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Market Update

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Arthur F
Arthur F
March 31, 2022 7:52 am

Is Tactical Investor Out of Business? I sent them $ and have received no response at all and it’s been almost a week. I followed up with email and got no response.

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July 21, 2024 12:10 am
Reply to  Arthur F

Thankfully, it’s still going strong.

👍 2
July 1, 2022 4:54 pm

Does anybody know why the Tactical Investor doesn’t show under the newsletter rankings anymore?

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👍 2
👍 165
July 20, 2022 3:40 pm

I subscribed to tactical investor for a few months in spring 2022. they are out of Australia which I did not know. I found their info very difficult to understand. their website is not easy to follow either. not sure why all of the 5 star votes. I canceled after two months. they told me I had to do it via PayPal. seems like a couple of fellas. if I wanted to invest in Australian stocks, I might rejoin, but I might not. they also don’t show their track record. I was not impressed.

👍 91
July 20, 2022 6:50 pm
Reply to  aoraccounts

They seem to just buy in third or quarter lots as the markets falls , which is fine . Reading the back issues, it appears they missed the rising rate trend and the most recent stock market pullback. Some of their picks appear to be exceptionally week. Probably better off to just Dollar Cost Average an ETF. They seem to be a bit overboard on their political opinions, as well.

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👍 2
July 21, 2022 8:39 am
Reply to  ctrout

I couldn’t agree more. As I mentioned above, they’ve completely tanked my portfolio, and I’d give anything to turn back the hands of time and never have bought into their ‘system’. This clown “Sol” is an arrogant jerk, who mocks anyone who doesn’t buy into his losing system. Steer clear at all costs.

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👍 55
July 31, 2024 1:21 pm

I’m curious to see how you would have fared if you held all those recommendations. Reviewing the back issues reveals that the majority took off and delivered solid gains. Short-term trading can yield mixed results, but the proof is in the long-term outcome.

July 21, 2022 8:38 am
Reply to  aoraccounts

If you got out after two months, consider yourself fortunate. I bought into their “system” (which is RIDICULOUSLY needlessly complicated to track…), and they’ve cost me a bloody fortune. They basically bought everything wrong at the worst possible time (they kept loading up on tech as it was on its way down). The worst thing is, this guy Sol is so full of himself, he constantly mocks and berates almost everyone who doesn’t follow his methodology, yet he’s been picking loser after loser for over a year now. They have totally screwed my portfolio, and I can’t stress enough that people need to avoid them like the plague.

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👍 55
March 14, 2023 2:58 pm
Reply to  aoraccounts

The market update does not only deal with Australian stocks. You are referencing a bonus service, “plunder from down under:” Some of the stocks mentioned in that service have already experienced gains of 10X. I will take that any day

It appears that you did not read the suggested material or take the time to review back issues. I am amazed that you could state that this service focuses only on OZ Stocks; they only deal with U.S. stocks, ADRs, and ETF’s. Many have said the same thing before if you are lazy and can’t bother to put in the minimal effort required; then it’s not for you.

To benefit from this service, you need to adjust your trading strategy. Stick to low-risk plays highlighted in green if you’re new. The service has a great long-term track record and made amazing USD and bond market predictions. Despite a brief dip where I was down over 30%, I held on and ended up in the black. They handled the COVID crisis superbly, and from 2020 to early 2021, I tripled my high-risk portfolio.

To see how they have fared over the years; examine their long-term track record. They provide issues dating back to 2015, so you can see for yourself how successful their predictions have been.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Hans
January 22, 2023 4:07 am

This is an update to my April post. Sol and Team predicted the correction of 2022 several months before it started; I think the first time was around Oct or November of 2021. I began to take profits in Jan-Feb 2022 and moved close to 50% into cash. I then more or less swing traded, but I avoided high-risk companies. I am a low to medium-risk player, so I only played with low-volatility stocks.

However, when It became apparent that the Russian-Ukraine, war could last much longer, I became nervous and used rallies to lighten up even more. This was towards the end of May. All these actions were predicated on the fact that Sol Palha was expecting the markets to experience a strong correction in 2022.

Considering that 2022 was a wild year, I did pretty well. I did not end the year up 25%, but I was up around 11%. To succeed, it is essential to read all the suggested material, and IMHO the most important thing is to identify your risk profile. This is the primary reason I did well last year. It is an excellent service if you read the suggested material and follow the simple guidelines

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👍 44
January 23, 2023 8:57 am

As a low-risk investor, the first thing that caught my attention in late 2021 was that they were predicting two corrections for 2022, with one falling in the very strong category.

