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“Say These 5 ‘Magic’ Words To Your Local Bank Teller— And You Could Walk Away With A Handful Of Silver”

What's Dr. David Eifrig's secret magic phrase for getting free silver coins? Also teased as "Retirement Silver"

We’re rerunning this piece because it continues to be one of the most asked-for explanations on the Stock Gumshoe website. What follows below was originally published in mid-2012, it has been updated for the change in silver values but otherwise remains unchanged.

Dr. David Eifrig over at Stansberry’s Retirement Millionaire newsletter has been teasing us with “five magic words” that he says you can use at your local bank to get free silver.

Huh? What’s he talking about?

Don’t worry, we’ll sniff through his clues and try to figure out what specific opportunity he’s talking about … and maybe we’ll even be able to guess exactly what his “Magic words” are. Here’s how he gets us interested:

“Say These 5 “Magic” Words To Your Local Bank Teller—

“And You Could Walk Away With A Handful Of Silver

“I never thought this would work. But it did! I tried it, and to my surprise, I got 34 silver coins from a single bank. Needless to say, I’m going back for more! Thanks for the great idea!” — Maury D., Tyler, TX”

Sounds great, right? Don’t worry, there’s more where that came from …

“I recently heard a wild rumor about a major loophole in the U.S. retail banking system…

“One that enables you to get real, ‘hold-in-your-hand’ silver from practically any FDIC-insured bank in the U.S. All you do is walk in, say 5 simple, but very specific words and – according to this rumor – you could walk out minutes later with a handful of silver, as part of a totally free transaction.

“You don’t even need an account with the bank where you want to collect your silver….

“Right now, a group of banks in the U.S. are finding themselves in possession of a certain type of government-created coin, which does not circulate widely in the general population…

“You see, these coins were originally produced during the early part of the 20th century, as part of a government mandate – called H.R. 2934 – to create money that was respected and easy to use. More than 750 million of these coins were minted, all containing varying amounts of silver.

“These coins – which contain as much as 90% pure silver – were designed by many of the best sculptors and engravers of the day – people like Augustus St. Gaudens, Charles E. Barber, and Gilroy Roberts. One of these coins is even listed by the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) as one of the “20th Century’s most beautiful silver coins.”

“The coins were date-stamped and engraved with official U.S. government markings, to ensure authenticity.

“These unique ‘silvers’ were originally intended to be kept in circulation. But the Feds ceased production in 1971 because people were hoarding them and not circulating them like the government planned.

“But what 99% of the public doesn’t realize is that many banks today still hold large quantities of these coins.”

So what are these coins?

Well, from the general tone of the letter it appears likely to me that he’s talking about old US currency from the silver coinage days, not about specialty or collectible coins — and he has often teased so-called “junk silver” coins before. Junk silver refers to the pre-1965 circulating dimes, quarters, half dollars and dollars that were made of 90% silver and which are the easiest low-cost entree into silver accumulation for a lot of people — either because they buy bags of old “junk” silver or because they sift through their pocket change and set aside those occasional 1963 dimes that are actually worth a few dollars each.

But what about that 1971 date? That tells me we’re looking at something else — and my guess is that he’s talking about Kennedy half dollars.

The fifty cent piece is one of the most common coins in US history, and was very widely used up until about 50 years ago, but it has effectively disappeared from circulation. Part of the reason it disappeared is that the half dollar became the Kennedy half dollar in 1964 to honor the assassinated president, and it was extraordinarily popular as a memento of a much-loved public figure so people tended to hold on to it. Add that to the fact that this is also the time when silver was getting taken out of circulating coinage and folks started to hoard all coins that had real silver content, and the 50 cent coin was pretty much killed as a circulating piece of currency.

But the key is that 1965 isn’t the only key date for silver in JFK half dollars — 1970 is also important. Because although all the other common coins stopped containing silver starting in 1965, the JFK half dollar was struck in 40% silver for several more years, from 1965-1970. So you have an extremely common coin (hundreds of millions were minted) that’s almost never seen, and one that’s not pre-1965 and therefore not as widely known for its silver content, and people don’t use them in daily commerce, so there must be at least a few still out there waiting to be found.

The theory then, I suppose, is that a ton of these fifty cent pieces are just sitting in the dusty back portion of bank vaults — stores don’t want them to give change, but they occasionally get them in change, and every once in a while bank customers will bring in a roll or two of fifty cent pieces, and they probably sit in a box in the back of the vault until someone asks for them. So maybe if you go to the bank and ask for any half dollars they have, you’ll get some of these older ones.

