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What is Lombardi’s “New Swiss Bank Account” teaser all about?

Sniffing out teaser solutions from Michael Lombardi's "Investing with Michael" letter

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, December 4, 2014

Some people don’t realize that marketing for financial newsletters is at least as much about finding successful pitches that will catch your interest as it is about touting the latest and greatest stocks picked by a particular newsletter pundit. They often come up with a new ad to sell their newsletter when they’ve discovered an exciting new pick with a good story behind it …

… but at least as often, they simply continue re-sending the same marketing letter for years regardless of whether the stocks being teased are still the favorite pick of the newsletter editor (and in a few rare cases, we’ve even seen stocks teased in heavy promotional barrages that readers have told me aren’t even in the newsletter’s portfolio anymore). The goal is to get your attention and get you to sign up for a newsletter… so when they find a spiel that works, most of these publishers will milk it until it’s dry.

Today is a case in point — Michael Lombardi runs several newsletters, and for this Investing with Michael letter he’s been promoting his “New Swiss Bank Account” idea very consistently since he first ran the ads (or at least, since our network first detected them). That was in January, 2012, almost three years ago … and I continue to see them every few months.

Including today. And yes, the ad is virtually the same as it was in 2012. He’s still implying that this investment is on par with a “Swiss bank account,” with higher yields, and is backed by precious metals and other natural resources, and that’s still quite an exaggeration in my book. So for this teachable moment we’re just re-running that article.

And frankly, it’s still pretty accurate — the yields on these investments are similar to what they were then, mostly a bit lower now since they’ve gone up in price more than the dividend has been raised… and they’ve been pretty boring. It’s still remotely possible that he might have been teasing the preferred shares of these banks instead of the regular common equity, but I don’t think so — partly because there’s little chance for capital appreciation with preferreds and he teases potential for substantial gains beyond the yield they provide.

Over the last three years they’ve been relatively steady investments. Their dividends have not grown dramatically, and the stocks have not performed spectacularly well (they’re mostly up between 20-30%, ignoring the dividend, in the three years since this article first appeared, which is dramatically worse than the 60-80% returns you would have gotten from a basket of US bank stocks or from the S&P 500 during that time). And they still trade largely as a group, though not in complete lockstep.

But yes, the pitch is the same — want to see if you find it interesting?

What follows has not been edited, updated or revised since it appeared on January 23, 2012. We’ve kept the original comments appended in case you find them interesting.

The latest pitch from Michael Lombardi is for one of those “limited to our best customers” newsletters, something he calls Investing with Michael, which seems to mostly be a safety-focused large cap stock picking service. If that’s true then a thousand bucks a year is a bit steep, but certainly not unheard of — and that’s after they have, of course, “slashed” the price for you, their very most special-est customer.

Lombardi says that he’s an “investor, not a trader,” and that this service will supply at least six conservative investment picks per year… along with two special reports.

The report that’s catching the eye of my readers lately is called The New Swiss Bank Account: How Canadian Safe Haven Investments Pay 5.1% Every Year on Top of 44% Returns — so what’s he talking about?

Well, he starts off with a long diatribe about how Canada is the new Switzerland — with a stronger bankings system, better regulations, a pro-business government, great natural resources wealth to back their currency, no ties to the weak euro, etc. etc.

Here’s a taste from the ad:

“Yet, there’s a tiny group of investors who are not worried about the euro, dollar or any other crisis.

“That’s because they have their money safely tucked in the ‘New Swiss Bank Accounts.’ At this moment, they are enjoying safety, privacy, and security, along with Treasury-busting yields of 5% per annum and returns on capital exceeding 44%.

“That’s why …

“The Guardian Declares These Investments ‘The Envy of the World’

“‘This is the last safe country on Earth,’ I explained to a business associate on one of my recent trips to Europe. ‘Nobody is talking about this place, but you won’t find a safer place for your money—not even in Switzerland.'”

More? You asked for it!

“You also get privacy. This nation ranks nearly the same as Switzerland in banking privacy, according to the Heritage Foundation.

“And security. Though relatively tiny in population—with a smaller population than Spain and Poland—you won’t find a more stable and secure nation on the planet. It has a long history of pro-business regimes, from colonialism to independence.

“Not only are these ‘bank accounts’ backed by gold and silver resources, but they are also backed by oil and deposits, timberland, and mineral wealth. You can feel safe knowing your money is backed by precious metals and other valuable commodities.”

