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Jeff Brown’s “New CURE” Tease

What's being teased in the new Exponential Tech Investor ads?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, December 3, 2019

I’ve gotten a big pile of questions about the latest teaser pitch from Jeff Brown, who is now taking credit for the rise of the CRISPR stocks and sees another big surge coming.

And for what it’s worth, he was one of the early newsletter guys promoting the three primary CRISPR stocks a few years ago, when they all went public… though there was plenty of fanfare, and all three stocks (CRSP, EDIT and NTLA) still have plenty of fans.

This is what the shares have looked like since the three IP leaders in CRSPR became available for trading, you can see that Intellia has lagged the S&P 500 but Editas and Crispr Therapeutics (CRSP) have done quite well, especially in the past few months, though they’ve also had plenty of volatility and if you bought in 2018 instead of 2017, well, you’re not nearly as happy. Brown first teased EDIT back in March of 2016, when his newsletter was just getting started, and by late 2017 he was teasing all three stocks.

EDIT Chart

But what’s being touted now? The primary focus of his “God Key” promotion a few years ago was Editas (EDIT), mostly because it was winning some patent battles in court, but is he pitching that same stock again? He’ll spill the beans if you pony up $2,000 (non-refundable) for a two-year subscription to Exponential Tech Investor… but let’s see if we can ID the stock for you from the clues he drops in the ad…

He says that the FDA has given the “Cure” a green light, and the mainstream doesn’t realize it yet… and he says he knows this because he “saw something I wasn’t supposed to see” at a special closed-door meeting in Cambridge recently.

And what’s the “Cure” for? The most common sort of inherited blindness… so, yes, a big deal.

The ad, which as far as I can tell started running last week before Thanksgiving (that’s when we started getting questions), says that “when the market opens tomorrow at 9:30 am, this small cap, with the possible cure for blindness, could start to skyrocket too.”

He loads up on that, saying that there’s potential for “up to 10x gains in a single day” as this news comes out… which is pretty ridiculous, but far from the being the most ludicrous claim I’ve ever seen.

So will your financial life “change forever” if you make the “one move” he recommends in one day?

No, of course, not, but that doesn’t mean the stock can’t do well… so what’s the story?

This small cap “must make their announcement” and it’s “mandatory by law” according to the FDA.

So far, this technology is only known to work “in the lab” — conventional thinking says we’re five years away from it working in humans… but several key executives including the chief scientific officer were at this roundtable that Jeff Brown says he attended, and based on what they said he thinks LCA10, the most common type of childhood blindness, is on the verge of a cure. People could walk away from treatment with vision for the first time, with initial tests indicating that the will see with 90% clarity after treatment.

So will it “kick into high gear” and gain 1,000% in a day when this news comes out? did it already come out a few days ago and we missed out on that action? What’s the story?

He says the reason for the urgency is the “government document” he shares on screen, which is a file from with the ID number NCT#03872479, “A Single Ascending Dose Study in Participants with LCA10” that was reportedly “recruiting” as of October 28, 2019 for this trial of the drug AGN-151587, also known as EDIT-101.

Which, of course, means this is, yes, another pitch about Editas (EDIT) — that’s how they number their drugs, EDIT-101 being the first one they’ve worked on that is moving into clinical trials. The drug is actually being developed by Allergan (AGN), with Editas as a collaborator, so that’s why the primary name is AGN-151587.

And about this special document, Brown says “NO one has seen this before, I only just got my hands on it.”

And that it “brings to light” that the FDA has designated this “small-cap’s blindness cure” as an “IND,” which he says is a “very special designation” and “like a fast pass.”

Which is pretty silly, of course — this clinical trial plan was first filed back in March, and is publicly available for anyone to see right here.

And the FDA initially approved it as an IND over a year ago (that just stands for “Investigational New Drug”, meaning they got approval to begin testing it in humans” — that’s what makes a drug “clinical” instead of “pre-clinical” — no IND, no clinical trials, no human testing).