Of course, plenty of banks probably don’t have any half dollars at all or would have to order them for you (which might be worth it, I don’t know, the Federal Reserve banks are certainly loaded with them but I have no idea if the coins in storage have any potential for silver dates), so it won’t work every time.

So if you walk into a bank and ask them if they have any half dollars, maybe you’ll get a little trove that you can search through and see if it includes any treasures — and of course, you can’t really lose money, because this is circulating coinage so the bank won’t charge you anything, you just give them $20 (or whatever) for $20 worth of half-dollar coins.

The rub? Well, part of the rub is that they might not have these coins, since no one ever wants or asks for them and they’re rarely used in commerce. And the other part of the rub is that the next decade or so worth of JFK half dollars are also very, very common … so if you do get some half dollars, it’s likely that almost all of them will be from the early 1970s or the widely minted 1976 bicentennial half dollar, pretty much all of which are worth, well, fifty cents. And you can’t use them in most vending machines or parking meters.

But if you DO get lucky and find a few older half dollars that are from 1970 or before, they’re worth a lot more than 50 cents — so that’s how you can be compensated for the time you spent searching for these coins and sifting through them.

The silver half dollars from 1964 and earlier, including the 1964 JFK half dollar, the 1948-1963 Benjamin Franklin half dollar or, if you’re really lucky, the Walking Liberty half dollar that was minted from 1916-1947 are all 90% silver and that silver content is, at $23 silver, worth a little less than $8.20.

The more common and perhaps not as widely known 40% silver JFK half dollars, which are the ones that are theoretically more likely to still be found in rolls at the bank on occasion, are the ones that were minted from 1965-1970 — and they have about $3.35 worth of silver in them. Some of the years also may have collectible value, including some of the post-1970 non-silver years, but if you’re talking just about the silver content you want coins that were minted 1970 or earlier. An easy place to check for silver content and the (constantly updated) value thereof is the free calculator at the website.

Eifrig does, to his credit, caution that this “free” silver isn’t completely free — it doesn’t work all the time, at every bank, so you have to put time in (and, of course, you have to be fortunate):

“How often does saying these 5 magic words actually get you free silver?

“Well, from my experience, after observing more than 250 people to try this technique in dozens of banks around the country, I estimate that if you go to the right banks (I’ll show you which ones), and say the right words (again, I’ll give you the specifics) it works about 25% of the time.

“So, you’re going to have to do a little legwork to get this secret to work for you. But remember, this is basically FREE silver we are talking about here. If you are too lazy or too busy to do a little work to get something as valuable as silver, essentially free of charge, well, I’m sorry, but you can stop reading right now….

“The reason this works is because most Americans (including the people who work at banks) have no idea how this “loophole” works.

“But eventually, word will get out and this opportunity will end.”

And the special magic words? I don’t know exactly, but I’ll wager the phrase goes something like, “May I please have half-dollars?” Or “Do you have half dollars?”

There are bajillions of web articles and discussion boards about how to get your mitts on collectible or silver-content coins by getting an “in” at the local bank or trying to find the customer-rolled coins — the guess being that if Grandma let her grandchildren roll up the old jar of coins they found in the attic and take them in to the bank to exchange for bills so they can buy video games, maybe you’ll get lucky and find that the roll of dimes had a bunch of pre-1965 coins and is worth more than ten times the face value.

That’s also the hope for half dollars, though I guess they’re probably not as widely requested or talked about, or rolled up for that matter, so you may want to either cruise around to any sleepy bank branches you know about to give it a whirl, or chat up your friendly neighborhood bank teller so you can get an “in” when a promising pile of coins gets turned in. Though why any teller wouldn’t sift through them on her own is beyond me.

Or heck, maybe your brother in law runs the local Coinstar operation (those are the automatic coin counters you’ll see at some grocery stores) and will let you sort through the coins every week.

The point is that this is not just something you can do at your local bank branch every day to get a guaranteed free $50 every time — it’s probably best thought of as a hobby that will occasionally provide a nice perk of some “free” money if you’re willing to drive around to a lot of bank branches and look at a lot of coins. Unless you live in a very small town, however, you’re probably not the only person trying to look for these kinds of old coins … so be nice.

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August 20, 2012 4:31 pm

Can you sum up this info by years and values of these half dollars?

Ken r
Ken r
August 21, 2012 9:46 am
Reply to  Lynn

See this site for a nice concise summary:

Madison Kelly
December 8, 2012 1:56 am
Reply to  Lynn

It takes very little time, a moderate amount of leg work. Roughly it can and should pan out to be like working for $35 to $37 an hour. Your investment capital is obviously returnable in the event the coins are not pre-1970.

