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Kent Moors and his Magical Sand Power (part two)

Nighttime solar power, and a "potential 100,000% return" teased by Energy Advantage

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, November 19, 2015

This ad has been simply unavoidable over the last couple days, and we covered the “headline” stock that Moors says has its tentacles in everay aspect of solar energy in yesterday’s piece… but the teaser pitch from Energy Advantage says there are two other stocks to be bought as well. What are they?

Well, time to find out. If you missed part one, which in addition to the answer to the first clues also included a nice bit of discussion from our readers (always among the wisest and best-looking), you can find it here.

And now… straight to the clues, please!

“… here’s my second ‘MUST’ solar play for anyone serious about making huge money fast.

“It’s the company that made solar available at night… and sold out in a week!

“This company has developed a way to store the endless power of the sun – anytime, anywhere – to be used on cloudy days and even at night!”

Well that sounds like an awfully big deal! How on earth did they make it possible to use solar power at night? What wizardry is this? More from the ad…

“I’m talking about solar batteries…

“Sleek, wall-mounted batteries with massive capacity. Powerful enough to store 10,000 watt-hours of electricity.

“The ramifications of this are rattling the industry.

“You see, until now, folks using solar had to stay plugged into the local utility company in order to maintain power at night, or on rainy days.

“Not anymore…

“Now you can capture energy while the sun is shining, and then store it for use during the evenings or when the weather gets rough.

“This new technology could ELIMINATE the need for utility companies, allowing individuals and corporations to go completely “off-the-grid” ….

The Washington Post calls this company’s battery the ‘coming revolution in energy storage.'”

Ah… I bet you already know who this is. But just in case, a couple more clues:

“‘This company’s solar battery grabbed $800 million in its first week.’ – Bloomberg

“‘We’re basically sold out through the middle of next year – in a week!’ – said the company’s president”

So yes, this is Tesla (TSLA), which made a big splash with its “Powerwall” battery that’s designed to store energy from rooftop solar installations. Of course, it could well be that Moors is actually more interested in SolarCity (SCTY), since the two companies are effectively joined at the hip thanks to their shared controlling investor, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, wields over both firms (I think it might be against the law to refer to Musk without the adjective “visionary”, so hopefully this parenthetical comment will fulfill my legal obligations).

But yes, Tesla is really the battery company, regardless of whether it’s SolarCity or other solar customers who are interested in their batteries — and they sure are gearing up for dramatically higher battery production in the future with the building of their “Gigafactory” in the Nevada desert (that’s been teased plenty of times as well, of course, both because of their partners and because of the demand it will create for more lithium production — there was even a recent “Metal Oil” pitch for lithium that we haven’t covered yet, but it was discussed by readers here.)

Batteries, like the Tesla Powerwall, are much easier to build than electric cars, and probably much higher-margin if they can get volumes up… who knows, maybe someday Tesla will be known as a power storage company and the cars will just be a sideline. But for now, they’re a hugely capital-intensive automobile manufacturing startup that’s losing buckets of money and carries what I consider a wildly premium valuation. The shares trade for about 60X the average analyst-forecasted earnings for 2018. Now, obviously those forecasts are going to be wrong, and we won’t know for a long time whether they’re optimistic or pessimistic, but Tesla is the very definition of a “story” stock — it’s trading at these levels because people expect Elon Musk to change the world, not because the business is going to be earning a reasonable profit anytime soon. Maybe he will, I don’t know — there isn’t much reason to listen to me about Tesla, I’ve had trouble finding the valuation acceptable ever since it was in the mid-$30s early in 2013, and it’s well over $200 now, so I’ve clearly missed the bus on this one. Gigafactory and “Model 3” news will be the driver for Tesla over the next couple years, I expect, and I have no idea how that will go.

The cost is not crazy for consumers — it looks like the Powerwall, in terms of capacity and ability to run most of the electrical systems of a house for a limited time, is priced pretty similarly to the backup propane generator we have here on Gumshoe Mountain — though we have to have propane available for the generator to work and that costs money, with the flip side being that we can keep it going for months if necessary, as long as the propane truck can still deliver (the Powerwall is designed to just run the house at night when the sun’s not shining, but could also perhaps be a backup for a couple rainy, grey days when the photovoltaics don’t provide much juice).