Is there some big news about EDIT-101 in the offing? Not particularly in the past week or so, nor is one anticipated in the next few weeks — they have been “enrolling” for the past few months, trying to find appropriate test subjects, and the first patient has now been screened to receive the drug… but the first dosing is expected “by early 2020” according to the latest quarterly update from Editas on November 12.

So what’s this rule from the FDA that requires news to come out soon? From what Brown says, it’s just that “they must report results” — and reporting trial results “sparks a special phase” of the biotech stock’s life cycle when the stock can surge dramatically higher.

Which is true, of course, reporting results is required for clinical trials if you want to keep advancing a drug toward eventual approval, and is a big deal for biotech stocks — they don’t trade based on financial data, they trade based on the performance of their drugs in clinical trials and, later, on the FDA’s decisions about whether their drugs can begin more trials or, eventually, receive approval to market the drug.

And Brown says “You have to make your move before the biotech reports to the FDA” — and I suppose that’s true, if you want to bet on them reporting good news in a particular clinical trial… but in this case, I don’t get the urgency. The first patient has not yet been treated with this experimental medicine, and the FDA won’t be receiving an update from this clinical trial for at least a few weeks (and that assumes they report something about this first patient in the days immediately after dosing and don’t wait for the “real” longer-term and multi-patient results, which rarely happens but is not impossible).

So yes, Editas is preparing to enter Brown’s “Stage 1” and could take off if they report great results from EDIT-101 in this first clinical trial… but it’s not going to be tomorrow, and it wasn’t last week. Yes, this small cap “must report to the FDA” as Brown says, but no, it’s not going to be “as soon as tomorrow at 9:30am” — they have to report results, but not before they have results, and since the first person won’t be dosed for probably at least a few weeks, and they are planning to dose 18 patients in this first trial, it’s going to be a while before we get any real clinical trial results.

What’s up with that bit about “tomorrow’s opening bell” and the urgency? It’s largely a sales tactic, I expect — particularly because it means the ad can work for a while, they didn’t cite a particular day on which the news will come, just “tomorrow.”

And Jeff Brown knows the expected schedule for Editas, of course, anyone who follows the company would know that they’ve been approved for a long time to move forward with EDIT-101 in clinical trials, but that the trial didn’t really begin enrolling until September and hasn’t yet seen the first dosing of a patient.

So take a deep breath, remind yourself that biotech stocks awaiting results can bring both massive gains and massive losses, and take your time to think it over when it comes to Editas — yes, EDIT has some impressive intellectual property, including the licenses to the original CRISPR patents. And yes, they are partnered with Allergan on a drug that is about to dose its first patient, and with Celgene on other projects, and could generate news in a matter of weeks if their first drug works in the first human subject… but that doesn’t mean the news will necessarily be good, or that the first patient to be dosed will be immediately cured of their blindness, and it could easily be months before we hear anything substantial about this first trial.

Editas is a pretty exciting company, but it’s not going to report Phase 1 results or rise by 1,000% at 9:30 tomorrow… so take your time, think it over, place your bets, and be prepared for a very volatile ride as CRISPR treatments reach their first patients and we see the first miracles (or the first disasters). If Editas posts life-changing gains for investors, as is certainly possible and has been predicted by several pundits (most growth stock or biotech newsletters that I’ve seen have recommended Editas and/or a basket of the CRISPR stocks at some point), it will probably be a long and bumpy road.

I don’t usually invest in early stage biotechs, mostly because of the impossibility of forecasting the economics of these drugs (let alone the probabilities of failure or success), but if I were dabbling in CRISPR I’d probably just buy a basket of the stocks (EDIT, NTLA, CRSP) and try to ignore them for five years. I know many of you delight in picking biotech stocks, though, so if you’re a fan or foe of EDIT, or have other favorites, please do let us know with a comment below. Thanks for reading!

