Answers for Ray Blanco’s “Did A.I. Just Find The Hidden Cure To Cancer?” Tease — is this the “tiniest AI recommendation ever issued?”

by Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe | June 17, 2024 1:01 am

What's being teased by Ray Blanco's Catalyst Trader as the "$6 to $600" stock to profit from upcoming announcements?

This article was first published on May 1… the ad is circulating more heavily again now, with a lead-in that this might be the “tiniest AI recommendation ever issued”, so we’re re-sharing this solution to help answer some questions. The ad is unchanged, and what follows is also unchanged since we first published (the stock being teased is roughly where it was back in May 1, too… so if you believe the claims of big news coming, it hasn’t come yet).

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before…

“Nobel Prize Winner And Doctors From Harvard, Yale, Stanford & Johns Hopkins Have Made A Shocking New Type Of Discovery:

“Did A.I. Just Find The Hidden Cure To Cancer[1]?

“One Tiny Company Is About To Announce The Biggest Healthcare Advancement In History… Potentially Sending This $6 Stock To $600 Or More Over The Next Decade.”

That’s the intro from Ray Blanco[2]’s latest teaser pitch for his Catalyst Trader[3] newsletter out of Paradigm Press[4] ($995/yr, no refunds)… and it’s a long-winded video about the brilliance of a groundbreaking patent and a pending “biggest cancer news in history” moment that will make you rich… here are a few tidbits from the presentation, which unfortunately did not offer a nice transcript to skim…

“… in pre-clinical trials, this artificial intelligence breakthrough resulted in complete tumor progression”

“just one tiny $6 stock is behind this massive AI cancer discovery”

And some massive promises…

“Before long, I think oncologists everywhere could use this discovery to help patients become 100% disease free”

“This stock could rocket from just $6 to $60, or even $600, potentially very quickly.”

“I discovered a number of smoking guns regarding this company… proof that this company is set to change everything about cancer in the coming days, weeks and months.”

There are some other tidbits thrown in, including the hint that Bill Gates[5] owns shares because he “knows that this tiny stock is on the cusp of completely changing everything.” Despite the fact that he usually only buys “big stocks.”

Which isn’t particularly true, Gates has funded a lot of early-stage and venture projects, both in biotech and in clean energy.

And that BlackRock is “quietly loading up on this tiny stock” so they must be “certain something big is on the horizon”

That’s not true, either — almost all of BlackRock’s money is invested through index funds, which means they’re not picking stocks with an eye to the future… they’re just buying all the stocks in the index.

Is Blanco new to investing, or unaware of the fact that he’s blowing smoke about how those rich folks and institutions are “sure something big is coming” for this particular small company?  No… he’s just hoping you are.

So what’s that “major cancer news” this company is about to announce?

Blanco says that the CDK-7 protein powers the growth of cells, telling the cells how much they should grow… and it becomes overactive and can drive tumor growth. And that drugmakers have never had a safe way of targeting CDK-7 until now, and that “using A.I., this company discovered a secret, highly potent molecule which stops CDK-7 from becoming overactive, preventing uncontrollable growth of cells — and with it, cancerous tumors from forming.”

So that’s the pitch, this CDK-7 inhibitor led to 100% tumor regression in mice… and is a true “miracle molecule” that he believes will change the world… starting “in the coming months.”

CDK inhibitors have been a focus of cancer researchers for a long time, and it does seem, at least to this non-expert outsider, that interest has accelerated over the past couple years. That’s about the limit of my understanding. From articles I’ve skimmed in the past few minutes, it appears that there are at least half a dozen CDK-7 inhibitors in clinical trials right now, targeting a bunch of different cancers, though there have been clinical trials running for various drugs of this type since at least 2017. I don’t think any CDK-7 inhibitors have specifically been approved, or made it into Phase 3 trials at this point, but I’m not certain — there are other CDK inhibitors that are approved and in use as cancer drugs today.

And that “major announcement” that Blanco thinks this company will be making “within as little as just a few weeks?” Apparently, it’s that the results of this company’s clinical trial could come out sometime soon… shaking the world with their stunning results.