SolarCity (SCTY), likewise, is trading at a crazy valuation given current performance, even after getting cut in half this year — but they at least are building a network of installed homes and long-term cash flow, so there is the possibility, at least, that there will be some point at which it becomes scalable and provides a consistent utility-like return on capital. I don’t know if they have much of a differentiated position in the marketplace other than what they’ve built through very aggressive promotional spending, since anyone can install solar and there should be a lot of competition, but there’s some potential for a national brand and for economies of scale.

The numbers don’t indicate any kind of scalability yet, from my quick look at their financials it appears that each dollar of revenue they bring continues to cost more and more in both direct (cost of goods) and indirect (sales, marketing and overhead) expenses — this is a company being built based on a vision, as far as I can tell, not based on foreseeable financial metrics. Sometimes visions work and you just have to trust the visionary (as in Amazon, whose valuation I’ve also never been able to justify to my satisfaction, and to my portfolio’s regret), but you really do have to buy in to the vision and the future growth and not worry about the financials or you’ll give yourself a persistent headache or develop a Maalox habit.

And Dr. Moors has one other stock to benefit from the magical powers of silica and sun… here’s how he teases it:

“Now, let me show one more opportunity that you need to give serious consideration.

“I want to tell you right up front, this company is highly speculative.

“That means you take a little more risk, but the upside potential it offers is completely off the charts.

“And considering the technology they’ve developed…

“It’s possible this company could potentially deliver a 100,000% return, just like Paladin Energy did.

“This company, located a stone’s throw from the U.S. Department of Energy in Washington, D.C., is developing a breakthrough technology that could give power – and wealth – to every property owner in America.

“In short, they’re creating a see-through, invisible coating – like a decal – that converts existing windows into electricity generators!

“Once the coating is peeled onto the window, it operates like a regular panel, capturing sunlight and converting it into power.

“With 85 million commercial buildings and homes in the United States alone, the market is enormous, and completely untapped….

“And because the window coatings are made from two of the most abundant elements in nature – hydrogen and carbon – they just may turn out to be the first technology immediately affordable for anyone.

“Plus, they’re engineered to be as many as 50 times more efficient than regular panels, and can even absorb sunlight in shaded alleyways….

“The potential is staggering… and things are starting to move.

“The company has entered into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and an announcement is pending on when these new window panels will hit the market.

“For investors willing to take a flyer, this highly speculative play offers phenomenal potential.

“At the moment, this company has a market cap of $67 million. It’s tiny, barely a blip on the screen.”

This one is SolarWindow Technologies (WNDW on the OTCQB), which may be better-remembered by Gumshoe readers as New Energy Technologies (which used to trade under the ticker NENE, from 2009 until earlier this year) or, before that, Octillion (founded in the late 1990s, trading under OTCL until 2009). The product itself has changed names a few times as well, originally touted as a “spray-on” nano-power window coating and now pitched as a more reasonable-sounding film or built-in OEM window technology (still the same basic technology they’ve been tinkering with for a decade or so, but they say they’re much further along now).

The promise is that their “solar window” is an organic photovoltaic collector, made somehow of a lattice of hidden wires in the window that are invisible or barely visible, and this converts sunlight to electricity. Which sounds like the best idea ever, at least for the most appealing market: skyscrapers. Lots of sun hits the windows of skyscrapers, so if you could cover a building with photovoltaics, even if they’re very inefficient, you could theoretically generate a lot of the electricity that building requires. But, of course, it sounded like the best idea ever back in 2007, too, and in 2010 when it was being actively teased by a different newsletter, and these things don’t always move at the speed foreseen by trigger-happy newsletters.

Right now, SolarWindow says they’re on a “28 month” path to commercialization — that was in August, when they essentially repackaged the current “story” of the company, including a demonstration video of the product in use, and reinvigorated the shares a little bit. So that would mean that they think they’ll be selling a commercial product by January of 2018. Their intent is to do this through licensing, they don’t have any intention of building a $100 million manufacturing plant — not that they would necessarily be able to get that kind of financing anyway.

The company has apparently been very much dependent on their major shareholder, Harmel Rayat, though he doesn’t appear to be on the board and I don’t know what position he holds — probably convertible debt or promissory notes with warrants, since that’s how WNDW has financed a lot of their work over the past decade.