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Trucker MD
Trucker MD
August 6, 2020 8:02 pm

Its August 2020 now 8 months after, and Jeff is still making deadlines with EDIT that “tomorrow at Aug6 4:01PM….” Instead of using the following day to await results (Aug 7). But I went to EDIT website there isnt any breaktrough to suggest a 1000%

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👍 28
August 11, 2020 12:42 pm

It seems to me that it is dishonest to claim it will be announced tomorrow when in fact this was published maybe one half year ago.

👍 14
August 26, 2020 6:31 pm

Whats the deal in Jeff Browns presentation with Inscripta ? is this not the private company he’s on about that once it IPO’s it’ll skyrocket?

Jim Kemphaus
Jim Kemphaus
August 29, 2020 9:26 am

Tomorrow is Sunday and I don’t think the market is open at 9:30 on Sunday.

Kenneth Murray
Kenneth Murray
September 18, 2020 11:00 am

Take a look at this company, ProQR NV. It is smaller and therefore has more upside if its treatment is successful. It is more advanced in getting its treatment approved than Editas and as you will hear from the Cantor Global Healthcare video below, which was shot on the 16th Sept 2020, their clinical trials have been successful in curing blindness in real patients. They also have a good pipeline of other, new treatments. It looks like a much better investment than Editas.

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Normally Dubious
September 21, 2020 2:48 pm

I bought EDIT in May at $26.00 even and it is up to $31 and change, but I’m told that as soon as 930
tomrrow it is setup to begin SKYROCKETING.

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👍 243
John Charles
October 17, 2020 9:08 pm

Today I just received this same email everything that is said above is the same as his video.
Strange though this is Saturday so the 9:30 bell will not ring tomorrow

October 31, 2020 3:57 pm

Thank you for the heads up. I just saw the “Infomercial” and wanted to research who the company was. I was certainly not plunking down 2G just to find out. These sales pitches always turn out to be too good to be true.

👍 19
October 31, 2020 4:33 pm

Thank you all for your thoughtful messages. Everyone’s shared experience helps me to see the “real life of investing.” When “Krinkle” below mentioned big pharma and how they react, I have to tell you, many of the BIG Pharma will simply buy a company if they see the upside in not only profits the company can make, but also calculate CRISPER spending the buying company plans to spend in the future. Like it or not, BIG Pharma IS becoming BIG Biotech. Look at all the biotech acquisitions pharma companies have made in the past 5 years alone.
I’ve been in the pharma industry for 30 years. I work with honest people and that is not always the case in pharma. If a company is led well with a terrific CEO, Board of Directors, C-Level Management, and very importantly, a very good sales force and management, it will do well if they have a good product to sell. Like everyone else here I believe holding and not looking at your CRISPER holdings is the way to go. There are too many ups and downs due to lawsuits, irrational market sentiment, and so many other variables. These holdings WILL go up by a very large percent in the longterm. We will look back in less than 10 years and call this the beginning of the “Genetic Therapeutics Revolution”.
For the 1st time, we will be able to heal the incurable diseases of today. I know this area very well and expect to see many more clinical Phase II trials getting underway this year and then grow very fast in the next five years. Phase III is more daunting in that the time from the start of the FDA required two Phase III studies for an FDA Indication and the results given to the public can take years. Be patient. These trials will overall be very good news for CRISPER valuation.

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👍 19
August 28, 2021 7:58 pm
Reply to  thomascovanant

A decade ago, or more, stem cell therapy was the future, but now gene editing has overtaken it. Stem cell companies seem to be off the boil these days – one exeption being MaxCyte in the U.K. which ispected to list on NASDAQ in the ear future. I’m wondering if there’s anything else the horizon that may overtake gene editing?