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June 22, 2013 9:25 pm
Reply to  Madison Kelly


Charles Coleman
June 28, 2013 6:11 pm

so, what are the five words?

July 1, 2013 11:38 pm

The five words?….
“This is a frikin stick-up!” LOL
Actually probably something like “Do you have any half-dollars?”

j.lester newsome
July 4, 2013 1:05 pm

do you know or is this a sham?

July 2, 2014 9:53 am


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April 23, 2015 3:24 pm

the 5 words are “I would like pre-1965.” It isn’t just about half-dollars because there are also dimes, quarters, and dollars.

Carmine Giuggio
Carmine Giuggio
September 5, 2013 8:50 am

what are the 5 words?

May 18, 2013 1:24 am
Reply to  Lynn

This is so silly–The knowledge has been around for years. When you utter the “five magic words” to your bank teller and he/she stops laughing, ask them how many people have asked the same question!

May 30, 2013 5:58 pm
Reply to  Alan

this is a joke !!!! hahahhahahah youlll never find anything!!!!
you will spend 88 dollars ina gas to make 80 cents in silver !!! what a joke !

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June 22, 2013 9:27 pm
Reply to  adre


June 27, 2013 1:39 pm

Your right !!! I used to do this 20 years ago and It was very rare to get silver coins, The bank uses a sorting machine that separates silver from other coins, Very rare for large banks for one to slip buy, Maybe small banks if someone cashes in old rolled coins, But gas and time use up any profit you would make.

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August 6, 2014 1:17 pm
Reply to  Alan

I have a much better idea that has worked for me! Around Christmas time I go to the bank and get lots of 50 brand new $2 bills and I list them on eBay. I say how they make great stocking stuffers for kids. You’d be surprised the bids you get! Sometimes the bills are in numerical sequence too! If you don’t sell any just spend them!

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Venture Shadow
Venture Shadow
August 20, 2012 4:34 pm

Doc Eifrig is the most successful of the Stansberry Analysts, both in my opinion and according to Stansberry’s annual “report card” rating. However, the silver coin searching thing reprised here is silly. This is for people who have nothing to do with their time. Eifrig generally recommends companies that are huge and powerful, net lots of money, and pay hefty dividends. The Stansberry company philosophy has become minimizing risk for small individual investors. This makes sense to me, and Eifrig does nothing but. The companies on his recommended list include no surprises.

Eifrig writes several newsletters for Stansberry at widely differing price points. IMO the least expensive ones are worth the money, and the more costly ones are not good values for most people. The more costly ones are worth the money if you are comfortable with selling naked puts or covered calls–and you don’t know when or how to do it–but this is an unlikely combination.

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August 20, 2012 4:59 pm
Reply to  Venture Shadow

Sounds like the typical Stransberry come on. If B.S. was music Stransberry and his crew would be a whole brass band.

September 12, 2012 2:41 am
Reply to  dennis

Boy you sure hit the nail on the head!! They are mavens of mass bullsh-t. Non-
stop, never-ending, multifaceted forever-morphing b.s.!!!!

Peter Courtenay Stephens
Peter Courtenay Stephens
September 28, 2012 1:32 pm
Reply to  dennis

Wrong ! They put me in Gold and Silver in 2003 and I have made a very substantial amount. I have also made considerable amounts from other letters they publish. Not every one is an investment genious as you are, and knows all the angles and ins and outs of the market.
Stansberry is terrific.

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October 8, 2012 1:34 am
Reply to  dennis

Dennis, I am compelled to reply to your trashing of Stansberry firm. How can you call a company bull shit (just say it loud instead of using BS) who have helped and still helping hundreds of thousands of people if not in millions from all walks of life in teaching and helping people make money in an honest way?

Now, my question to you—have you tried subscribing even one of their newsletters? Second, if you are, did you at least made even one penny (of, course it’s way, way more than that) from a transaction that you made? Then how can you say Stansberry is a bullshit company?
Third, you have to be aware that Stansberry experts are not your personal financial advisors. They are there to guide the best they can (which they are, the best of the best in the whole world second to none) but you as an in individual investor have to use your own brain to decide and act what will be best for you in terms of investing.

If what you are saying is really true of Stansberry firm being a bull shit company, then how come hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are benefitting from it? Are you one of those or you are just accusing them out of thin air?