They need to raise money right now, according to their last quarterly filing — they should be out of cash now, they had enough to get them through October as of their June report, and they have not yet filed their September quarter (which is their fourth quarter, so the pending report is their Annual Report 10-K). The 10-K was filed on November 14 last year, so it ought to be imminent. I’ve seen no notice of any funds raised or debt taken on over the last few months, which makes me a bit concerned — the August presentation very much had the flavor of a road show, talking up their commercialization timeline and getting input from potential partners in the glass and utility industries, but unless I missed it that didn’t result in any fundraising.

SolarWindow remains a very cool story, even though it appears to me, after viewing the presentation, that the actual demonstration windows so far are quite small and pretty deeply tinted and in need of the next iterative advancements in the science. But with at least two years until commercialization and no partners that I can see who are providing up front capital to fund them to that level (and signing license agreements), and only a very theoretical grasp of the potential economics of the product, it’s very, very speculative… and, as a story stock, there’s absolutely no relationship between the stock price and the actual operating business — it’s still a venture capital investment, it might hit or it might miss, and we won’t know for many years whether it hits or how much the technology is actually worth.

Whether it’s worth fifty cents or $5 or anything higher or lower or inbetween is still a wild guess, in my mind… particularly because they’re going to have to raise money to keep the business going. If they raise a small amount and announce it this week or next, like a million or two million dollars from existing shareholders to get them through the next quarter or two, I’d be a bit more worried — they need a big bolus of cash to really push the projects forward, I would think, and their big investor roadshow presentation in August was their most earnest attempt to tell the story of the company in years. If that doesn’t get them closer to “real” financing for their two+ year push to advance the science and commercialize the product, I’m not sure what will.

For what it’s worth, this is what Dr. Moors says:

“This company is for real. Just like with every company I recommend, I’ve fully vetted it and done extensive due diligence.

“In addition, its financial payback was validated by independent researchers and engineers at the University of North Carolina Charlotte’s Energy Production and Infrastructure Center.

“But let me make this absolutely clear: This company is highly speculative.

“They haven’t sold any window generators yet, and we don’t know what will be disclosed in their upcoming announcement.”

I don’t know what upcoming announcement he means, maybe he’s expecting financing or partnership deals to be announced, or maybe he’s just referring to the expected 10-K… but yes, I’d agree that it’s highly speculative. And has been for years, this has been an R&D lab subsisting on speculative storytelling for more than 15 years now, with no real licensing deals or products yet that I’m aware of (if you want something that sticks out as a suspicious thread to pull, note that their annual R&D spending has never been much over $600K, but selling, general and administrative expenses are typically four times that high… that’s potentially worrisome for a company that’s still at least a year or two from having a commercial prototype to market to partners).

We’ve had quite a few NENE and now WNDW shareholders come through the doors here at Stock Gumshoe over the years, so I’m sure there are some investors who’ve been following the story more closely than I have — so do you have some updates for us, or reasons for extra optimism or pessimism? Let us know with a comment below. Thanks!

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November 19, 2015 2:55 pm

XSUN has similar product for the last 10 years or so. No rocket to millions yet.

David Royal
David Royal
April 3, 2016 4:33 pm
Reply to  David

The hype now is a $2.00 company that will end sugery as it is known today. This is the way they do at moneymappress. If Mike Ward wants to promote all of the group will hype hi push . One of The $2.00 companies that was to go vertical as insiders had bought up 96 percent of available stock . The big deal just never happened! The company was in Bethlehym, PA. And all insurance had to pay for the HIV test as it was killing a person every ,if I remember , 58 minutes. The stock buyer were again the losers.

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November 19, 2015 3:02 pm

For the big cities, solar windows might become a thing…. Back in 2001, there was a company that made a solar waveguide concentrator that looked like a window, but stole the best photons over the whole and channeled them into a 2″ box at the bottom where you’d put solar cells. Haven’t heard of them since.

