“The Third Turning” De-Tease: Tilson’s “SWaB Revolution” and “Gold 2.0” — What is the little company that “Has What Tesla Needs?”

by Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe | December 5, 2022 1:01 am

Checking into Whitney Tilson's latest pitch for Empire Stock Investor... Gold 2.0, 3D Internet, $4 Inflation Fighter and more...

This story was originally published on October 31, 2022. It has not been updated or revised, we’re just re-posting it here to help answer continuing reader questions.

Whitney Tilson[1] is out with a new teaser pitch about “SWaB” for his Empire Stock Investor[2], which is the “entry level” and most mainstream stock-picking letter from Empire Financial… at the moment, he’s selling it for $79 (renews at $199), which is about what the usual pitch is, and, as has recently been the case for some Empire ads, it comes with their crossover promo of a free year of Navellier’s Growth Investor[3] (Navellier’s Investorplace[4] and Tilson’s Empire Financial are both published by MarketWise (MKTW)[5]).

The story this time is about what Tilson calls “SWaB,” and that lets him punch in the connection to some attention-getting stories out of Saudi Arabia, where they’re trying to begin to transition from oil[6], and from Elon Musk[7]’s Tesla, which hopes to be as big someday in energy storage as it is in electric vehicles. And, of course, the big picture sounds impressive…

“With the United States committing $369 billion, companies like Google, Tesla, and Apple are scrambling to position themselves ahead of a $28 trillion global reset. This could be your next – and possibly LAST- chance to see as much as 50X gains”

The backdrop is essentially just that the world is going to cleaner energy, backed by much lower cost solar[8] panels and windmills, and that the dramatic price reductions in batteries are going to bring a revolution. SWaB stands for “Solar, Wind and Battery”, with the promise that enough big battery[9] installations can turn intermittent power generation from solar panels and wind farms into “baseload” energy.

Here’s the hype-y version of that, since, well, pretty much everything depends on electricity…

“Today we are on the cusp of a once-in-a-century breakthrough that will not only have a bigger global footprint than the internet…

“But it will be crucial to 5G, AI, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, Augmented Reality… and almost every other modern technology you can think of…

“Over the course of the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how this breakthrough is about to deliver a knockout punch to a $3.4 trillion industry and completely disrupt $100 trillion in global assets.

“I expect this trend could create one of the biggest wealth-building opportunities since the start of the internet…

“And dozens of companies could double… triple… even soar 10X in value.”

Nothing exactly new about that argument, of course, the debate is mostly about the timeline and the viability of different battery storage ideas, but a lot of investment is certainly going into large battery installations that can allow us to rely on “green’ energy. And there are lots of big solar farm installations and large windfarms that are being built around the world.

The pitch here is that you can benefit from “Musk’s ‘Secret’ Move” to expand Tesla’s energy business and become an electricity retailer, effectively using its battery installations to become a utility company.

So what does Whitney Tilson think we should do with this base level of knowledge… where’s the opportunity for investors and, as he puts it, “The Best Way To Take Advantage Of Tesla’s SWaB Business?”

This time around, he skips over the direct providers, so there’s no green energy company, there’s no solar panel maker or battery technology startup… and no Tesla, he says we should go with the smaller provider that’s making Tesla’s work possible.
What he’s pitching is gold[10].

Well, not gold actually… but Gold 2.0. From the ad:

“Just as computer need chips and chips need silicon…

“SWaB relies on one key mineral.

“The average wind turbine in the U.S., which generates around 3 megawatts of energy, requires 4.7 tons of this mineral.

“To generate the same 3 megawatts of energy, solar panels require 15.5 tons of the mineral.

“Together, electricity generated with SWaB requires 6 times more of this key mineral than your current electricity….

“That’s why many in the media – including Forbes[11] and the Financial Post – are referring to this mineral as the “new gold.”


“But because this is going to be one of the most important minerals in the world of technology and energy… I prefer to call it ‘Gold 2.0.’

“Just like gold did back in the 1840s Gold Rush… this ‘Gold 2.0’ is on the verge of creating massive gains for people who are positioned correctly.”

So no, this isn’t a pitch for Bitcoin as “gold 2.0” or “new gold,” it’s a pitch for an actual commodity that is in heavy demand as the world electrifies. So what might it be?