What’s going on here? To this skeptic, it looks like Ray Blanco is just following his tired playbook for promoting smallish stocks to entice subscribers — make a grandiose claim about a historic technological breakthrough, show a blurry image of a patent to make it seem real and unique, pick out some clues from press releases or insider behavior like any good conspiracy theorist, and let it half-bake in our greed-addled brains as we suffer through FOMO after a year of crazy AI stock surges… voila! A secret stock that will make you rich!

Or not.

Just to give you some context, Blanco makes similar claims of imminent life-changing returns with almost all of his teaser ads… usually following a very similar format, building on “smoking gun” items to create a case that a tiny company will soar. For about a year he promoted MyMD Pharmaceuticals (MYMD)[7] this way, with a “tiny stock wins major patent” pitch in incessant ads from mid-2022 through the Spring of 2023… culminating with an “urgent change to the world on March 20” last year as this little company was bound to cure arthritis… here’s how that one has done (that orange line at the top is the S&P 500, just for some comparison):


Before that it was Cyclo Therapeutics (CYTH)[9] and their patent on a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease, back in June of 2021… here’s how investors in that story did…


As you can see, those stocks did rise for a hot minute, in the moments after the start of Blanco’s big promo campaign, probably at least in part because Ray Blanco’s heavily distributed ads convinced people to buy in… but once that wave of attention subsided, things went downhill quickly. I haven’t followed those stocks since, so I don’t know if anything good or bad is going on lately, but story stocks need fuel to survive — that fuel can be a hyped-up pitch for a little while, but eventually they have to have actual good results, earnings or clinical progress or partnership deals or something, or investors move on to a better story… or, God forbid, a company that actually has meaningful revenue. Or even profits.

Blanco doesn’t just over-hype these nutty “smoking gun” and “critical patent” stories for biotech, battery[11]-day-10x-announcement-summit/">he has pointed investors at similarly disappointing stocks like Novonix (NVX), based on the idea that it was about to be personally blessed by Elon Musk[12], with ads running heavily from September of 2020 through January of 2021… that story played well through the 2021 market mania, but hasn’t turned into anything “real” yet…


And similar teaser promos go back years — I’ll stop with the examples, because it kind of feels mean at this point. And yes, before you ask, pretty much every time he includes a promise along the lines of “I’m staking my entire reputation on this idea” because “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.” And he usually guarantees that on the off chance he’s wrong, and the company doesn’t go up 10X in value (or whatever the promise is), you can have an extra year of his newsletter for free (but, of course, no refunds — just the typical, “you didn’t like the service? Here’s more for free!” offer… this time, with the newsletter business in a bit more of a funk than usual, he promises that if he fails to deliver, you can call and complain and get your membership extended for a lifetime).

As Blanco ironically notes in this latest ad, “the ‘big medical breakthrough’ claims that most companies tout often turn out to go nowhere and end in failure.”  My favorite example was back in 2016, when he predicted that the results would be so fantastic they’d lead to the Nobel Prize… but the clinical trial was halted not long after the ad started running — and the company changed its name and stopped being a drug developer within a couple years.

I don’t know what the performance might be for actual subscribers to Blanco’s Catalyst Trader newsletter, and I’m sure he’s picked some winners, nobody gets all of them wrong, even when they’re picking very speculative stocks in tech and biotech… but most of the teaser stocks we’ve covered for that newsletter have certainly been heavily over-promised disappointments.

But enough context from me… let’s ID the actual stock he’s teasing… some clues:

“This company owns patent BG261154A….

“This A.I. biotech company was founded by a world-famous scientist who we’ll simply call ‘Doctor H,’ in order to protect his identity.”

Um, he’s not a super hero or a whistleblower, it’s OK, you don’t have to protect his identity.

Oh, except he was fired by the company back in February, after they said he had “inappropriate” relationships with two employees… just a month or so after he had been appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire by King Charles for his achievements. His name’s Andrew Hopkins, by the way.