OTOH, I think you can get a lot of mileage just in roofs (if the price is low enough to get a 5 year payback). Look out the window when you’re taking off on a plane and see all the rooftop area (and a lot of non-white rooftops at that!)…

👍 10
November 20, 2015 5:16 am
Reply to  thormj

thormj Good thinking. If you can develop a film that could be placed over roofs, windows and walls a tremendous amount of power could be generated while lessening the heat buildup in buildings. So far the best converter of sunlight to stored energy is the leaves of plants, especially grasses. fa

👍 7797
👍 22353
November 21, 2015 10:59 am
Reply to  thormj

I tried to find this also and found a different version that is very tiny. WNDW
From their web site: Latest SolarWindow process breakthrough revolutionizes the transmission of electricity on glass with wires as thin as human hair. Columbia, MD – November 3, 2015 – SolarWindow Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: WNDW), a leading developer of first-of-their-kind transparent electricity-generating coatings for commercial windows on skyscrapers and tall towers, today announced that a process breakthrough has enabled the…

Would love to hear your input
Really appreciate the work you do

November 19, 2015 3:03 pm

Travis, I’m new to Stock Gumshoe and only a freebie member. But I just want to let you know you do terrific work. Thanks for sifting through all the BS and informing us to companies these ads are touting. Keep it up.

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👍 27
Kurt Isager
Kurt Isager
January 9, 2016 7:13 am
Reply to  e1cdxx

Just my words, I am also a free member, but not for long. I would rather spend my money on you and get a serieously opinion. Thanks, you have saved me a lot of money.

January 10, 2016 8:16 pm
Reply to  Kurt Isager

I was a free member for a couple of years.
Now I believe I am on my third year of paid membership. Travis’ stock gumshoe work is well worth the money. He has saved me mucho dinaro on bad stocks and newsletter subscriptions!

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👍 11
John Kerttu
June 14, 2016 12:58 pm
Reply to  e1cdxx

I have been getting calls about low priced stocks doing pump and dump promotion campaigns since 2010.
these promoters are asking for me to purchase $2,500 to $10,000 of stock through my broker.
they claim they or their marketing company gets credit if they see my trade go through their level 2 system while I am on the phone with them…
one guy old me his company had warrants on the SIRC solar integrated roofing system stock they were promoting. He said he was from Australia but he was not aware of the 50% sell-off in solar
the spread between bid and ask can be as much as 30%
some worked for a 100% profit in 60 days and some barely went up

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Julien Ayotte
November 19, 2015 3:13 pm

XSUNX was the winner of the tech award in California about 10 years ago for its photovoltaic coating on skyscraper windows. They scrapped that approach for a solar system that uses PVs and it is still trying to trade over a penny as I write this.

Geoff Ballard
Geoff Ballard
November 19, 2015 5:07 pm

I live in Melbourne and receive Newsletters of almost all the touted company promos that you dissect. You do a great job. One company listed on Australia which also has been endeavoring to harness solar energy from photo voltaic surface coatings on windows etc.. is Dyesol (stock code on the ASX is DYE). It has been around forquite a few years and follows a similar up and down price pattern – Mostly down. Hope springs eternal

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November 19, 2015 8:25 pm

Oh yes Julien ! XSUNX, me too! I got about 30K on them and traded and I felt it was the “NEW BREAD” I lost some of that and the bread ,never happen….a cent you said…..
oh well sold my lots for much more than that,,yep another learning experience!
Thank you Travis and everyone, Fantastic group of good people.
Cheers from Canada

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November 20, 2015 4:52 am

The problem with all electrical generation is the variation of load requirements,ie there is not a uniform demand or usage. Efficient storage would solve this and make a fortune for anyone who designs such a system. At present there is no such system. The vision of Elon Musk is mostly in how to collect subsidies from taxpayers, IMHO. To date the battery showing the most promise is lithium sulfur, but as with all chemical batteries buildup of contaminants soon render them unchargeable. Solve the problem of large scale efficient storage and you become a billionaire overnight. To date , we are not even close. There are huge energy losses,short life or both. Until then we need to generate power as it is needed and to have it available on demand requires steam generation by fossil fuel or nuclear water boilers to have an affordable price. Propane or diesel engine generators are good for emergencies but more expensive. Natural gas turbines are less expensive but still more than steam. Solar and wind both require standby generation kept hot to pick up the load as the wind dies or a day darkens. Be wary of story stocks in this field as they try to sell fairy dust. IMHO fa

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👍 7797
November 20, 2015 9:46 pm
Reply to  arch1

Exceptional understanding and post.

