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“Obamacare: Don’t get mad, get RICH!” (sez Money Map Press)

Sniffing out the Obamacare beneficiaries touted by Money Map Report's Keith Fitz-Gerald

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, November 19, 2013

The latest screed from Danielle O’Dell for the Money Map Report is aimed at first getting you all fired up about Obamacare, in case you’re one of the seven people in the United States that doesn’t already have a strong opinion about that law’s impending enactment, and then, more importantly, at telling you that she’s got a way for you to profit from Obamacare instead of getting angry about it.

Why? Well, the obvious answer is: writing stuff about Obamacare gets people fired up.

And fired-up people read through long sales letters and are motivated to take action.

Actions like, say, subscribing to newsletters.

I’m sure every single person reading this has their own personal opinion about the troubles with our health care system, and about all possible proposed solutions, and the polls certainly tell us that everyone hates Obamacare even as most of us don’t quite understand how it’s going to end up working — since the rollout of the health care exchanges has been so botched “I hate Obamacare” is certainly an easy opinion to come by even if you generally like some sort of universal or single-payer health care system or a reorganization of the health insurance market, and even if you personally might be a beneficiary of the new system.

So I won’t dwell on Obamacare or on the political aspects of it, and I don’t really much care what Danielle’s opinion is on that or her “countdown to catastrophe” doomsday clock for the enactment of part of the Affordable Care Act on January 1 … we’ll just try to figure out what stock O’Dell is touting as a play on this big change to the health insurance markets.

And yes, in order to even get to the ideas of how to profit from Obamacare we need first to sit through an interminable sales pitch about the free “Beating Obamacare” book that they’ll give you for subscribing — but you could, of course, buy Beating Obamacare for $5 or $10 yourself if you wanted it — do you want to subscribe to the Money Map Report newsletter?

Well, let’s first see what stock or investment they’re promoting as their way to profit from Obamacare — this isn’t the first “Obamacare profits” pitch we’ve heard, and I suspect it won’t be the last, but we’d be delighted to figure out the specifics for you if we can.

The pitches about specific investment ideas come from Keith Fitz-Gerald, one of the analysts behind the Money Map Report and a few other Money Map newsletters, here’s a taste of his spiel after he takes over from Danielle in this ad “presentation”:


“Let me give you just one quick example of what you’ll find in this free special report…

“Everybody on Wall Street ASSUMES that Obamacare will hurt companies that depend on hourly-wage workers the most…

“Especially fast-food companies…

“Because fast-food companies are going to have a hard time giving health insurance to millions of employees who barely make minimum wage…

“It makes sense, right?

“But wait…

“The folks who run these giant fast-food chains aren’t stupid…

“If they simply take their 40-hour-per-week FULL-TIME employees…

“And turn them into 30-hour-per-week PART-TIME employees…

“They won’t have to pay a penny in health insurance!

“And all that savings will go right to the bottom line…

“In other words, Obamacare will FORCE these companies to become even more profitable than they are today…”

So I guess McDonald’s is the “freebie” pick that he’s willing to share with anyone who sits through the ad pitch, and he goes into a bit more detail here:

“So invest in McDonald’s, because unlike many other American companies…

“McDonald’s will not only remain unscathed by Obamacare…

“Obamacare will actually FORCE McDonald’s to become more profitable than it is today!

“But at roughly $90+ a share, it’s not easy for the average investor to take a large position in McDonald’s…

“Nor is it the kind of stock that could double or triple in value over a short period of time…

“Because blue-chip stocks like McDonald’s don’t usually do that…”

I don’t know how much of an impact Obamacare might have on McDonald’s future, but I’d guess that the shares have “taken a breather” over the last six months probably at least as much because they had gotten kind of expensive and the company was generating only about 2% sales growth as because of any health insurance concerns.

And he throws out another (very) thinly veiled idea in fast food:


“In China nowadays, Colonel Sanders’ chicken is more popular than General Tso’s!”