And that means, thanks be unto the heavens, that I don’t have to actually listen to the whole rest of this tiresome presentation… the stock is Exscientia (EXAI)[14], one of the half-dozen or so “AI drug discovery” startups that have gotten a fair amount of attention during the AI mania of the past year.

And it isn’t a six-dollar stock at the moment, though it was a couple weeks ago. It’s drifting around $5 at the moment.

The big argument for all of the “AI drug discovery” stocks (and for the AI work that lots of pharmaceutical companies have been investing in over the past decade or so), is that new machine learning advancements will make the process of new drug development much faster and better — particularly the initial discovery and identification of potential new drugs. AI can sift through data about millions of molecules, helping to identify compounds that scientists might not have identified through traditional research, and pick out the ones that might work best, or have the fewest side effects, or be particularly well-suited to fighting specific diseases in specific people.

What’s the “miracle molecule” that Blanco is talking about? That’s the drug that they currently call GTAEXS617, which is the CDK7 inhibitor that they have in Phase 1/2 clinical trials right now, being tested on solid tumors. That drug is co-owned with their partner Apeiron, and entered clinical trials about a year ago, with the first patient actually enrolled and dosed back in July of 2023 (the trial is called ELUCIDATE).

Blanco says, “you must hurry, because the FDA[15] has already rushed this cancer breakthrough into clinical trials… my research shows that it’s only a matter of time before big news breaks and sends this stock soaring much, much higher.”

It is possible that some news from this clinical trial could be shared in a presentation at some point, I suppose, but the company is not expecting to have results to share particularly soon — their latest update[16] is that they plan to “announce a transition from the dose escalation to dose expansion phase in the second half of 2024.”

The goal was to enroll 170 patients, and we don’t know how many have been dosed with the drug to this point, but the estimate was that it would take six months or so to get to that “dose expansion” phase, so they must have a decent cohort enrolled by now if they expect to “transition’ by the end of the year. My guess is that the actual Phase 2 results that might talk about any impact on tumors or cancer regression (fingers crossed) would probably come pretty late in 2025, but that’s just a wild guess, the company hasn’t said anything else specific about that timeline.

Is this particular molecule the “holy grail” that will cure all cancers? That seems to be a bit of a stretch. Lots of things cure cancer in mice, or kill tumors in a petri dish, and things usually get a little more complicated once you start testing them in a few hundred (or thousand) human beings… but they are very optimistic about it, and devote a good chunk of their latest investor presentation[17] to the potential for fighting lots of different cancers with this drug. They have so far said nothing, as far as I’ve seen, about the impact the drug has had on the first patients who have been treated. I’d be delighted to see them succeed, of course.  This is an early-stage trial, but it’s not just about safety and pharmacokinetics — the drug is being tested in people who actually have solid tumors, and they will eventually report on the observed “anti-tumor activity” of GTAEXS617 (they usually just call it ‘617).

So Blanco’s primary “catalyst” here is that he thinks they’ll announce results soon, and that if it has the same “complete tumor regression” in humans that it did in mice, which is what he expects, then he thinks the stock will soar higher.

Maybe it will. We’ll see. But even “second half of 2024” seems an optimistic timeline for real results from this trial. And of course, I would be hesitant about betting on one of Blanco’s “most important news release in history coming” promises, given the many such promises we’ve covered over the years… but Exscientia and its partners are likely to report clinical results eventually, and they might be very good, and investors might get excited about that.

That particular drug hasn’t been the real story driving Exscientia higher over the past year, though, I’d guess that investors are much more interested in the partnership programs they have with a few big pharma companies — those programs are not quite as far along in terms of drugs actually getting into the clinic, but they will generate some milestone payments along the way if attractive drugs are identified and do enter clinical trials, and, perhaps eventually, royalties on those future drugs if they actually get approved for commercial sale. That’s the general promise of most of the “AI drug discovery” stocks, they all want to partner with big companies and earn milestone and royalty payments, they don’t generally want to do the heavy lifting of running expensive clinical trials on their own.