Will S.
December 3, 2015 5:18 pm
Reply to  arch1

Perhaps you ought to check out super-capacitors then, these super batteries, are being created out of Graphene. Someday soon they may replace most battery applications.
At the moment their technology is in need of refinement, but already they have numerous corporate clients.

And one of these companies is? SVLT (SunVault) operating out of Canada, and Europe I believe. In partnership with Edison, there’s talk of a TESLA style supercar, using twin technologies, including these new super-capacitors, and a water fuelled fuel-cell, that expects to have a 0-100kph time of circa 2.5 seconds, and a 5 minute recharge periods…
(Mouth open, and jaw-dropped!!!)
Though, the mooted car name sounds awful…. (Edison if you’re reading – ditch it now – PLEASE…)

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Will S.
January 2, 2016 7:13 am
Reply to  Will S.

Thought I’d find the exact item, that mentioned the SunVault/Edison tie up to make it easier to find.

Rud Istvan
Rud Istvan
January 7, 2016 8:33 pm
Reply to  Will S.

I invented the best super cap storage material ever. Patents issued in US, Japan, Korea, Russia, China…. No way even a tenth of the energy density of faradic battery electrochemistry’s. You know not whereof you speak.

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January 8, 2016 4:29 pm
Reply to  arch1


You seem very knowledgeable. Go to: and read their last few releases. They seem to have come up with a solution to the storage problems that you mention. And even if they haven’t, they seem to be honest. They really believe that they are on to something. That’s my take anyway. I’ve been following them for at least 10 years, and their big product has finally reached the commercial stage.


January 8, 2016 4:40 pm
Reply to  Jason

Here’s a link to a newspaper article about Hydrogen Engine Center: This story sums up the company very well.

Rusty Brown in Canada
Rusty Brown in Canada
November 20, 2015 8:20 am

“…the two companies are effectively joined at the hip…”
Well, perhaps.
Apparently, that expression originates on the last page of Capote’s “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” where Holly Golightly sends a postcard…”scribbled in pencil, and signed with a lipstick kiss: Brazil was beastly but Buenos Aires the best…Am joined at the hip with duhvine $enor. Love? Think so. Anyhoo am looking for somewhere to live ($enor has wife, 7 brats)…”
Just for the record.

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January 1, 2016 1:36 pm

Wonderful linguistic research, Im ashamed of my wayward memory when Breakfast and Audrey in it are my all-time movie faves (pace Arnold). Thanks for this and Happy New Year.

Rusty Brown in Canada
Rusty Brown in Canada
January 7, 2016 4:59 pm
Reply to  Nola

Thank you. I admit the memories of that movie take me back for sure.
And a Happy New Year to you, too.

November 20, 2015 2:54 pm

If you get in on this and it works out, better thank Travis and StockGumShoe with some of your gains. One small company I’ve been following a LONG time (18 yrs) has techs that are looking VERY good (with about 40 patents) that look to bring the cost of solar down to around $1 / WATT (installed) and / or around 1 CENT / KWH (amortized over time – about 20 years) and a biomass system for burning anything carbon based cleanly for less than that, and a circuit that could allow CAPACITORS TO BE USED AS BATTERIES (charging in an instant). They offer a program where you can buy into the power plant being built and save more on your income taxes than you contribute – that puts money in your pocket just from the tax benefits – IMMEDIATELY (eliminating tax liability). Info on that and everything thru site here:

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November 21, 2015 6:43 pm
Reply to  FreeEnergy

FreeEnergy is a link to Tread carefully here. The website does not instill confidence. They refer to university white papers supporting their plans but do not provide the links to these white papers. Their plan envisions thirty foot square Fresnel lens made of plastic which will require major structure to withstand winds, and the plastic will be sanded by, well, sand. Their efficient blade-free turbine is almost certainly a Tesla turbine, which has had major problems-see the Wikipedia article. I researched this for use as a gas turbine for aircraft propulsion. Finally, the business model says that tax credits and depreciation exceed the amount you invest the first year. Maybe so, but these credits expire after 2016, and if claimed likely will get you an audit from the IRS.

November 22, 2015 8:10 am

Need to remember WNDW is the same company that was promoting “Motion Power” a few years back when it was NENE. Supposedly they could transfer the force from braking vehicles at things like drive up windows and use it for power. Not saying it couldn’t be done, lots of things can be done that aren’t economically feasible.