I’m under the impression that General Tso’s Chicken is a “Chinese American” dish popularized entirely in Chinese restaurants in the US, though I’m sure you can now get it in Beijing … but yes, Kentucky Fried Chicken has been a big hit in China, and China was the source of much of their growth over the last decade — though, like McDonald’s, KFC parent Yum Brands (YUM) has had some trouble “breaking through” to new highs over the last 18 months as sales have often come out a bit lighter than expected, in part because of slowed growth in China. Optimism has perked up a bit more recently and YUM is now again trading at a nice stiff premium to the market, with a forward PE of about 20.

I don’t know how anyone on earth can resist fried chicken, so perhaps YUM will take over the world eventually … but I don’t find the stock particularly mouthwatering at this valuation. And of course, we didn’t have to pull the Thinkolator out of the garage for that one — anyone can find the stock ticker for Yum Brands in about 30 seconds, and it might take 30 seconds again to learn that KFC is owned by Yum brands if that wasn’t already part of your mindscape.

Then we get into the one that’s really held out as “secret” — it’s about health care, so it’s probably more specifically relevant to Obamacare. He does say that some pharma companies are going to reap windfalls because of all the new customers, but doesn’t specifically hint about any individual ones … until he talks about vaccines. Here’s a bit of the tease:

“Buried in the 2,572 pages of the Affordable Care Act are two little paragraphs that could make you very rich indeed…

“When you clear away all the government gobbledygook, one of these paragraphs says…

“The federal government may enter into contracts with private companies to buy vaccines…

“And the other paragraph says…

“The government not only will be buying more vaccines, but it also will be promoting their benefits…”

So there’s the profit potential — Fitz-Gerald cites reports that the vaccine market could be growing by 15% a year, which would be a nice big tailwind for any company selling a lot of vaccines. Which stock does he like to benefit from that?

Well, he does mention the large cap vaccine leader …

“… you could buy GlaxoSmithKline, which is the market leader in vaccines with 23% global market share…

“Unfortunately, at roughly $50 a share for GSK, the potential for growth is limited…”

That always gets my goat a little bit — it might be that GSK’s potential is “limited” … but it’s not because the stock is at $50 a share, it’s because it’s a mega-billion-dollar company with a history of ups and downs, and because the vaccine business is a relatively small part of a big company. A $2 company is not necessarily one with better growth potential than a $50 company, you have to look at the size and prospects of the individual company, and though low share prices tend to go with small companies that’s certainly not always the case (for those who don’t know, the market capitalization is the number that really tells you the size of a company — that’s the number of shares times the share price. GSK is not a $50 company, it’s a $125 billion company … or, if you want to take it a step further and be more analytical, it’s got an “enterprise value” of $150 billion — enterprise value means you add the net debt to the market capitalization, it’s the price you’d pay today if you bought all the shares and paid off the company’s debts).

But anyway, I don’t want to get too far off track — the pitch is that there’s a small vaccine company Fitz-Gerald likes:

“… what if I told you there was another stock that’s currently selling at only $1.90 a share…

“And this company actually MAKES their own vaccines in the laboratory by synthesizing them out of DNA…

“So theoretically, they can attack virtually ANY infectious disease around the world…

“From AIDS… to Bird Flu… to Typhoid… you name it!

“Buy 10,000 shares of this company and you’ll pay only $19,000…

“But if Obamacare causes it to rise to $5 a share, your position could be worth $50,000….

“If it goes to $10 a share, you’ll have $100,000…

“And if it goes up to $25 a share, you might be sitting on a quarter of a million dollars!”

So … hoodat? Thinkolator sez it’s Inovio Pharmaceuticals (INO)

Which is indeed a synthetic vaccine company, though it’s not yet a vaccine-selling company so they won’t be benefitting from any increase in insured vaccinations immediately — their most advanced vaccine currently is in Phase II trials.