October 31, 2012 2:21 pm
Reply to  R

Stansberry has been calling for the demise of the US markets for years and
and has been clearly WRONG. Check performance of US Markets
since 2009 to 2012 (Doubling or more in SPY, DOW & esp. QQQ).

Apparently, readers here are rightfully calling out B.S. Stansberry.
Gold and Silver? peaked and has been flat until the “fiscal Cliff” b.s.
has allowed for a small bounce.
Owning GLD or GDX as a hedge is prudent. OWNing just SLV, GLD or ?
is just foolish. We all need a balance portfolio.
That said, if Stansberry is calling for a correction in bonds (and stocks)
he may be right. It has been a good year, and profit taking has started.

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👍 210
October 31, 2012 2:23 pm
Reply to  advantedges

Travis,,,The reply windows are not working properly!!

👍 210
January 4, 2013 6:08 pm
Reply to  advantedges

Yes and they (Stansberry) are right about calling for the demise of the US markets…as you and your self-assured, arrogant and prideful ilk are about to find out, maybe within the next year or two. You wont be so cocky and self assured then!

Wayne Hatcher
Wayne Hatcher
February 19, 2013 9:47 pm
Reply to  advantedges

Wait. There will be another downturn and many advisers believe it will as severe as has ever been seen or worse. Reason? The fed can’t bail out the economy. The money simply isn’t there. But, with that said. Stansberry is not the first to sound that alarm. Not by a long shot. As a matter of fact, it took S&A long enough to catch on to what a few have been saying for a lot longer. As for Stansberry being bull shit, I don’t know. What I do know is that for anywhere from $49 to $2500 per subscription they’ll sell you all the publications you can buy until you have no capital to invest. That’s how they make money. Now who’s interest are they really looking out for? Not saying they don’t give some good advice. But who the hell can afford all those reports leave alone read all of them. I cut them loose because I was bombarded daily with more subscription offers than I could tolerate.

May 3, 2013 9:36 am
Reply to  advantedges

Funny, but we are still mired in high unemployment, (16-20% real unemployment). I would say that the markets have fallen. Those whop have real silver for trad will be much better off when the US dollar goes the way of the Zimbabwean dollar, (The largest denomination of a Zimbabwean banknote reached 100 trillion). With 16 trillion in dept, not including the Affordable Healthcare Act, now projected to cost a total of 6 Trillion, and counting over 10 years, the dollar will not be work the paper its printed on.

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February 3, 2013 8:43 pm
Reply to  R

I am a former subscriber to Stransberry and Associates and can tell you from experience that the company promised me several things and never followed through with even one. All they did was sent me bull shit emails trying to get me to buy more newsletters or buy into other investment firms. I even wrote the company and asked where my newsletters on how to get my free silver and they never responded to one of them. When I went to cancel my subscription, it was a hassle too. Stransberry and Associates is a bunch of Bull shit and ordinary people should stay away from this company and their bull shit !!!

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February 4, 2013 3:29 am
Reply to  William

Do they sell real Bull?

April 30, 2013 4:29 am
Reply to  William

Beware any newsletter connected to James Dale Davidson..
(and there are a fistful of them out there) including this one !!!!
Google the character and be surprised!

👍 94
June 25, 2013 4:00 pm
Reply to  R

really, you actually believe that there are 1000s getting rich? if so, how many times have you bought a bridge or ocean front property in Arizona? many I suspect. you ask dennis if he ever tried it by subscribing, well it looks like the answer to that stupid question would be no because dennis is not stupid like you. there is a little truth in this but not enough to subscrib for $40-50 or whatever, i’m not into building someonelses retirement, but you just go right ahead. they say if its too good to be true——ever heard that one?

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June 26, 2013 9:00 am
Reply to  dennis

Just a minute here, what is the market value on B.S.? This could be a goldmine!! hehe

Ryan Healy
August 23, 2013 6:10 pm
Reply to  dennis

I subscribed to Porter Stansberry’s newsletter years ago and made a few hundred dollars by following his advice. Just because Porter is selling information that can be found elsewhere for free doesn’t mean that his information is B.S. (Although I did get a chuckle from your metaphor. Clever.)

June 25, 2013 3:40 pm
Reply to  Venture Shadow

i’ve been doing this on my own for years- it works for me- as a coin collector, the results are quite gratifying– it is fun and easy- plus I get a 2 mile walk out of it weekly- do not waste 10 cents worth of gas-

June 25, 2013 5:31 pm
Reply to  snookie

Funny isn’t it? No magic words are required and no bank is necessary. Even make some friends in the process. It works for me too.