I did my due diligence by reading dozens of back issues, which allowed me to see their track record and gave me confidence in their predictions. So I made a simple plan. I built up cash, hedged my position and waited for the right moment to invest. The rest, as they say, is history. My portfolio not only survived, but I banked some profits during the massacre of 2022.

If you want this service to work for you, then the most important thing is to determine what investor category you fall under; low risk, medium, high, and very high risk, etc.
Sol’s bullish call on the dollar well before anyone was priceless. On that call alone, I made a small fortune

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January 23, 2023 11:41 am

I heeded their call for a market correction in 2022. Built up cash for the first 6 months of the year and then started buying from June onwards. I feel this market will be range bound for years to come, so I use their market predictions to jump in and out of the markets. They stated the Dow would trade to the 34,400 range and then correct until Feb. Let’s see if that happens. Overall, I am satisfied. For newcomers, take the trial and see If the service is for you. If you are not willing to allocate some time to going over the reading materials and several past issues, then maybe it’s not for you

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March 14, 2023 2:25 pm

The service is excellent, but following simple but thorough instructions is essential. If you don’t, you may end up disappointed.

Based on what I’ve seen so far, some people who complain may not be following the simple trading rules or taking the time to read the suggested material. The service also has a private forum, which is a great resource. Many knowledgeable traders post there, and it’s an excellent opportunity to learn and exchange ideas.

If you’re new to the service, I recommend allocating some time to study their methodology and reading the suggested material. I followed all the rules and identified my risk profile (which they strongly advised from the beginning). I’m happy to say that I finished 2022 with moderate gains – better than most individuals I know. And 2023 is off to a great start.

Here are some simple suggestions:

Read all the suggested material, go through at least 10-12 past issues (which they send you a lot of), and identify your risk profile. Don’t trade outside your risk profile until you’ve made money. Another essential rule is allocating equal amounts of money to each position and dividing each investment into lots stipulated in each trade.

I took the trial subscription. You have 30 days to see if the service is right for you. So far, I’m happy to say I’m satisfied with it. And did I mention how great the private forum is? It’s worth the cost of the subscription itself.
If you’re lazy and unwilling to change the way you trade, this service may not be for you. But if you’re willing to follow their simple rules and understand their methodology, the odds of doing well are pretty good.

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👍 5
March 14, 2023 2:45 pm
Reply to  Steve1247

I’m sorry, but comments like this just seem bizarre. I followed their reco’s to the letter, and lost my shirt. Most were down 30% in no time. Their timing is awful, which included loading way up on tech as it tumbled. Talk about trying to catch a falling knife, their reco’s were textbook. The private forums are a joke, half the time it’s more right-wing political commentary than anything. And this ‘Sol’ character is one of the most arrogant, self-aggrandizing clowns I’ve ever encountered on any financial site. According to him, the world is made up of idiots, and he’s just about the only enlightened one in the crowd.
The returns speak for themselves, and my advice ever since they tanked my portfolio, is to steer wide and clear of these shysters.

👍 55
March 14, 2023 3:44 pm

How long have you been with them? This is a very important question. Based on your comments you were with them for a few months. If you’re only looking at a few months, it’s an incomplete picture. Keep in mind short term trading is akin to gambling

Despite the negative predictions when Trump won, they advised embracing any market pullbacks. During the COVID crash, while experts were screaming, they urged us to buy.

Did you read all their suggested material and follow their advice ; newcomers are told to stick to low risk plays. Their long term track record speaks for itself.

The experience of Peter Lynch, one of the most successful fund managers who achieved remarkable returns averaging 27% for years, is an interesting case study. However, it’s worth noting that on average, most investors who put money into his fund lost money. This was mainly because many made the mistake of jumping in and out of the market based on short-term fluctuations rather than sticking to a disciplined investment approach focused on long-term goals.

Once I have some free time, I’ll post the number of wins the Main Portfolio registered since the markets hit bottom, which was around October of last year.

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👍 5
May 5, 2023 9:18 am

I have been a member almost since its inception, so it’s safe to say I am well-versed in their trading style. Firstly, let me address the complaints, which are valid only if you are a short-term trader. The majority of the grievances revolve around the performance in 2022. However, it’s worth noting that even Warren Buffett struggled during this time, and the majority of my associates and other trading services that I monitor or follow had negative or subpar performance. The key to achieving success with this service is to focus on the long-term outlook.