👍 2
October 31, 2020 4:59 pm

One more thing. During this era of the CRISPER revolution, many new Biotech start-ups have come alive. Many of them are small outfits looking for VC. Most of them are very small and looking at a single genome segment (sequence) for a specific disease they believe can be cured. Be careful when looking at these Small and Micro-Cap companies. I know of a few that I would invest in a heartbeat, but they don’t have the skilled management that it will take to get through the very rocky waters they will have to survive in.
Instead, do some research into clinical trial outcomes from companies. They can be found simply by logging into the Gov’t database that houses all the clinical trials in the US and abroad. Go to
You can put in the company name, name of the compound, or the disease condition and see all the completed and currently enrolling studies. If the completed studies look promising to you, go to the company website and look at their financials. If the companies are sound (most will not be profitable, and that’s OK) you can look up when a new drug can expect approval by searching the FDA of the company for what is called the PDUFA date. The day a pharma or biotech company can launch a drug.
This is important. Once Phase III results go public you should act on either buying the stock or using the news to either use Put or Call options.

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👍 19
November 15, 2020 10:35 am
Reply to  thomascovanant

what is Jeff Browns DNA seq. maker stock

Last edited 3 years ago by noseum
Patricia Bloodworth
Patricia Bloodworth
December 13, 2020 12:49 pm
Reply to  thomascovanant

Thank You C for the insight.

December 13, 2020 7:04 pm
Reply to  thomascovanant

Thank you so much, Thomas. I learned quite a bit from you for I am” somewhat” new and I really need to do something “again” to help me retire. In the past I had hoped that plunking a lot of money to get help from “experts” would be the answer. After giving up for a couple years, I started looking again with a skeptical view and came across Jeff. Too good to be true again, and clearly bogus marketing. Your directions are exactly what I needed to know first and foremost . Thank you again for the reality check.

Trucker MD
Trucker MD
January 9, 2021 11:35 am
Reply to  Tia

Jeff was too good to be true. He said he will have AI to use for his service way back Jul-Aug. His service is good if u have money to sit and wait. If you signed up last week Oct2020 you can say that it works. Jeff is only when you entered the time before they took off. Some losses for me, but my research from Yahoo Finance helped recover it. From: ARKG, CLOU, XBI, SPWR, SEDG, INSG, TAN, PLUG, FCEL ….. etc…
Jeff doesnt have money to willingly refund, even half. He probably makes most his money on subscription than investing fit or himself. Youre a multimillionaire?? Why are you still here upselling

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December 10, 2020 1:59 am

The website says the clinical trials are estimated to be completed March 2024…not tomorrow at 0930!

👍 9
December 10, 2020 4:46 am

Here is the on problem with today’s medical field. They don’t want to cure anything. No money in a cure, they want treatments. Money is in the treatments. When was the last time pharma “cured” anything. Nope just treatments.

👍 110
December 13, 2020 7:08 pm

Good point. I am not aware of any, as I think of it. Nevertheless, there is some way to profit from it. Just have to know what to look out for. Thomas gave us some good points to start with

December 31, 2020 10:22 am

EDIT profits has paid the freight for Jeff Brown’s entry level sap report. I’m a Belieber– volcano luging, astronaut, tech guru, Santa has goodies.

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July 17, 2021 10:53 pm

Folks, Gumshoe is your best friend when it comes to uncovering stocks. That system takes you only as far as your research and reasoning will take you… in my results.

October 1, 2021 9:00 pm

What happened with EDIT on Sept, 29, 2021; when Edit was recommended as a 1000% gainer; but reported a disappointing flop of trial 1/2? Looking to hear feedback from community. Thanks

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October 4, 2021 12:05 am
Reply to  Blanche

Jeff Brown said the recent dip is totally irrational because the trial results for the the blindness drug EDIT101 was a “huge success”. He described the most recent dip a result of ” irrational and unexplainable” market reaction. He couldn’t figure it out, himself 🙂
In fact, he describes this recent price dip of EDIT as another excellent buying opportunity for those who have not had a chance to take a position in Edit. He is suggesting to buy more into EDIT.

👍 778
June 2, 2022 9:21 am

Thanks for providing clarity on this crisper situation, without the hype. Sticking a toe in this water by buying a small “basket “ of the stocks cited , and setting them aside, and waiting for the trial results , seems like a reasonable way to proceed. Again, thanks for your insights and clarity. You are providing a worthwhile service to your Gumshoe subscribers. Howard R

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