And yes, their platform does allow for the potential for vaccines that can protect against diseases much more fully than current standard vaccine technology — broadly reaching more of the viruses or cancer cells they’re targeting. The platform is called SynCon, and it is basically a vaccine shell that can be quickly directed toward specific antigens and which is combined with some kind of targeted electrical stimulant — in the case of therapeutic cancer vaccines, that means that it looks like they can generate a lot of T cells quickly to fight off the cancer.

I am not a biotech expert by any means, but Inovio has had a remarkable year filled with extremely promising early-stage studies — there was a wave of insider buying in the shares about six months ago when it was down around 50 cents a share, and then they released a half dozen encouraging studies in infectious disease and cancer and the stock shot up briefly to $3. It’s been quite volatile in recent months, but is currently right at about $1.90.

INO says they have enough cash to get them through about the next year and a half, which is good because they’re in the midst of a large number of studies that will be burning up cash — the have six studies they’ll be initiating next year, according to their recent presentation, and while none of them are the huge Phase III studies they’re still bound to cost millions.

So as with many biotechs, this one is all about a platform and about the future — it’s not about revenues or earnings just yet. There is a nice validation of their platform implied by a big deal with Roche for a couple of their vaccines, and the results have certainly sounded awfully good from their early stage clinical trials this year. I don’t know what hangups there might be in getting synthetic vaccines approved by the FDA, or if there will be issues when we get to large-scale safety trials (Phase III), but the efficacy of at least some of these therapeutic cancer vaccines looks impressive early on. The therapeutic cancer vaccines are the first wave for INO, including their lead candidate for HPV and cervical cancer, but I suspect we won’t see a Phase III clinical trial before the end of 2015 so there’s a long way to go before we start thinking about whether a 15% increase in the vaccines business is going to help them post good revenues.

And that’s about all I know about Inovio — the science and promise are enticing, they are in decent financial shape, but they’re not going to get a boost from vaccine spending in general unless it speeds up their clinical trials over the next couple years. I do have positions in two medical-sector stocks, but neither is a biotech or drug developer in a major way, and only one of them, a REIT, has really been touted as a play on Obamacare (the stocks are Ligand Pharmaceuticals and Medical Properties Trust, just FYI). Have an opinion you’d like to share about these guys, or about the other potential vaccine or health care winners of the next era in US health care? Let us know with a comment below.

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List Walker
List Walker
December 12, 2013 3:37 am

Myron Martin “Special to Stock Gumshoe”, you are obsessed, absolutely obsessed with your point. No one will ever be able to sway you away from it, no matter how much evidence they can produce and how much the weight of history is on his or her side. You discount the peer review process with: “Relying on “peer reviewed papers” only proves that people of a given mindset have agreed on certain criteria that upholds their financial interests.” An absurd generalization — it really shows your closed mind. It’s a really really good thing for mankind that you have no control over what is or is not done on behalf of the health of the citizens of the world. Go ahead and rant on. Knock yourself out.

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December 16, 2013 2:26 pm
Reply to  List Walker

Well List, I could easily turn that around, apparently you don’t know that a 500 page encyclopedia of SAFE NATURAL cures has been compiled over the past 15 years that exposes all the dangerous drugs that have been approved by the FDA, many of them still on the market, while SAFE NATURAL cures exist the public for the most part does not know about because of the all powerful medical lobby. The entries include hundreds of qualified and practicing M.D.s, double blind studies etc. Most of the KNOWN cures for cancer have been suppressed along with many others that make no profits for the drug companies. You accuse me of having a “closed mind” but anyone who knows me personally will attest to the fact that I am very open minded person on virtually any subject, but that does not mean I don’t have strong opinions based on in-depth study. I can see where you might consider me “obsessed” as you term it, but your reaction confirms that you are equally as obsessed, so I propose this challenge: will you agree to read every page of the encyclopedia I mention and then compare notes as to WHO is obsessed or closed minded? Evidence is rarely one-sided and you obviously have not availed yourself of countervailing evidence to prevailing medical opinion. If you actually read entries 55-56 by Robert and still stick to your charge of “closed minded” then it can certainly be applied to you, and if you DID NOT even red them with an open mind, then are you not obsessed with the medical position?