Let me share three trades where I made a significant profit, banking 1000% on precious metals and nearly 900% on US dollar (long) and (shorting) Yen. The first trade involved precious metals, with the group endorsing them since 2003-2004. I got into silver at $4.00 and sold it for nearly $50.00 when the group issued sell instructions around August 2011. I earned around 600% on gold and over 1000% on Palladium, but that was because I held onto them for longer. This service helped me net my first million.
Sol, then predicted that the dollar would trade on par and surpass the yen. He further stated that the yen would experience a strong correction. I went long on the dollar and shorted the yen via options, making over 900% on the dollar trade and around 800% on the yen trade.

These are just a few of my most profitable trades. Although my portfolio was down 27% in 2022, it is significantly higher over a two to three-year period as Sol made one of his greatest bullish calls during the COVID crash. And the rally Sol predicted in 2022, which took longer to materialize finally came to pass. As of today, I am only down 10% (recouped 17% so far) and I am positive I will end the year in the black.

If your investment horizon is less than twelve months, I would concur with the comments posted here that this service is not suitable for you. However, if you are an investor and not a speculator with a longer investment timeline, this service may be the ideal option for you.

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👍 6
Bob Jones
Bob Jones
June 26, 2023 12:19 am

Well, well, well! Looky here, y’all. I’ve been a subscriber for ’bout a good ol’ year now. Joined right smack in the middle of them so-called terrible times some folks couldn’t stop complainin’ ’bout. Lord, it sure was a rough road ’til ’round June-July. But lo and behold, things done took a mighty turn, and darn near all them stocks I snatched up went and showed some real gains. Now, listen up, I went ahead and put a solid 80% of my hard-earned money into them low and medium risk stocks, just like them sharp TI team suggested. Now, let me tell ya, their call on Bitcoin? It’s been a sight to behold, I tell ya! They done hit every single target, and I got in at a sweet ol’ 16K. You reckon how happy that’s got me?

Now, listen up real good, my friend. If you wanna make a real go at this game, you gotta have some gumption and be willing to hold them plays for a good ol’ 9-12 months. And here’s another tip from yours truly, don’t go pourin’ too much of yer hard-earned cash into them high risk plays. They make it clear as crystal which ones are low risk and which ones are high risk. So, take it slow and steady, and keep them risks in check. Trust me, it ain’t too hard to tell the difference.

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Will Hope
Will Hope
January 3, 2024 12:56 pm

I posted this first under the ETF Trend Trader, and as I use both services, I’m also posting it here..

I’ve been using this service for five years and easily average 20% each year with the ETFs. The Market Update service gives me even better results. The only slightly down year was 2022, but I bounced back and gained more in 2023.

In 2023, they were on fire – the majority of their plays significantly outperformed the market. So far 2024 is looking good

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April 20, 2024 4:22 pm
Reply to  Will Hope

I must not be able to understand the methodology. I constantly see buys that are way below market prices. Sure if you buy at what he says you should do fine. I see “buy at 50 or less” and the market price is 60. Yeah, it was 50 three months ago but he is always a little late.

👍 47
July 21, 2024 12:26 am
Reply to  bstew

That’s their methodology. If you look over the long term, you can see how well it works. I believe what they are doing—though I can’t be sure—is waiting for a stock to break out to show initial strength and then buying on the pullback. Notice how well it worked with TSLA and AAPL, both very recent plays. I just closed AAPL for a gain of 43%.

This is another reason they post several plays, as not all will pull back to the stated price. I prefer this method as it ensures I always pay less.

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👍 2
July 21, 2024 12:08 am

In addition to the ETF service, I am also a subscriber to the Market Update service. I really love the Bread and Butter portfolio. The win rate on all closed positions to date is 100%. Although two open positions are slightly underwater, the gains on APPLE, FCX, and AA more than compensate for those losses. These two companies are ones I would have invested in anyway and expect to trade much higher in the long run. In the meantime, I am collecting nice dividends and selling a few covered calls on these plays. This portfolio is ideal for IRA and ROTH IRA accounts, featuring stringent requirements, great gains, and very little work involved.

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👍 2
July 31, 2024 1:18 pm

I have nothing but good things to say. Based on their notes under the “long-term outlook” section, I played Bitcoin, Russell, SPX, and Oil, netting over 200K on those trades. In stock trades, my recent wins were with TSLA, AAPL, AA, and FXI, with an average gain of 36%. One standout was AEHR, where I banked close to 80% with a hold period of less than 9 months. I used options (LEAPS) for FXI, AA, and AEHR, achieving an average gain of 360%.

My two cents: if you sign up, make sure to read all the suggested material. It takes a substantial 1 hour if you are a slow reader. As a fast reader, it took me 25 minutes, though I reviewed it three times. After that, read past issues. Following these steps will make it quite easy to stay on track.

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