August 20, 2012 4:49 pm

Hey, I believe Dr.Eifrig may have really been referring to the Eisenhower Dollar Coins.
Certain years of these also were made in 40% silver,mainly the years 1971-S and 1972-S.
Also the 1976-S Bi-centennial year coin as well. The reason I say so,is one the testimonials he listed mentioned someone handing a bank teller $8 paper dollars and
getting back 8 of these ‘silver coins”,so if buying at face value that would be right on.
But he could be referring to BOTH the Kennedy halves and the Eisenhower dollar coins.
In any case,the silver ones are not that easy to find at banks anymore. You would have
to have someone on the ‘inside’ looking for these specific coins and dates and hold
them for you when they come across them. Most likely coin collectors and dealers
scooped up the main quantities years ago.

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Steve McCormick
Steve McCormick
October 24, 2012 4:43 pm
Reply to  Marc

The 40% silver version of the Eisenhower dollar was issued as a collectible only, they are generally not found in circulation.
I am a collector of silver coins. To get silver coins from a bank is nearly impossible. These coins are a much sought after commodity by millions of people. Over the past several years of a hyper increase in the value of silver virtually all of these coins have been picked out of circulation.
I also collect pennies dated before 1982, which are worth approx 2.3 cents at this time.
They are in plentiful supply in circulation. So an easy way of doubling you investment is to buy rolls of pennies and pick out all pre-1982 coins. These pennies are 95% copper whereas the post-1982 penny is only 2.5% copper and 97.5% zinc

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October 31, 2012 2:32 pm

It looks like you have studied this. Interesting.
So if we have a Cub Scout troop go thru the coins picking out the pre 1982 coins,
where can we send the pennies to receive our premium of 1.3 cents on the cent?
Do you have a phone number and address?
Meanwhile, if you ask your local coin dealer or bank, the laughing will be heard
across the country. “What? you want 2 cents for each penny? Who do you think
we are, Donald Trump?”
Good luck melting down that copper.
IF anyone finds a 1909 coin, reply to We are buying!

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👍 210
January 3, 2013 7:03 pm
Reply to  advantedges

Have you been on eBay lately??? Investors are paying a minimun of 1.5 to 1.7 cents per each penny!

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June 24, 2013 5:28 pm
Reply to  Wayne

not for 1909 VDB Bright VS grade. Check a reputable coin web site.

👍 210
June 26, 2013 12:52 pm
Reply to  Wayne

What is “Bright VS” condition? If you mean uncirculated, or Mint State, yes, those have some value…but the odds of finding uncirculated cents pre-1959 in circulation are essentially non-existent. And you cannot “shine then up”, or they will be ruined, and their collectible value cut down to maybe 10% of its former value.

Gloria Peron
Gloria Peron
November 29, 2012 6:41 am
Reply to  Marc

DR Erifrig said the coins he was talking about was 90% silver not 40%

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Tim M.
Tim M.
December 19, 2013 11:45 pm
Reply to  Gloria Peron

Actually, Dr. Eifrig said “varying amounts of silver”

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Mark H.
Mark H.
August 20, 2012 5:02 pm

Another interesting tidbit I never knew: “Among Eisenhower dollars, coins dated from 1971 through 1974 with the S mintmark are 40% silver.” So it might be worthwhile to sift through a few rolls of “Ike” dollars as well.

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August 20, 2012 5:11 pm

…Or get a job with Coinstar…

October 31, 2012 2:35 pm
Reply to  tozer

LOL>>>>> Good One,,,,,,or start collecting “I like IKE buttons.”

👍 210
Wealth building
August 20, 2012 5:28 pm

I like Stansberry publications and have learned a great deal from them. Granted this is more for someone looking for a hobby, but still fun info.

Wealth building
August 20, 2012 5:30 pm

Actually coinstar ends up kicking back out silver coins. My girlfriend takes her tips to a coinstar and everyone once in a while it will kick out a silver dime or quarter. I’ve got her trained to spot them. 😉

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May 17, 2013 1:06 pm

Congrats! Training girlfriends is not easy!

Jim M
Jim M
July 24, 2013 5:14 am
Reply to  Jb

LOL on the GF. It is still easier than training husbands. 🙂
Anyhow, finding any Ike dollar is difficult. I probably check 5 – 15 banks a month and got my first one for July yesterday. And it isn’t silver. I think I have checked a thousand of them and only ever gotten one silver one. Too much time unless you do it as a hobby.