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👍 418
Leo S
Leo S
December 13, 2013 6:11 pm

Brad, It looks like a “table injury” whatever that is, must be the only, or one of, the loopholes in the law. I understand it is a pretty hard nut to crack. Don’t be too hard on Myron. I forgot the name of the philosopher who said: first they condemn, then they ridicule, and then it is accepted as fact. I surely accept the milestones made with small pox, polio, etc. but money has corrupted these companies. Me-too drugs are running rampant. Have a healthy questioning perspective. Look at the double blind studies on the internet between Prilosec and its successor. Sorry I am 80 and cannot remember the successor product (Vxxxx?). If they have not taken the studies down, the results will amaze you. I think TV ads suckering low information people to pressure their doctors should be prohibited as they are in some countries. Too bad that the companies care more about money being made and spend too much on advertising.

December 16, 2013 2:32 pm
Reply to  Leo S

Leo: Excellent contribution: “first they condemn, then they ridicule, and then it is accepted as fact.” so true, and it really does expose who is really “closed minded” as it usually takes a few brave souls to expose popular fallacies. Change does not come easily and without casualties.

👍 418
December 14, 2013 2:44 am

I think a lot of people are missing the point of this article. The point is whether or not vaccine (and other) companies’ stocks become better investments under the ACA.

Regarding MCD, I think they have some problems to fix right now. Their menu has become more complicated and thus the service has slowed. I live in NYC. I don’t eat at McDonalds, but I do look through the windows as I walk by, and I have seen the long lines. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to wait in long lines for anything. They also have to face the backlash about the pink slime and other criticisms of their products. I sold MCD at $99 because of the historical high of $103 and with the current concerns about the economy I thought that that particular dog had seen its day for now. I would buy it again when they look to be a little bit more attractive on price, and have their internecine issues worked out.

KO is also faced with challenges right now as people trend toward healthier drinks. The company is reacting to that by trying to promote new products that will appeal to the more health conscious crowd. The stock price has been fairly flat for the past six months but they pay a reasonable dividend. I am holding.

I don’t own GSK but at a glance they are looking pretty good right now and pay an impressive dividend. I plan to look into them more over the weekend.

I personally think that INO is a risky bet because to date they don’t sell anything. It’s great that their testing is going well but there are a lot of factors that can come into play that could dramatically change their picture. Since the stock is cheap a small position might be ok. Like the money map method professes, only about 10% of your portfolio should be in “rocket riders”.

I don’t subscribe to the Money Map Newsletter, and while they do make some good points in their promotional video (as well as some bad ones as TSG has pointed out), nothing that they say is a secret, They are things that you can research on your own, and you can draw your own conclusions.

Happy investing!

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December 29, 2013 12:00 am
Reply to  John