👍 13
👍 22353
November 23, 2015 10:34 pm

In his pitch, this guy Kent Moors pronounces the symbol for silicon, Si, as “sigh.” I am not making that up. Is he just playing us for fools, or is really a fool himself? Both, it appears.

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February 24, 2016 4:22 pm

This guy Moors is a complete a-hole. I couldn’t stand his rediculous voice within 5 min of him overhyping himself. Calling Si “sigh” instead of what it is “SILICON” simply invalidates everything else he moans on about. Unless, he is intentionally searching for folks who are oblivious to any of the industries he’s touting (or never went to their high school chemistry class) and thus, more likely to fall prey to his service information fees.

November 29, 2015 6:31 am

Travis, I just found your site yesterday and I am thoroughly enjoying reading all these posts and comments!! Thank you.
I entered positions in SUNE and WNDW earlier last week and I’m in the green with both of them for now….even watched SUNE go up 40% (a few grand for me) the other day…didn’t sell any. May sell half if it climbs over 100% as expected

January 10, 2016 8:52 pm
Reply to  Vance

Good luck with that one…

👍 11
November 29, 2015 7:11 pm

As always, the comments are great additions to the Gumshoe articles. I’ve been watching WNDW for several years (including its previous incarnations) and have not jumped in on it. Sorry to say the one stock mentioned by Travis that I took a position in was Gasfrac that is now worth .00001 cent per share….Had a great story, just bad timing. My relative in Minot, ND sent me pictures of the train carloads of water being used for fracking and I thought a substitute for water might be a real problem-solver.

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December 1, 2015 8:12 am

Is anybody else here trading SUNE or WNDW? I do have positions in both. I’m in the process of buying further out calls in SUNE and lessening my stock position but, I’m looking towards good things here. Anybody with me?

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December 1, 2015 8:55 pm
Reply to  Vance

I found this site googling trying to find out name of SI sand wafer solar energy Lol. But he sent out another one last week about gas company that temps reach 1000 degrees. Plasma arc company well that stock is MNGA and I been in while and it has started to take off with huge volume They do have disruptive tech and gas sales now which is a green gas made out of Vegetable oil MAG2 which replaces acethylene and it is ramping up. R&d late stages using gas MAG1 to run cleaner coal stacks Using tech to turn pig poop into fertlizer etc. just too much to list here. If you remember seeing that video last week that had big ball of fire that is MNGA

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December 2, 2015 9:03 am

I’m new to Gum Shoe having found this site after googling “Kent Moors”; boy, am I glad I did.
@jfgzo1: I had the same reaction. While listening to his pitch, I opened a new browser and googled “si”. When silicon popped up, red flags came up too. Since when is Ca (calcium, to use an example) pronounced as “kah”, instead of “see-ay”? Not in any chem class I took.
Did anyone else notice that the video in the pitch had “4:18” as the length of the video? Over 30 minutes later and after hearing about his three digit wins for the 2nd or 3rd time (the last one being 542% in 19 days) I had had enough. I did finish the video, but talk about misleading or misrepresenting; I really thought this was going to be less than 5 minutes. Buyer (and viewer!) beware, I guess. (Does repeating yourself make something true? Does repeating yourself make something true? LOL)
Some of these recommendations might be worth looking into as speculative bets, and you need to be comfortable with the idea that you could lose the entire investment, but you sure do have to go through a lot to get there.
Many thanks to Travis and everyone else for their input on this.

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January 2, 2016 10:42 pm
Reply to  Steve

along those lines well I have the most basic cheapest newsletter from Dr. Kent and recently they sent a survey asking what can they do better? So I told them next time you want to recommend something, just tell me what it is, don’t make me watch a 45 minute video

January 8, 2016 3:03 pm
Reply to  Paul

For a while I turned the sound down and let the videos run, but now if they don’t give me a text allowing me to jump cut to the end …. I just trash them. Long video-onlies are a tell that you got no hand are bluffing for sure.

S. R.
S. R.
January 14, 2016 11:22 am
Reply to  Chris

I hate those long videos, too. Learned some time ago that if you try to leave the page, most will ask ‘do you really want to leave?’ and offer a written version. I then scan that to find out the pitch and, if interested, jump immediately to Stock Gumshoe to get the facts.