The problem with the halves is contrary to what Eifrig says, they still make them. Here is a run down on halves in my experience:
Coins minted before 1960 represent about 1 in 30.000 coins.
Coins minted 1960-1964 are 90% silver; about 1 in 3000 in circulation.
Coins minted 1965-1969 are 40% silver; about 1 in 1000 in circulation.
Coins minted 1970 are from mint sets. about 1 in 20,000. screw the silver. These coins are worth $5 on eBay in not good condition and $10 – $15 in nice condition. I once got 3 in a box and almost drove back to kiss the teller. I am sure some kid had his hide tanned. I had no way to return them.
Coins minted 1971 – 1981 are very common in circulation. They are worth 50 cents unless they are flawless. (no scratches, mint luster)
Coins minted 1982 are worth 55 – 75 cents if they are in excellent condition. Perhaps 1987 too.
Coins 1983 – 2002 are a quite common.
coins 2002 – 2013 are less common. If it is a nice coin you might get money on eBay – check.

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August 20, 2012 6:15 pm

“got customer rolled half dollars?” (that’s five, right there.)

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
August 20, 2012 7:22 pm

Of course it is highly illegal , but in my area some unsavory characters have placed 5 magic words on piece of paper , passed it to the teller and then got away with more than silver. The 5 MAGIC Words were , “I have A Gun Here!” Worked like a charm LOL !

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4 spare change
4 spare change
June 30, 2013 10:25 pm
Reply to  Pistol Pete


August 20, 2012 7:39 pm

This is indeed silly. Coin searching is a hobby. The “easy” silver is long gone. I doubt there is a bank in the US that hasn’t had someone ask for their old half dollars. What you mostly find at banks are the returned half dollars (no one wants them) that have been searched for silver. I used to do this myself, but quit a while back, as not worth the time, effort, and lugging around all those half dollars. I am not aware of any half dollar since the mid 1950s that has any significant value other than for the silver content. The 1970, a fairly rare coin, might be worth more than its silver content if it was in very good condition.

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September 12, 2012 2:43 am
Reply to  rodney


Randolphus Botteler
Randolphus Botteler
August 20, 2012 8:50 pm

If these newsletter writers actually knew a secret that they hint at, I ask myself, “Why would the tell me?” In fact why would they tell anyone if it could make so much money? The answer is they wouldn’t. They would keep it to themselves and crank out the fortunes.

August 20, 2012 9:52 pm

So what are the “five magic words” to say to the bank?????

His promo is interminably long.


👍 154
August 21, 2012 12:19 am
Reply to  Ritam108

I agree that the “easy” silver is long gone. I would go to several banks back in the mid 1980s and exchange paper dollars for half dollar rolls. I did find one 90% Kennedy half and several 40% Kennedys, but it was not worth my time as most of the time I found no half dollars containing any silver. When I found these silver coins is usually was only one coin per roll.

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January 17, 2013 1:56 am
Reply to  Sy

One silver coin per roll is actually very good. I’d be buying them up if I could still get 1 silver coin per roll. You’d have 50 silver coins if you bought 1 box of half dollars.

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Peter Courtenay Stephens
Peter Courtenay Stephens
September 28, 2012 1:40 pm
Reply to  Ritam108

The Five Magic Words are “PLEASE don’t vote for Obama.”

September 30, 2012 9:07 am

I like your magic words better than Eifrig’s. You should write a newsletter.

Joe Sunderland
Joe Sunderland
October 11, 2012 1:19 pm

Doubt these are the words Dr. Eifrig was going to tell us, but if most Americans follow these words we will all be better off.

June 14, 2013 12:34 am

Yeah, the Dow has DOUBLED since Obama became President to its historic high. A real disaster huh?

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June 20, 2013 2:49 pm
Reply to  Jim

The president has nothing to do with the Dow and little to do with the economy; it’s all the funny money/QE being printed out of nowhere by the unconstitutional and privately owned Federal Reserve central bank.

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July 10, 2013 6:21 pm
Reply to  Brian

Amen brother. Google, August 15 1971 nixon speech. Our dollar has no backing since then. Watch “Ethos” on Netfilx. It will open your eyes!

September 6, 2013 1:37 am
Reply to  Brian

Except for the fact that Obama is in bed with them and is their played puppet.

September 30, 2012 11:17 am
Reply to  Ritam108

yes, i wish i had 10 seconds back for each 10 minutes of b.s. i listened to. i wanted to fast forward to cut to the chase, but his imbedded player has no controls.