And that’s an attractive business model, but it does take time — even if using AI does speed up drug discovery, and get drugs into the clinic faster (meaning, out of “preclinical” studies, which are on ex-vivo tissue and animals, and into “clinical trials,” which is when they’re tested on humans, the Phase 1-3 trials that we often talk about with biotech companies), that doesn’t necessarily mean the clinical trials part goes a lot faster. It could speed things up in some cases, particularly in analyzing trials or adjusting them along the way, or selecting patients, though we haven’t seen that play out in the real world yet and the FDA might not be all that flexible… but however things go, you’ve still got to prove safety and efficacy in actual human beings, which means recruiting patients and going through the steps of at least two or three clinical trials, and that usually takes many years, even if things go very well.  There are sometimes shocking breakthroughs, where the drug is so much more effective (and safe) than the treatments now on the market that the clinical trials and approval are accelerated, but not very often.

Exscientia isn’t new to you if you’ve been keeping up with your Stock Gumshoe reading — Keith Kohl[18] pitched it last September in Topline Trader[19] ads, and Alexander Green[20] at the Oxford Club[21] has been flogging it pretty steadily since October.

And they’re not alone… beyond the wheelbarrows of venture capital money being thrown at AI biotech startups over the past year, the relatively small number of public companies have been popular picks in biotech teaserdom over the past year and a half… the ones that have gotten the most attention so far, beyond Exscientia (EXAI), are AbCellera (ABCL)[22], Schrödinger (SDGR), Absci (ABSI)[23] and Recursion (RXRX), though most biotech investors probably want to forget BioXcel Therapeutics (BTAI)[24], one of the prominent “Drug discovery AI” IPOs from the pre-COVID era… and if you want to stretch the AI story a little in the biotech world you can throw in Lantern Pharma (LTRN)[25], Benevolent AI (BAI in Amsterdam), Relay Therapeutics (RLAY)[26], Predictive Oncology (POAI)[27], or a few of the other “precision/targeted” biotech stocks that are starting to more prominently sell themselves as artificial intelligence stories. We’ve written about most of those at least once or twice, and I’m sure many of them will come up again. None have changed the world yet… but we remain ever hopeful, of course, especially when it comes to breakthroughs for cancer and other terrible diseases, and it’s still early days for AI trying to prove itself in drug development.

So what’s your call, dear friend? It’s your money, after all — want to hazard a bet on Exscientia, either because of the early hopes for their cancer drug, or because of their partnership programs with a few big pharmaceutical companies that could eventually bear fruit? Have other favorite biotech AI stories that you think are more appealing? Let us know with a comment below.

Disclosure: Of the companies mentioned above, I own shares of Schrödinger in our $100K Lock Box[28] portfolio. I will not trade in any covered stock for at least three days after publication, per Stock Gumshoe’s trading rules.

  1. Cancer:
  2. Ray Blanco:
  3. Catalyst Trader:
  4. Paradigm Press:
  5. Bill Gates:
  6. [Image]:
  7. he promoted MyMD Pharmaceuticals (MYMD):
  8. [Image]:
  9. Cyclo Therapeutics (CYTH):
  10. [Image]:
  11. battery:
  12. Elon Musk:
  13. [Image]:
  14. Exscientia (EXAI):
  15. FDA:
  16. their latest update:
  17. their latest investor presentation:
  18. Keith Kohl:
  19. Topline Trader:
  20. Alexander Green:
  21. Oxford Club:
  22. AbCellera (ABCL):
  23. Absci (ABSI):
  24. BioXcel Therapeutics (BTAI):
  25. Lantern Pharma (LTRN):
  26. Relay Therapeutics (RLAY):
  27. Predictive Oncology (POAI):
  28. $100K Lock Box:

Source URL:

  • Member
    👍 504
    May 2, 2024 10:34 am
    The way I do biotech is thru THW and HQH which are CEF's run by people who (are supposed to) know the industry far better than I will ever want to. Both yield 10% dividends and I reinvest those dividends. Going to let this run this way for a few more years and see how it ends up. Biotech is way to volatile and nearly impossible to predict and these funds smooth out the crazy.
    1. Member
      👍 22347
      May 2, 2024 10:37 am
      I don't use those particular funds, but I outsource most of my biotech/pharma stock picking to funds as well... can't argue with that. It's important to be aware of the areas where you don't have the background or deep industry knowledge (or interest, even) to give you reasonable odds of success.
    2. Member
      👍 40
      June 18, 2024 10:22 am
      I was invested in THW a long time ago when I am pretty sure it was called Tekla something. It paid a good dividend but the stock price performance was disappointing. It finally spiked to ~$20 and I got out. Seems like a decent healthcare fund should be to find a winner or two within a decade driving stock price higher. Are my expectations out of whack?
  • Member
    👍 72
    May 2, 2024 11:09 am
    AIII trials, have s for cancer treatment breakthroughs, I would suggest looking at Northwest (NWBO). The are finished with phase III trials , have a journal published by 70+ doctors showing good results, have filed for approval with the European healthcare agency , have a large manufacturing site in UK to manufacture the vaccine, have 10 years of compassionate use patients, virtually NO adverse effects, and approval is expected in the next 4 months. Stock is at 0.50 due to intense short attacks from those who stand to lose major income revenue from chemo and soc .
    1. Member
      👍 22347
      May 2, 2024 12:19 pm
      Thanks... that's a tough business, personalized immunotherapy that has to be manufactured individually for each patient. Maybe part of the challenge is the history of companies who failed in their attempts at building similar businesses over the past decade or so, that could easily attract short-sellers who are looking for the next Dendreon (I know nothing about NWBO and try to resist dabbling in biotechs, long or short, they may have solved the challenges of personalized immunotherapy -- I just remember the huge promise and collapse of Dendreon over a decade ago, a stock that was heavily touted at the time and teased by some newsletters, and the business plan sounds similar).
      1. Member
        👍 42
        June 22, 2024 6:14 pm
        here's today's report on NWBO earnings -5,258.91%
  • Member
    👍 350
    May 2, 2024 11:12 am
    Ray originally recommended EXAI last October and it has fallen 6% since then.
    1. Member
      👍 16
      June 18, 2024 12:51 am
      Only fallen 6%? That's like a win for Blanco!
  • Member
    👍 3
    May 3, 2024 9:53 pm
    Hi. So I just started investing in stocks this year. I saw Ray Blanco's advertisement, and for someone just getting started I wanted to jump on it! Then I thought about the Brooklyn bridge. Anyway, is this Exscientia (EXAI) stock any good? Is there any actual reason to buy it right now?
    1. Member
      👍 22347
      Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
      May 3, 2024 10:47 pm
      As an actual business, it will be at least several years before we can really guess at how much money they could make as drugs are developed using their technology and make it Through clinical trials.As a biotech or AI story stock, though, anything could happen to drive (or collapse) investor interest, at pretty much any time. The most common way that such stocks do extremely well is a breakthrough clinical trial result or a lucrative partnership deal... the most common way for it to turn south is a bad clinical trial result.
  • Member
    May 4, 2024 6:34 pm
    Blanco is an Idiot
    1. Member
      👍 501
      May 6, 2024 10:13 am
      Disagree Robert, he is actually a clever conman.
      1. Member
        👍 16
        June 18, 2024 12:53 am
        I don't think he's either--he's just remarkably gifted at picking losers.
  • Member
    Craig Swartz
    May 4, 2024 8:09 pm
    Ray used to come up with occasional Semis & Misc. New technology winners. Often on the leading edge of their hype cycle. Great, if you got out before 2022! Name some!?, you ask: AXTI, BX, FLR, GSAT, GOGO, RMBS, PLTRHis record seems much worse now that he is into drugs.