I agree with being able to research the info myself, but I’m considering purchasing the first year membership special for 49.95 with the freebies that come with the Money Map Method simply because I’m assuming it will give me a lot of good start-up material and save me well over $50 worth of time looking up the info myself. I’m new to investing and am already 47 years old…perhaps it’s too late for me…The only reason I even started researching this today is I’m desperate to try and make enough money to build my dream green home.
On another note – I happen to have a M.S. and Ph.D. in Biology, and I find the arguments about vaccines interesting. People are very passionate on both sides of the argument…but most seem to argue from a very unscientific perspective. Some pertinent information that is verifiable is as follows: vaccine production has become increasingly sloppy and there have been some significant incidents in several countries that have caused serious neurological incidents (and death) well above the “accepted norms” (from the swine flu vaccine catastrophe of 1976 to the more recent pentavalent vaccine in India) , in the U.S. the FDA has lost the power to properly test drugs (and food for that matter), drug companies now test their own products and there is very little independent double-blind studies going on especially with vaccines, a survey of medical researches conducted while I was in graduate school revealed that more than 70% of them admitted to signing a contract with drug companies that fund their research promising not to divulge negative results (this is unethical in my field), preservatives in infant/child vaccines may no longer contain mercury but they now contain aluminum and formaldehyde, the number of vaccines given to a child has more than doubled in the last 30 years, the immune system is at a sensitive developmental stage during infancy and their brain/neurological system continues to develop for years – from a biological standpoint – this means that their physiology is more susceptible to toxic effects when compared to a teenager, and finally – the U.S. government seems to agree that vaccines can trigger several disorders including autism in children as evidence by the more than $2 Billion it has awarded to parents since 1989.
With just the information above, I must conclude that it is NOT foolish to question whether you should be giving your child all the recommended vaccines. I’m not saying all vaccines are bad. What I’m saying is that you cannot trust everything the medical system or pharmaceutical companies tell you about vaccines. Frankly, there is no real good reason to take vaccines against diseases that are not deadly. It is a “healthy” thing to challenge the immune system naturally and allow it to develop its own antibodies to childhood diseases like chickenpox. For those that prefer sticking your child with aluminum and formaldehyde for diseases that are uncomfortable and painful, yet not deadly, I ask – why?
And to the people who argue for a healthy diet devoid of man-made chemicals I applaud you. I have actually tested a cleansing diet I designed with only organic raw vegetables and other anti-inflammatory ingredients and was amazed at how I felt after three days. I ate nothing else except this shake (as much as I wanted) and water for five days – my energy levels skyrocketed and I lost the after lunch blues completely! Since then several of my friend shave tried it to help them with different ailments and all have improved.
Americans seem to forget that you are what you eat. Next time you have a headache – stop reaching for that pill and instead – think about what you ate.

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Robert V
December 30, 2013 6:34 am

Azor, I’m sorry, but you don’t get to mention the cleansing diet you designed without letting your fellow gumshoers know about it! I’d love know know the recipe, I think I’m overdue for a good cleansing. Also enjoyed your vaccine analysis.

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December 30, 2013 7:39 pm
Reply to  Robert V

Hi Robert – glad to share. I must warn you that the cleanse is a little hard core in the fact that you will smell like garlic and onions. However, when I explained to my fellow co-workers what I was doing, I found that they respected my choice and dealt with the smelly shake (it was just for a week). I designed my raw veggie shake to not only cleanse the body but also to increase my metabolism and promote anti-inflammatory properties. Also – it’s important to use a blender NOT a juicer as you want to retain the bulk/fiber, which helps you feel full. All the ingredients are organic and there is a reason for each one (too extensive to list) – onion, garlic, broccoli, carrot, spinach, daikon radish, cilantro, fresh squeezed lemon, cayenne, cinnamon, and turmeric blended in organic tomato juice. Add amounts to taste and make a relatively thick stock, which you refrigerate in a glass container. You pour half a glass of stock and cut it with more tomato juice add some fresh squeezed lime stir and drink. You should make fresh stock every third day (its not as powerful after the second day). You can drink as much as you want but do NOT drink close to bed time as it might keep you awake. You can also drink green tea and water but nothing else during the first week. I used the cleanse to jump start my metabolism the first week, followed it with a fat burning vegan diet that is similar to GBOMBS for two additional weeks (as I was interested in also losing weight), and then brought in healthy proteins such as organic eggs to the diet. Continue with at least 1 glass of raw veggie shake for as long as you can tolerate it. I lost my after lunch blues on day three, felt superbly energized by day five, lost 10 lbs by the end of the third week, and kept it off a year later. I just wish I had the discipline to eat healthy all the time! The key to a healthy feeling body is to ensure you regularly eat raw veggies (and other anti-inflammatory foods), avoid foods with man-made ingredients (least processed is best), avoid inflammatory foods (e.g., processed sugars), stop eating when you feel full, and walk at least 30 min five times a week.