As you might expect, he’s really just talking about copper[13]. And yes, a big new wind turbine might easily require 4.7 tons of copper, about half in the turbine and the transformer and the rest in the cable and wiring to build the turbine and connect it to the grid. Offshore, that number could be even higher because of the need for tonnes of cable, so an offshore wind farm might require ten tonnes of copper per megawatt of electricity generation constructed.

The amount of copper produced and consumed every year is a huge number, roughly 20 million tonnes, but new electricity generation projects do consume a growing percentage of the total. As do just electric motors in general, so an electric vehicle, for example, might include close to 200 pounds of copper, compared to 20-50 pounds for a similar gas-powered car. There are lots of other uses of copper that have also been growing over time, including just the continuing effort to extend electricity to more consumers around the world or upgrade those power grids, and to build new homes (an average new home might include 200 pounds of copper tubing for the plumbing system, and another 200 pounds to wire the house for electricity).

So yes, Whitney Tilson is pitching copper as “gold 2.0” — how does one profit from that?

Sounds like he likes a copper miner. These are the clues…

“One little-known Canadian company has been quietly buying out strategic land in different continents. It’s perfectly positioned RIGHT NOW to take advantage.

So what are the real clues in there? “Little-known” is not actually a clue, since I’m sure that 99% of Americans couldn’t name a single copper mining company. The fact that revenue is “soaring” is a clue, it means revenue is going up, and the specific increase in output by 2023 is a good clue (though from what starting point, he doesn’t say). “Low cost” and “market leader” are subjective, as is “elite management,” but that at least means he’s not talking about some new fly-by-night junior copper producer, it must be one of the larger and more established companies. Which makes sense — he’s not selling a high-end mining advisory here, he’s selling a generalist stock investing newsletter.

Which “gold 2.0” company could this be?

The only other clue he really drops is that, “This company is committed to mining in an efficient and environmentally sustainable manner.”

Which is, of course, something EVERY mining executive says… though I’m sure some are much more committed to that ideal than others.

So what’s our stock? Thinkolator sez our best match is… Teck Resources (TECK)[14], which is indeed a Canadian company with a (growing) focus on copper, mostly in Chile[15], as well as a world-leading zinc[16] business and a relatively low-cost and efficient steelmaking coal[17] business (they owned a chunk of an oil sands[18] project in Canada[19] as well, but sold that to Suncor this year). They have long been reliant on metallurgical coal for about half of their revenue, but they are very intentionally pivoting to copper as their “green” metal and the source of their future growth, pushing most of their cash flow into developing more copper resources.

Teck expects to more than double their copper production overall in the coming years, and most of that will come from their biggest current project, the QB2 copper mine in Northern Chile (phase 2 of Quebrada Blanca), which itself is expected, yes, to help Teck grow production by 102% from 2021 through 2023. That one specific match is all we’ve got to go on in connecting Teck precisely to this tease, but it’s a reasonable match on all the less-specific clues as well — so we can’t call this a 100% certain solution, but it’s the best answer we’ve got.

Mining stocks in general are pretty inexpensive, including other large copper-focused miners like Southern Copper (SCCO)[20], but Teck does stand out as being pretty cheap these days — they’re valued at about 4X earnings, they’re highly profitable, and their debt looks quite manageable. They will probably be quite cyclical, since copper prices have a habit of being very sensitive to GDP growth (that’s why traders have often referred to the commodity as “Dr. Copper,” with the “Dr.” referring to the metal having a PhD in economics… historically, copper prices have been a pretty good indicator of economic health), and Teck still gets about half of their revenue from metallurgical coal, which means they’re also exposed to the pace of steelmaking. Both metallurgical coal and copper have been driven by Chinese demand in the past 15 years or so, and the COVID-driven slowdown in China[21] might therefore also be hurting them at the moment… but there’s certainly a case to be made for future demand growth for copper.

This idea of copper being a big play on green energy and electric cars has been around for a while, and gets teased from time to time — Dave Forrest at Casey[22] was teasing EMX as a “copper royalty” stock for a while, Bill Shaw[23] at Stansberry similarly teased Nova Royalty starting last year, and Nomi Prins[24] included some copper exposure in one of her EV teaser pitches as well. I’m always inclined to look for the royalty exposure to any given metal, rather than buy into a real miner, but the actual copper miners, including TECK, are awfully cheap right now… and you can’t really say the same for many royalty stocks.