Jim N Hibbard
Jim N Hibbard
October 1, 2012 12:58 pm
Reply to  me

Actually, all you have to do on these long videos is hit the X to close, and a box comes up and asks if you are sure you want to leave. Hit Cancel, and you instantly get a complete written transcript of the entire spiel. If you can read faster than he can talk, you can get to the gist of the item pretty quickly.

J. Hanes
J. Hanes
January 19, 2013 5:28 pm
Reply to  Jim N Hibbard

This is really useful information! I listened to a never-ending video and didn’t know how to get out of it. I wanted to subscribed because of the good information, so I sat through it till the end, then sent them my $49.95, and now I don’t remember the free publications I was actually supposed to get! I don’t see them on the Stansberry website under my subscriptions. If I had known about this, I could have copied and pasted the text into Word to read later and make sure I had access to the stuff I wanted.

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March 30, 2013 1:21 am
Reply to  Ritam108

I agree with you. I waited for the five words for 15 minutes, then minimized the page to go on with my E-mail, (There was no sliding button at the bottom to find the end quicker), and checked back every five or ten minutes. After FORTYFIVE minutes, an invitation to buy in to a membership for fifty bucks was offered, and the words were never given. I figured I was cheated out of half an hour of my life.
I think the summary above is very good. Thanks

August 21, 2012 4:23 am

This secret works a bit different but yields a lot more: walk in carrying a pistol and utter these 5 magic words:”Give Me All Your Cash”.

September 30, 2012 11:19 am
Reply to  Elt

close, but that’s not it. remember, paper money isn’t “real” money, according to all of these doom-sayers. you gotta say, “give me silver and gold.”

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October 11, 2012 5:00 pm
Reply to  me

LOTS-O-LUCK, Doom-Sayers, getting proper change for your payment in silver or gold coins at the market when you buy groceries! Better to stock up on bottled water and candy bars!!!

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August 21, 2012 7:55 am

I subscribed. He never did tell me what the “5 magic words to ask the bank” actually were…… so there is quite a disconnect between the promo piece and the actual Free Report……. is there something you actually ask the bank that somehow gets you better quality?

👍 154
Rob Michael
September 21, 2012 11:27 pm
Reply to  Ritam108

I’d NEVER consider eBay as a good way to buy any silver. Kitco has a forum where people share some secrets & stories about eBay buys. Best Idea-and I bet I’m going to get this wrong-was putting in silver for the category, buy it nows only, best during slow times, on ones that have “make an offer”, you low ball an offer, and about 10% take you up on it. I know I’m missing the “special sauce” to his method-point is, do NOT look to eBay for real deals-best deals are with Merit, though choices are limited, APMEX has much greater choices, and 2nd best prices, with occasional deals. Independent Living Bullion has a free silver kilo giveaway right now-and a deal on their newsletter-a SHTF type all around good info on health, economic news and good, safe investments and so much more. I need to renew-the sales letter they send me is $139/2years, with 4 great reports, but the deal on-site that pops up after you try for the free kilo is only $69/2yrs, with 6 bonus books, a 151 secret survival mega manual-way too much 411 to even try to list it here, and a half-ounce silver round. As for eBay, they do have some good books on scrapping silver, gold, copper & more, tools to test scrap PMs, and, germaine to this story-a coin sorter. You simply put in a silver dime or quarter, and then run the rolls through it quickly-about $25-can also be used for 95% copper pennies. You can’t melt these, but should be good for small bartering/change from silver dimes, etc. You Tube is the best way to get the latest 411 on the rates of success doing the junk silver hunt. Some incredibly fortunate stories, and, more common, lots of “I found one 40% half in $250 face value” of coins. East Coast seems to fare better for most, but San Fran area best for 40% silver Ikes-just common sense. Doing the pennies-any penny before 1982 (and half of ’82s) are 95% copper. This was great when copper was $4/lb-now roughly half that, you still double the value on cents you find-but will you be able to do anything with them-very bulky, but about 15% of pennies are copper. $9/hr was average at $4/lb-I expect copper to regain its value-maybe hit $8 in a worse economy. Hope this rambling note helps someone…Happy Hunting!!

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Manchester, NH
Manchester, NH
January 20, 2013 6:25 pm
Reply to  Rob Michael

We’ve bought silver literally hundreds of times through eBay between 2005 and 2008. During that time period it was simple to buy silver well below scrap. Sterling flatware, holloware (bowls, dishes, candlesticks etc), figurines and the like. We would buy and bring it to our coinshop to sell. EVERY time well below scrap value. Although it has become next to impossible to buy substantial pieces of Sterling silver on eBay below scrap over the past few years, (though it can often still be done if your buying silver jewelry), it remains easy to buy either Sterling or coin at current scrap rates, without the premium you will have to pay when dealing APMEX or Merit. Of course, you’ll need to know what your doing, but its all really quite simple, basic knowledge to recognize Sterling from silver plate ( if your unsure, don’t buy if it’s not stamped either “.925” or “Sterling”). eBay is a fantastic way to accumulate silver. If you were to just take a look , APMEX is selling some of the 5oz America the Beautiful silver coins on eBay for 10% LESS than at thier website!

