
121 to 170 pounds / 2 lozenges 4 times per day
171 to 220 pounds / 2 lozenges 5 times per day
221 pounds and over / 2 lozenges 6 times per day
Well, without much guidance, I had originally started at 2 lozenges 3 times per day and got good results ( my weight = 150 pounds). I have cut back to 2 lozenges 2 times per day with still good relief. My primary problems were knee and ankle pain, blamed on excess inflammation. But I feel generally better all over since I have been taking Anatabloc. My body is now 81 years old and I am rather healthy and I’m happy about that.

Several have reported getting relief from excess inflammation problems and after a time being able to reduce the dosage without losing the relief. Things like this depend somewhat on your individual body. We are not all alike. One dosage does not fit all and some have reported no relief from taking Anatabloc but many are getting good pain and stiffness relief and some report very unusual problems being solved.

If you are not directly aware of the effects of inflammation, here is a bit of info.
The immune system must create inflammation in its fight against disease and infection, but often an overload of problems will cause excess inflammation and that can occur in joints and muscles and some organs, giving discomfort and pain. Excess inflammation is also recognized as a major cause of bodily disease. Some erroneous medical approaches to pain in joints is the prescribing of medicines that produce intentional suppression of the immune system. This is a criminal offense as I see it. We all need every bit of our immune system every bit of the time. The ingredient in Anatabloc is anatabine citrate and it helps prevent excess inflammation without suppressing the immune system. Anatabine can be extracted from many things. Tomatoes for one, but Anatabloc finds that extraction from tobacco leaf is most efficient for them, so that is where they get the anatabine.

No, I am not a doctor, but I do study carefully the things that help and things that harm my body. Longevity is my goal and especially, comfortable longevity.

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February 22, 2013 12:25 am
Reply to  Edward Maddox

This is interesting and useful information on the Anatabloc. At $80 a bottle perhaps worth it. However, living in the Carolinas gives me the thought that maybe just making a salad and throwing in a few tobacco leaves might have the same result? I don’t smoke (or chew), but do partake in an occasional fine cigar. I rate a good cigar and/or salad, above pill taking I suppose. Never have tried any green tobacco leaves. Any comments from the forum?

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Edward Maddox
Edward Maddox
February 22, 2013 3:44 pm
Reply to  Wilson

I don’t know about eating green tobacco leaves, but it might work if you eat enough of them.
I do know that tomatoes contain anatibine, the thing that Star Scientific extracts from tobacco leaves to put in Anatabloc. I consume quite a few tomatoes per week, and that is a healthy thing but I do not get enough anatabine to solve my inflammations so Anatabloc is my solution and it really does help me.

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February 24, 2013 7:29 pm

Speaking of stem cells, any comment about ACTC?

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February 25, 2013 1:13 pm

Wow this sound so powerful. Like the technology in “star gate” or the stuff Tom Beardon talks about. But you can bet that the rich people who have already trashed the environment and sold their souls will get it before us. Warren Buffet and the Koch Brothers will live forever and real people with hearts of gold will die or be enslaved.

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March 2, 2013 3:47 pm

Another suggestion to the “Help me live more comfortably” arena: Hylan -joint is a superior hyaluronic formulation sold by Life ext., Dr’s Best and Swanson Vit. 200 mgs. keeps me and
others I have made the suggestion to, happy. Swanson offers the 100mgs . You should notice an improvement almost immediately.

👍 16
martha a. mason
May 20, 2013 5:54 pm


June 29, 2013 9:42 am

Don’t believe any of the claims, this is a lure for fools and a trap that has zero long term studies. We are talking about immortality not buying a pack of gum.

The reaper comes for us all, not some, all eventually. And like another kind anon pointed out, the money driven, fearful and terrible will line up for this first. Which might not be a bad thing. If they are willing to be the recipients then we can examine them like mice in a lab. Closely and carefully.

Just imagine…since no cells die, that will make for an incredible memory…and a terrible memory of things done. Forever. So maybe people will sign up for it and be torn to pieces mentally. We are built the way we are on purpose.

February 6, 2014 10:18 am

Immortality mightn’t be all it’s cracked up to be….Imagine even 2-300 years…How would you live? What would you do to occupy yourself? Long life doesn’t necessarily mean your intellect’s up for the job!! And, unless we all get our acts together fairly soon, Earth may no longer be a “green and pleasant place”! You’d need lots of moolah and a secure base……..Just look at majority of uber-wealthy today!!!!!Sue

👍 28
February 7, 2014 8:43 am
Reply to  sassykind

There are a million things I haven’t read,
And more than that, I haven’t said.
When asked if it’s now time to go,
I guess I’d always answer, “No”.
2/7/14 elm

👍 82
September 4, 2014 3:08 pm

Has anyone been reading Al Sears Wellness Research and his promotional material about ways to enhance your aging by lengthening your telomeres through mutritional and exercise? Your telomeres shorten as you age from toxins, poor nutrition, stress, etc., causing all the signs of aging. By following his recommendations you can allegedly activate the enzyme that rebuilds your telomeres. This is the fountain of youth. Telomerase activators include such things as TA-65, resveratrol, green tea extract, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Alpha Tocopherol, Gamma Tocotrienol, L-Carnosine, L-Arginine, VitaminC Vitamin D3, Silymarin extract, ginko biloba, folic acid. acetyl L-carnitine among others. I think it would be interestiing if Dr. KSS would do a research report on lengthening telomeres and it’s effect on the aging process.

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👍 40
September 4, 2014 3:22 pm

Tactical111. I just read your earlier post. I see you are aware of Dr. Sears’ research. Had I seen your note sooner, I would not have raised the question.

👍 40
February 6, 2021 5:48 pm


👍 1

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