Incidentally, Whitney Tilson also throws in some special reports as bait for subscribers — his “Five Ways to 10X Your Money from the 3D Internet”[25] report is very likely just a rehash of his pitch for five metaverse stocks that I covered earlier this year[26]…. and his “The $4 Inflation[27] Stock That Can Change Your Life” pitch is a repeat of a pitch that has been filling up my inbox for about six months[28] now.

So what say you, dear readers? Have any favorite “Gold 2.0” stocks that you like as plays on the rising demand for copper? Think there’s a better match for our copper producer tease than TECK? Think buying into copper is a dumb idea here? Let us know with a comment below…

Disclosure: Of the stocks mentioned above, I own shares in Google parent Alphabet. I won’t trade in any covered stock for at least three days after publication, per Stock Gumshoe’s trading rules.

  1. Whitney Tilson: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/whitney-tilson/
  2. Empire Stock Investor: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/empire-stock-investor/
  3. Growth Investor: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/growth-investor/
  4. Investorplace: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/investorplace/
  5. MarketWise (MKTW): https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/mktw/
  6. oil: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/oil/
  7. Elon Musk: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/elon-musk/
  8. solar: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/solar/
  9. battery: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/battery/
  10. gold: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/gold/
  11. Forbes: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/forbes/
  12. [Image]: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/free-newsletter-subscription/
  13. copper: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/copper/
  14. Teck Resources (TECK): https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/teck/
  15. Chile: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/chile/
  16. zinc: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/zinc/
  17. coal: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/coal/
  18. oil sands: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/oil-sands/
  19. Canada: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/canada/
  20. Southern Copper (SCCO): https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/scco/
  21. China: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/china/
  22. ave Forrest at Casey: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/strategic-investor/forests-the-1-copper-investment-in-america/
  23. Bill Shaw: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/commodity-supercycles/who-owns-bill-shaws-super-charged-battery-royalties/
  24. Nomi Prins: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/distortion-report/de-teasing-nomi-prins-and-her-1-stock-for-americas-great-distortion/
  25. “Five Ways to 10X Your Money from the 3D Internet”: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/empire-stock-investor/sniffing-out-whitney-tilsons-secret-connexa-terra-stocks/
  26. pitch for five metaverse stocks that I covered earlier this year: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/empire-stock-investor/sniffing-out-whitney-tilsons-secret-connexa-terra-stocks/
  27. The $4 Inflation: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/empire-stock-investor/tilsons-4-inflation-stock-whats-the-perfect-10/
  28. repeat of a pitch that has been filling up my inbox for about six months: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/empire-stock-investor/tilsons-4-inflation-stock-whats-the-perfect-10/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/empire-stock-investor/de-tease-tilsons-swab-revolution-and-gold-2-0-what-is-the-little-company-that-has-what-tesla-needs/