  • Member
    👍 189
    May 6, 2024 12:03 pm
    EXAI is also in the Oxford ten baggers for tomorrow portfolio. It is up a bit today around 4.94 and a 52 week range of $3.86 - $9.12.
  • Member
    May 7, 2024 8:34 pm
    You are the best gumshoe Mr. Johnson. Very valuable information. Thank You for saving me $995!
  • Member
    👍 501
    May 12, 2024 9:44 am
    Cure For Cancer ?? Wasn't that cure being sold by travelling salesmen at circuses 150 years ago ??
    1. Member
      August 19, 2024 1:12 pm
      Probably Makes Your Hair Grow also! LOL
  • Member
    May 15, 2024 1:37 pm
    mm now May. not moved jet. stock used to be around $29 did not mention that! also. FDA investigation ! heading towards $1
    1. Member
      👍 22347
      May 15, 2024 2:55 pm
      Don't know what the "FDA investigation" might be, don't remember running across anything like that... but there are certainly lots of lawyers circling, trying to gin up a class action suit over the departure of the CEO (the "inappropriate relationship with employees" case), that's been going on since February. Probably will lead to nothing, as most of these attempted class action suits do, but lots of press releases.And yes, big shock -- EXAI has not yet announced that "cure for cancer" that Blanco teased.
      1. Member
        👍 3
        May 17, 2024 10:08 pm
        I guess that maybe I just do not get it, Burt I do not understand why Blanco gets away with this? This is flat out trying to get someone to buy a stock, that has imminent potential. Then I read that he has been at this for years. I dunno but do think that the government should probably get involved!
  • Member
    👍 66
    June 14, 2024 3:59 pm
    He gave the Patent number twice and Travis nailed it.
  • Member
    👍 51
    June 17, 2024 1:12 pm
    I found out years ago, that generally speaking; Blanco ain't seen the ball since kickoff! He is horrible and lost as a Baby's first thought!
  • Member
    June 17, 2024 2:59 pm
    Now the ambulance chasers are getting in on the act, have seen at least 2 looking for lead plaintiffs for the Dr. H lawsuit.
  • Member
    👍 6
    June 17, 2024 4:21 pm
    Microcap biotechs have been in the doghouse for the past 5+ years. The sector is a swamp and I'd recommend looking elsewhere unless you're a glutton for punishment. These companies exist on life support awaiting trials and FDA approval gates amid endless dilutive financing rounds. Wait until they are in Phase III trials if you want to play this sector.
    1. Member
      👍 2
      June 20, 2024 2:21 pm
      True but if you're willing to only gamble a couple of hundred (and accept that loss or, possible gain of only a few hundred more) then it's as fun as buying lottery tickets is for some folks. I don't mind dabbling in dreams because I keep the downside small and the potential upside is large in percentage if not dollars. I was taught that bears and bulls can both make money but hogs get slaughtered.
      1. Member
        👍 22347
        June 20, 2024 5:51 pm
        These are definitely made for folks who want or need income, not total return or long-term compounding. Hope that continues to work out for you!
  • Member
    👍 16
    June 17, 2024 9:23 pm
    I've subscribed to both Blanco's Catalyst Trader and Technology Profits Condidential the last few years, and I pretty much only use his recommendations to find good short candidates. His track record in both newsletters has been abysmal--typically 70+ percent losers, with most losing over 50%. I do not know why Paradigm Press still keeps him around.
  • Member
    June 18, 2024 9:24 pm
    I had to laugh out loud reviewing your graph comparisons of that charlatan Ray Blanco's prognostications of his hyped stocks with the S&P 500. What a great way to disrobe that pontificator!
  • Member
    Michael Hulsey
    June 22, 2024 11:36 am
    Guys like Blanco have no idea (or don't care) about the cancer patients when they promote bad drug companies. For a buck they say anything giving hope to people who are suffering from a terrible disease. As a former cancer patient I try to invest in well ran research and drug companies that are working on cancer cures. No-one needs to pay me $999 a year for bad info!
  • Member
    June 22, 2024 9:24 pm
    Not buying. I keep getting emails from Manward Press and ,not AI but ASI. Bigger better ASI.
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