He then goes on to “let the cat out of the bag” in case you hadn’t guessed, and clarify that yes, this “New Swiss Bank Account” is something to do with the Canadian financial system. Here’s some more:

“… unlike bank accounts in Switzerland—which are complicated and cumbersome to open—opening a New Swiss Bank Account is easy.

“You put your money into a special ‘bank account’ based in Canada. It’s 100% legal, and can be accomplished using your normal brokerage account (including your online brokerage). It takes only 30 minutes, and you can open a New Swiss Bank Account starting with as little as $49.

“You don’t even have to be Canadian citizen.

“I should also be clear that opening a New Swiss Bank Account is NOT opening a regular bank account at a Canadian bank, such as a savings account. It’s NOT buying a guaranteed investment certificate or certificate of deposit from a Canadian bank. It’s also NOT buying Canadian Treasury bonds.

“These fixed income investments might be safe, but they only pay measly rates of 1.2% to 2.4%.

“Nowhere near the 4% to 5% you’d get from a New Swiss Bank Account. And you’d lose out on the benefits that you get with the New Swiss Bank Account, such as the opportunity to have your investment increase in value. Because, unlike a regular bank account, your New Swiss Bank Account can increase in value, just like a stock….

“New Swiss Bank Accounts are a very special kind of financial instrument, fully backed by Canadian banks, paying yields exceeding 4%.”

So which investments are being teased here? One last clue:

“The top two New Swiss Bank Account companies in Canada today (in terms of biggest current yields). One of these companies will pay you 4.4% and another pays you 5.1%, guaranteed for the next 12 months. I’ll also tell you why I expect these payments to increase in the coming years.”

Well, we toss all that into the mighty, mighty Thinkolator and, considering those clues, have to accept the answer that comes out the other end: these “New Swiss Bank Accounts” are … common shares of Canadian banks.

Not as sexy as we thought, eh? Still, hard to argue with the performance the big Canadian banks have shown since the financial crisis (and, frankly, during the crisis — at least compared to US and many other global banks). And the big five Canadian banks do generally have solid yields, good reputations, and prospects for dividend growth. So what are the “top two” from Lombardi?

Well, it’s pretty clear that he’s picking the top two yielders among the big “safe” banks, so that would be Bank of Montreal (BMO) and Canadian Imperial Bank (CM), both of which yield about 4.7% right now, though 4.4% and 5.1% would have been possible effective yields in recent months (Lombardi’s ads don’t necessarily stick with “up to the minute” numbers in their teasers).

Those are also the two Canadian banks that did worst in the financial crisis, though most of the group trade pretty closely together, and they’ve slightly outpaced some of their peers in the last couple years. You can find lots of articles extolling the virtue of Canadian bank stocks for safety and dividend growth, and for a generally less risky play on the North American financial sector that doesn’t come under all of the same regulatory, housing, and bailout-connected upheaval that causes shares of big US banks to be so volatile.

There are still risks, of course — plenty of folks think Canada is headed for a housing slump, perhaps even a crash (though sentiment seems to be that the overpriced, crash-threatened segments of Canadian housing are localized in a few hot areas), and Canadian banks, though not as global as US banks, certainly are susceptible to the same kinds of macro forces that are making most bankers quake in their boots these days … even if Canada’s economy is more resilient than many. That resilience, of course, does have a bit of cyclicality to it — Canada has both a big manufacturing sector (including lots of auto manufacturing) and a large reliance on oil exports to the U.S. and commodity exports, particularly lumber and agricultural commodities, to the rest of the world. So if the world gets sicker, we might expect Canadian exports to suffer, though they’re not necessarily as directly tied to the health of one economy as Australia is to China, for example.

The other banks? The ones you’ll hear mentioned (and which trade in the US) are all large, here they are along with their ticker, their dividend, and their trailing PE ratio and current price/book ratio, all according to Yahoo Finance:

(FYI, number six on the list, in terms of size, would be National Bank of Canada, which is far smaller with a market cap near $12 billion and isn’t listed in the US).

BMO and CM, in addition to being the two highest-yielding, are also the smallest (market caps between $30-40 billion, so not really “small”). Each of the banks has different books of business across different provinces to some degree, and the big Toronto standard-bearers (TD and RY) seem to be priced at a little bit of a premium, as you might expect. The variations in Price/book value stand out to me and make BMO and TD look a bit more appealing (TD has also had the best dividend growth among the Canadian banks in recent years, averaging around 8% annually), though it’s hard to delve into the distinctions between these banks without better understanding their balance sheets and geographic exposure … and I’m not going to do that, because digging into bank balance sheets makes my brain heat up so much that my hair starts to hurt. Suffice to say that Lombardi seems to be teasing some big Canadian bank stocks as the equivalent of the “New Swiss Bank Account” … and that most of the laudatory quotes he uses (like that one from The Guardian) are from 2009, when Canadian banks started to really pants the US financials in the rebound.