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January 21, 2016 10:38 pm
Reply to  Chris

The presentation goes on and on does it ever end? so I close the window and it says “WAIT!”, dammit i’d been waiting for you to get to the point, ain’t no fast forward button, tell us what in the name of God’s gospels this energy is within the same year before we figure out it’s fraud Mr. Moors.

January 23, 2016 9:06 pm
Reply to  Steve

I am glad I found this site for clarification on this all too painful video I just watched. I rarely get hooked into more than about a minute of such videos but this guy and his creds and his little clip on CNN plus all his self touting rhetoric about all the ‘countries’ he advises etc etc made me stick in there to see what exactly he was selling. At about the 3rd time around of repetitive trash he was spewing I wanted to reach in an choke him (or myself) but had to see what big NEW advances had been made in the ‘solar’ industry as it was clear that was where the pitch was leading. A chemist he is NOT! A carnival stroy teller he is! So glad I found Gumshoe and these comments to save me further time . I have been out of the stocks game for over a decade and refer back to the old story in most cases when these stories come up…If it sounds too good to be true…it likely is!

One day I do hope they find away to actually harness the suns infinite energy in a manner in which it can be effectively and efficiently stored. I have my reservations of seeing that come to fruition in my lifetime. I’ll keep cash in my pocket on this one.

December 6, 2015 12:57 pm

I was curious if anyone has heard anything about the company that created Buckypaper. It was supposed to revolutionize the field, but haven’t heard a word in some time. Also the clear solar sheets that could be used as windows, saw a few commercials, then nothing. I’m looking to invest in some green energies and technologies, but need more information.
I’m a new freebie so I’ve only just started to check things out. I’m hoping to get my son interested in some good investments to help expand his own portfolio. It never hurts to diversify a little as I’ve never been one to put all hope into one income stream.
Any suggestions or advice would be welcome.

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nothing is free
nothing is free
December 10, 2015 7:27 pm

well stock gumshoei see your selling stocks too gee is that a good lawyer hmm is that a good doctor isthis guy giving any better advice he wants your money too. well i made my money the hard way and is am set while u guys take jabs at each other ill hold on to my money your just talking the same crap as the other guy if it was so good u wouldnt need me to open my wallet biside as more people buy in sure the stock goes up as they sell it goes down

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👍 22353
January 2, 2016 10:47 pm

I think rambling man just was referring to the fact that you have an ad or two on your site. Personally I’m getting tired of the smug looking gardener brothers but maybe that’s just me

January 3, 2016 3:06 pm

No one did.

January 10, 2016 8:57 pm

If his writing is any indication, I would say he was drunk…probably tequila.

👍 11
jim sladge
jim sladge
December 12, 2015 2:12 pm

I question anyone who can’t pronounce “silicon”.

January 12, 2016 9:58 pm
Reply to  jim sladge

Kent Moors pronounces the symbol “Si” like “sigh” — maybe he’s never heard of silicon. Not very elemental.

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👍 237
Peter in Oakland
Peter in Oakland
December 16, 2015 12:37 am

Travis, thanks for your lucidity and genuine due dilligence.
I listened to Kent Moors’ most recent pitch (at the fastest speed available, which was an unexpected blessing) and kept wondering two things:
1. When was he going to make his closing pitch and then shut up?
2. Where could I find him demystified and/or debunked?
It took a lot of googling — his sites and/or his cronies have created many sites that clog a search — but finally I found you.
Thanks again.
Whew! What an adventure.

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👍 22353
January 1, 2016 2:59 pm

Peter – i agree 100% , “sigh” is not Si … “sigh’s are full of impurities”… no chemistry in a sigh, that’s Human physical reaction to emotion… Si is an element and it is pronounced /ˈsɪlɨkən/ or /ˈsɪlɨkɒn/ or Silicon …

December 18, 2015 5:46 am

I’m up around 100% in SUNE (in my stock holdings), I have options that are up over 500%, (no joke) have various expiratory dates. But had 40 Jan $5 contracts…sold 20 at 180% profit…remaining 20 are up over 500%. Also, liking TERA (up 200% options) and WNDW (up 80% stock).

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