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January 1, 2014 10:24 am
Reply to  Robert V

To briefly tie this all back to getting rich through Obamacare (or any medical policy), the U.S. economy and financial systems are significantly dependent on human disease. If everyone were to follow the healthy plan I outlined above, all the problems associated with obesity would vanish. Everyone’s immune system would be at maximal protection and disease would decrease by probably over 80%. This would have highly negative effects on any money making processes associated with drug development, medical care, meat production, corn syrup production, food preservative production, etc. Obamacare policy would never have evolved. Our financial and economic systems directly and indirectly resist the best plan for a healthy life and the vast majority of doctors do not take the time to educate patients on the power of wholesome foods and exercise – instead, they are very quick to offer you a prescription for a drug.

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January 1, 2014 1:14 pm

Well said, Azor.

January 6, 2014 9:38 am

Thank you Biochem101 for explaining the “get out of jail card free”. I have always read the manufacturers inserts. What happened to me: Years ago I went to see my knee orthoscopic surgeon for pain a year after the operation. When I left He said to his staff: “Give Leo a bunch of those sample bottles of Vioxx”. I said, “I don’t want anymore of that stuff it causes heart problems”. Doctor: No it doesn’t. Me: Yes it does. Doctor: Then give him Celebrex. Two years later Vioxx was taken off the market. The Celebrex was never used either after reading the insert. If I have to take antibiotics I also load up on Probiotics which is now recognized as very advisable but many doctors don’t seem to know this.

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April 4, 2014 1:48 pm
Reply to  Leo


My kid brother has a PhD i pharmaceutical chemistry. One thing I know from listening to him, doctors get their information from SALESMEN of the companies who make the round to their offices. My other brother has been in the insurance industry for his whole career. He told my parents to ask their pharmacist about medications, because they have much better training and more day to day experience. They tried to peddle Vioxx to me too but when I described who I was getting my information from they back-pedalled very rapidly. As my friend said, watching a TV commercial, “You have toenail fungus but the medicine they give you causes liver failure? Better to live with itchy feet!”

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👍 2
January 6, 2014 10:08 am

I believe that vaccines had a large part in advancing our world health, but in my mind the jury is still out on flu shots.
The CDC doesn’t even know how many people die each year from the flu, putting their estimates at between 3,000 and 49,000 people a year – and that is for ‘flu-associated’ death, which means “deaths that occur in people for whom seasonal influenza infection was likely a contributor to the cause of death, but not necessarily the primary cause of death.” The reality is the vast majority of these deaths are due to pneumonia — not flu — which likely accounts for only a few hundred. Yet the CDC continues to use tens of thousands as a scare tactic to drive people towards flu shots.

Again, hearing about flu deaths (which are actually typically pneumonia deaths) further contributes to the fear-mongering urging Americans to get vaccinated against the flu … without letting the public know that they’re still entirely susceptible to all of the other flu-like illnesses going around. And also keeping quiet about the fact that a flu vaccine does not protect against the ‘primary cause of death’ in most flu-associated deaths, which is pneumonia.

A far better approach would be to educate people about the importance of healthy eating, exercise and vitamin D levels – as, unlike the flu vaccine, these natural strategies do help protect against all of the viruses and bacterial infections going around since they work by bolstering your body-wide defense against all disease: your immune system.