So what do you think? Do you think these big Canadian banks are still hot picks a couple years after they proved optimistic investors right following the financial crisis? If so, would you also go for the two highest yielders and single out CM and BMO, or do you have other favorites? Let us know with a comment below.



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Robert Hawk
Robert Hawk
June 15, 2012 5:13 am

What I have seen of the pitch Mr Lombardi makes, its simply a marketing tool much like the selling of Orgreenic cooking pans. Once they get hold of the unsuspecting buyers credit card then there is trouble ever getting off their list. I have read several complaints concerning their tactics toward customers. They run you around and badger those who want to back out of the purchase using their 100% money back guarantee. Just sounds like someone running a scam to me.

Look folks we are going to experience financial disaster in the up coming months and years, its biblical that a loaf of bread will cost a working mans days wage (denarus). Revelation chapter 6, the 3rd seal. Most people are unaware that Russia is behind the terrorists in the Middle East and that their plan is to take over the OPEC with their partner Iran. This too is biblical and is written in the Book of Daniel in the 8th and 11th chapter. Once Russia kicks the USA out of the Middle East the value of the US dollar will decrease directly proportionate to its Middle East transactions (some 4 – 6 trillion USd). This is most likely the root cause of hyperinflation. And that information was free. The markets will tumble approximately 50 – 70 % from where they are right now (about 4 – 6 thousand on the DOW). Food will become the commodity to own. Expect a global restructure to a single currency (something the Marxists-Leninists have wanted for years), as financial systems scramble to save what ever they have left.
Daniel 8 talks about Persia (Iran) and Media (Turkey – Iraq) becoming very wealthy, investors may want to watch those areas, but that wealth is short term as both are destroyed by the West (Daniel 11). This war with Iran (Persia) is the final chapter played out in this earth age, where the global world order emerges under the fake Christ.

I guess what I am saying is, it does not matter much what occurs from this point foreword as its all going to be destroyed any way. Focus on the basics of life as everything else will quickly fall by the waste side. Focus on Commodities which everyone must have to simply survive. In the last 4 years alone they have skyrocketed. Focus on companies who make munitions, companies who sell commodities, Farming companies and Farm implements. What value is there to holding on to a FIAT currency such as the US dollar when you know it will evaporate or be greatly devalued in the short future. If you make a billion US dollars tomorrow and find it worth 30 % over the next 2 years, what was your profit? Your investment goals must change to more fluid and universal currency.

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September 27, 2012 4:15 pm

Why go offshore when some US banks offer you 6% on CDs you hold for 5 years on accounts of $25,000 or more? case in point If you withdraw any sooner the penalty is a declining drop in interest rate to usually around 4% (still an incredible bargain!)

Marta Gomez
Marta Gomez
October 16, 2012 4:36 am

I agree that my investment goals must change to more fluid and universal currency. does anyone have any knowledge of companies that sell Commodities that they would like to suggest to me. I am really interested in focusing solely on this type of investment! I would greatly appreciate anyone’s advice, lead and/or even opinions on this topic. Thank you greatly! I just read this webpage today because I received an email from Mr. Lombardi. In which he is pitching all about the “New Swiss Bank Accounts” of Canada. And before coughing up my hard earned money over to him. I looked up this topic on uTorrent Search and ended up here. I have to admit I absolutely have just loved everything that I have just read. I have learned soooo much in just a couple of minutes and it did not cost me $89.00 and a headache afterwards. Once again thank you to all of you who have left your replies on this site. God bless you and may you have success in your future investments!


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August 22, 2013 1:59 pm
Reply to  Marta Gomez

Eight months later it is still being peddled. Thankgoodness for sites like this one.

December 26, 2012 11:07 am

This pitch is being resurrected today via the “Investment Contrarians”. Looks mostly unchanged.