  • Member
    πŸ‘ 36
    November 1, 2022 9:37 am
    Lundin mining as copperplay is also very cheap and interesting bet. In case you do not l8ke the mining risk but want copperexposure you might want to look into amerigo resources.
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 364
      November 1, 2022 11:48 pm
      I still regret not putting money to work at Amerigo a year ago....very nice dividend...but still not buying anything....sucks to be me! I'm telling you, IGNORANCE IS BLISS!!!!
  • Member
    Robert Gibbons
    November 1, 2022 9:52 am
    Yes copper will be king in the new energy economy. But it's moot whether green energy will come online sufficiently soon enough too prevent blackouts and dampen all energy intensive industries.
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 11
    November 1, 2022 10:32 am
    This is another example of making a recommendation that could’ve been made a couple years ago at $7 with low risk, I mean it’s copper!!! Now it’s recommended at $31 and will likely increase with time but not the 4x already since pandemic low. A year from now the claim will be 400% gains and how good their recommendations are.
  • Member
    November 1, 2022 1:00 pm
    Seabridge (stock ticker symbol SA) is my bet. They have more "copper in the ground" than any of the major copper producers according to Rudy Fronk, the CEO of Seabridge.
    1. Member
      November 1, 2022 10:04 pm
      Here's a link to a recent 6 Minute CEO with Rudi Fronk, the CEO of Seabridge Gold.https://www.om-partners.com/index.php?v=plJT391OZd0&ref_u=2283#video
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 116
    November 1, 2022 1:47 pm
    Lot of country risk when your biggest bet for future growth is on a mine in Chile.
  • Member
    πŸ‘ 19
    November 1, 2022 5:19 pm
    I do like the nice yield with SCCO.
  • Member
    November 1, 2022 9:29 pm
    I have recently bought FCX. Good balance sheet, below fair value, modest P/E of 12
  • Member
    November 1, 2022 11:03 pm
    Thanks Travis. I like the idea of investing in copper, so I bought some FCX (Freeport McMoran) a few years ago (Jan. 2020), thanks to a recommendation by Eric Fry, and it's done very well since then, i.e. it's up 173%.I don't want to invest in TECK because it's involved in mining coal, which is the dirtiest and most polluting of all fossil fuels. (I must confess that I bought some oil stocks and LNG stocks earlier this year, and I drive a hybrid car which uses gasoline, so my lifestyle and conscience are not squeaky clean re fossil fuels. However, I refuse to invest in a company which mines coal. Also companies which make guns, weapons, military hardware, cigarettes, etc.)
  • Member
    November 2, 2022 8:09 am
    Hi Travis, Thanks for your valuable research. I have just one comment: will you indicate the current price of the stocks you are discussing to give us easy reference of the current position of the stock? Thanks and best regards, Krassimir Deliradev
  • Member
    Gerard O'Dowd
    November 2, 2022 3:24 pm
    Travis: Finished reading most of BHP’s AR last night. I think you should mention BHP as a possible Gold 2.0 mining stock, not necessarily as a specific solution to the WT / Empire Financial teaser pitch, but for its established Copper reserves in Chile, SW Australia and other locations as a global mining leader in this metal; and also because of the potential growth of CU resources of its development project in AZ, if it gets the necessary EPA and State permits to begin extraction of the ore body. BHP is also an attractive investment for its ability to generate and increase FCF from its Western Australian Fe ore and metallurgic coal reserves to pay down debt. It has financially restructured its business model in the last few years to reward its shareholders while offering Greenwashing to please ESG overlords. BHP is also investing in Potash mining in Saskatchewan, CA, a fertilizer mineral essential to agricultural yields to feed an ever growing world population. You might think of BHP as a value, high dividend, low PE, corporate turn around, low risk mining investment that offers both economically sensitive cyclical and counter cyclical resource opportunities with the funds to develop future mineral resource discoveries. BHP has an optionality and counter inflation appeal as a global leader with world class reserves.
  • Member
    November 2, 2022 4:47 pm
    I avoid mines. I think of them as a hole in the ground that you throw your money into. Too volatile for me. Literally a depreciating asset with huge capital costs. Yes, you can make money if you get lucky or have inside info. I'm not that lucky, and Whitney's info isn't a secret.
  • Member
    Joseph Gonzalez
    December 8, 2022 9:06 am
    Sounds realistic. Have to research to understand.
  • Member
    December 8, 2022 3:23 pm
    Does anyone know what Teeka’s 5 bear market coins are? He was pitching this about two weeks ago.
  • Member
    April 12, 2023 8:28 pm
    I bought Teck a while ago and I agree that it's probably what Tilson is talking about. They just turned down a buyout offer that made the news and made the stock jump a bit. I think Teck will be a frontrunner when copper wakes up which should be in the near term.His $4 stock is surely Foxconn, but I haven't figured out how to buy it safely since it's Taiwanese.
    1. Member
      πŸ‘ 22341
      Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
      April 12, 2023 8:54 pm
      Whitney Tilson's "$4 Inflation Stock," if that's what you mean, is now his "$2 Inflation Stock", still Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA), which has had a truly disastrous year. (https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/empire-stock-investor/tilsons-4-inflation-stock-whats-the-perfect-10/)Foxconn is still being pitched by Alexander Green at the Oxford Club, that teaser pitch is just about to hit its fifth anniversary but is still in heavy rotation. Don't know about "safe," but it's the second-biggest company in Taiwan (though a long way behind Taiwan Semiconductor, which is the largest), and is reasonably liquid and easy to buy on the OTC market in the US, if you're interested, I last updated that story here: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/oxford-club/alex-greens-single-stock-retirement-plan/

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