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February 6, 2014 9:23 pm
Reply to  Leo

A few weeks ago I decided to get my free annual physical (since it had been 10 years without one). The doctor, who i haven’t met before, comes in and asks me when my last tetanus shot was. I said I didn’t remember. So, he checked it on his chart and then checked another box and said: “Okay, we’ll get you a booster shot and a flu vaccine.” To that I said, “No flu vaccine, absolutely not! I am a healthy 46-year old with no immune deficiencies. Why are you suggesting I take this vaccine?” Well, a pretty intense debate about vaccines ensued. This guy was of retirement age and assumed I was your average patient with no type of knowledge in these matters. That soon changed. I was surprised that he was not up to speed on the preservatives in infant vaccines. To make a long story short – he believed there were no studies out there that showed any neurological impacts of vaccines because he would have “seen it in his medical literature” and besides there was a “recent study” that “proved” there was “no connection between vaccines and autism” (I am familiar with that study). To which I responded, “You are obviously not a scientist if you think that one study proves anything.” Well, I did a bit of research online when I got home and found this link that I thought might be of interest to you:
How can a man of his years not be aware of any of these studies? Note how many of these studies are in pier reviewed scientific journals. On another note, during a separate conversation after the heated vaccine debate, he mentioned he was retiring and that his wife had ovarian cancer. She was thankfully in remission after radiation treatment. I asked him if they had looked into any alternate therapies to which he replied “No”. I did not have the heart to continue with that line of discussion. That same evening I found this extremely interesting documentary on cancer:

Question: Should I bother giving him a copy of the reference list of vaccine studies or the link to this documentary?

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January 11, 2014 5:56 pm

Most companies got out of the vaccine business simply because there is no profit to be made and more importantly, they were tired of being sued by sheister lawyers and extortionist governments due to some of the rare and unfortunate side effects of some vaccines.

Leo S
Leo S
January 12, 2014 10:07 am

J J– They can’t be sued (compliments of our congress). Anyone proven injured by vaccines get compensated by a government fund.

February 14, 2014 9:42 am

After reading this entire thread, I am left with the conclusion that following the best science available is correct. Scientists have children too!
At 62 years of age, it is my observation that the older I get the more I tend to be skeptical, conspiratorial, and condemning of all opinions…save my own. After all, I am older and wiser than most of you…right? Wrong…and I fight the urge to dismiss my children’s inspiring optimism everyday.
The latent supposition here that somehow Jonas Salk’s moral standards of 50 years ago were something more than today’s corporate scientists’, is a subjective judgment. The results of today’s science… documented in double blind tests… is not.
That made me to go back and re-read the comments from those of you who presented your credentials and the number of years in your field of discipline.
Old men like me are grumpy, but we’ve lived long enough to see the truth ousted from the morass of egotistical, self-serving opinion. In each case, it has been science, not the adherence to the likes of a creationism-type movement that has moved he ball down the field. Your physician has credentials posted on the wall of his office…take the time to read them.

July 5, 2014 6:52 pm

I saw this video, “Obamacare: Don’t get mad, get RICH!”, and after sitting through the whole thing waiting for the mentioned, “Free Books” at the end, instead I was of course offered a reduced cost membership fee of $45 and some change….
I should have guessed it, as almost ALL videos online that use the word free, and say njo cost to you, or giving them away, ALWAYS get around to wanting forty some dollars for something at the end. Still, I am not sure what these people believe is the true definition of Free, but according to the dictionary, it means:

without cost or payment.
“ladies were admitted free”
synonyms: without charge, free of charge, for nothing;

So, I feel that it is blatant lying to use the word free so many times throughout a presentation that in the end is going to request a credit card, but that is just the snakepit that the internet has become nowadays, everyone wants something, and free is a fantasy, like dragons, and wizards.
It really is a shame, but if they lied that many times during the video pitch, then I do not think I would trust them with my investments as a result!!

July 6, 2014 1:04 pm

Very succinct and entirely correct. I do not believe the promises of any company that promises something for “FREE” for 9/10th of their sales pitch with a “by the way” at the end, “to get your free book or reports etc. all we ask is that you TRY our newsletter for 90 days to see whether you like it” during which you can get a full refund. Thats the key clause their lawyers advise them makes the deception, (misleading) lie permissible. Morally it is reprehensible and should send up a red flag, these people are not honest and reliable.

👍 418

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