July 24, 2013 6:52 am

Good Day, All, Especially, Robert Hawk!!!!1
Hi Robert,
What you say is Correct!!!!!
Michael is just using his Investment Contrarians as bait to extricate our hard earned money from our wallets!!!! and Tout his products!!!!
Polititians are the Highest paid non hard working liars world wide!!!
They come out of the wood work as and when election time is coming near!!!!
To lie ,cheat , and no delivery on their promises!
The Investment Advisers are no better if they give you the wrong advise and you lose all your money no recourse!!!!!!
Do your own research!!!!
Trust no one on earth only Christ and God!!!!!
They tell the truth and deliver they are the same today as yesterday and forever!!!!
I have lost a lot of money through Scams false information on investment returns !!!!
Caveat Emptor (Buyer beware!!!!!)
I live now in a Marxist/Communist Country Namely, South Africa!!!!
Where the Marxist regime African National Congress(ANC) is rife with corruption, nepotism, looting of State Coffers, Ak47 Hi Jacking and Robberies never witnessed in the History of this Beautiful Country!!!
Just remove the people and have Christianity and the animals would put the world back on track for GOD’S PLAN through Christ our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, our Saviour!!!!
God Bless us who are sane responsible Citizens of every Country.

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Jane Barlow
Jane Barlow
March 26, 2014 1:38 pm

Shifting Gears: I would appreciate knowing your thoughts on two small companies that have done very well in 2014, Simulations Plus (SLP) and Profire Energy (PFIE). I own SLP and am tempted to add more shares and also to buy PFIE. Thanks, in advance, for your input! Irregular Jane

March 26, 2014 6:49 pm
Reply to  Jane Barlow


👍 1313
March 26, 2014 7:25 pm

Speaking as a Canadian, what a lot of bull. I bought all the Canadian banks during the 2008-9 meltdown, with 10% trailing stops, and was stopped out on some recently, with only TD and BNS left. The market for banks in Canada is saturated. They are mostly going into the US and foreign countries for growth. A rise in interest rates for a whole generation of people who have never known any rates not below the historical norm will be a disaster. Buy with trailing stops, and remember, everything goes in cycles.

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who noze
March 27, 2014 10:38 pm

when it comes to banks LOOK AT SANTANDER SAN SPAINS LARGEST BANK SAN NOTE THEY ARE ALSO IN LATIN AMERICA 8BUCKS P.S. THEN there is lyg in good, old englandthey expect to pay a dvnd soon aromnd 5 bucks p.s. THESE ARE BLUE CHIPS COMING BACK

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March 27, 2014 11:53 pm

Indian currency has gone against you 30%+ in last 5 yrs.. how do you expect to hedge that risk?

March 31, 2014 4:59 pm

the Canadian bank common I like best is Bank of Nova Scotia because it is the least Canadian of the lot, being the most international with its business via Scotiabank in Latin America and the Caribbean. Of course going to those places with a local bank is scary but Canada does have regulations and reporting requirements. It is less exposed to either mortgages in Canada or the US market than other of the big 5 Canada banks. Its yield is marginally lower but its profits are safer.
Indian bank accounts can only be bought by non-resident Indians (NRIs) people who are of Indian heritage but live outside the country. If you are an NRI or if you trust a family member who is one, you can deposit money for high yields in India.
You can also buy Indian bank stocks listed on Wall Street like ICICI Bank of HDFC to mention only private sector banks with liquid Big Board American Depositary Receipts.
However, India faces a truly game-changing election pitting the Hindu nationalist supposedly pro-business BJP against the long-term top Congress Party, which is more lefty and secular. My own fear is that the good record on private-sector support Nahindra Modi chalked up in Gujarat will not port to New Delhi if he become premier even if he wins without hocking his policies to a bunch of regional party bosses with a different agenda. So I wouldn’t be buying rupees (in a bank account or in an Indian bank stock.) If I were an NRI I might do so because I want to retire back home or look after relatives.
vivian lewis, ed.
vivian lewis, ed.

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👍 166
Ove J.Aspen
December 5, 2015 3:51 pm

Why not Invest in Norwegian/Scandinavian Bank/Insurance Companies like DNB and GJENSIDIGE which are High Yielders and must F ollow Norwegian Capital Performance laws.These 2 companies are Solid like The Rocky Mountains.Being a shareholder in my venturecompany O.J.Aspen Oil Ltd (London) had given you 25 prosent dividend.There are still shares to be bought.Chief Broker O.J.Aspen

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Missionary Dickd
Missionary Dickd
March 25, 2016 2:44 pm

Whoever suggested investing in Ukrainian banks with 18 per cent return in local currency has not been to Ukraine lately. Their currency has suffered dramatic inflation and is likely to be highly unstable for years to come. We have lived and operated a mission in Kiev, Ukraine for over 23 years. Keep your money in U.S. dollars while living or investing in this country.

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Ron buffett
Ron buffett
August 2, 2016 7:45 pm

I have owned bro for at least 20 years. It has been a very good investment I would recommend.

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