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August 21, 2012 9:36 am

If you believe silver is going up, go to ebay , plenty of sellers at reasonable prices

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August 21, 2012 9:01 pm
Reply to  robbob

wow dude, It’s ALL going up from what I saw.
Unless U get those grab bags that have few silver pieces in there…

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Old Retired Bruce
Old Retired Bruce
August 21, 2012 8:06 pm

Culling half-dollars and dimes (a/k/a “coin roll hunting”) for silver is definitely the province of those who have lots of leisure time and little to do. It’s not a viable way to produce any significant income flow and hasn’t been since shortly after silver was removed from circulation. It’s an offbeat hobby loved by a small but devoted band of aficionados and visiting will give you a little insight into that world. Hyping coin roll hunting as a way to obtain free silver coins isn’t literally truthless, but it certainly stretches the bounds of credibility. The truth is that you can go through thousands of halves without seeing any silver. Anybody who would try to pass off such hype as a viable income generation technique is not a person to believe, trust or follow advice from and MOST POSITIVELY NOT a person to pay money to for their advice. Do your own research, stick with your own common sense and keep reading articles like the one above and you just might avoid becoming the proverbial fool who’s soon parted from his money. Kudos to Stock Gumshoe for breathing a breath of sanity into the insane world of investments and dubious investment advice.

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October 7, 2012 3:52 pm

I subscribe to Doc’s newsletter. very disappointed in the “silver” issue. Went to all three banks in town and exchange cash for coins and only found 5 “silver” coins ; 1 and Ben Frankline 1951 and the rest between 1965-1970. Spent days doing it and now have to heft them back to the banks;

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March 30, 2013 1:27 am
Reply to  akgal

They are still money. You could just buy your groceries.

August 21, 2012 9:34 pm

I have found 1 or 2 silver WW2 nickels, in rolls, out of nearly $300 worth. Not a good record.
I have found 1 mercury dime in a few rolls of dimes, not a dime roll checker, but it was maybe
1 in 10-20 rolls. I have found NO silver quarters, or halves.
Presumably, more coins are being rolled and cashed in, but with coin machines kicking out
the heavy (silver) ones, the bankers get those and tellers keep it.
EVEN IF they had stacks of silver coins that were issued to keep silver in circulation, like the
story said, tellers and bankers have first choice!
I think it is one of those fraudulent internet story-tales to sell a package of otherwise worthless
junk like the chinese scammers do with solar energy, compiling “info” off of tinkerer’s
websites and putting it in E-Book form.

I might try the “coin roll mining” again, as it’s called, but the sure thing is getting a 30%
haul of the 95% copper pennies, but that is only gonna appreciate AFTER a dollar crash
or if/when pennies are taken out of circulation. Same for nickels, they are worth near face
value even with depressed nickel prices, but melting is not legal yet.

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August 22, 2012 9:15 am
Reply to  underground

in my opinion, the best thing to get without having to search for at all and paying no premium for, is nickels. yes, of course, silver coins are much more valuable and you might as well just buy them on ebay when you can get a good price. when the market crashed in 2008 and people were forced to sell some or all of their gold and silver to cover other losses or just panicked at their declining spot prices, silver i think went to around $12 an ounce, there was a lot of sellers on ebay, with not to many buyers, and 40% kennedy halves were selling for 2/3’s of that $12 spot price, i can remember buying several 20-coin rolls for $20, a buck a coin. boy, those were the good old days.
anyway, back to nickels. the 1946-2012 nickel is our last coin that has not been debased. it is still 75% copper and 25% nickel. 1969 was the last year that coins minted for circulation had 40% silver in them. 1964 was the last year that circulated coins had 90% silver in them. 1982 was the last year for the 95% copper penny, and those are worth 2.2 cents currently. post 1982 pennys are 97.5% zinc with a copper wash over them and are worth .0048357 each currently. it goes on and on with all of our circulating coin being made with cheaper base metals. go to and it will show you all of these coins actual value based on the metal they are made of. notice how the nickel, as of this posting is worth 4.8 cents. the price of copper has come down and not to long ago the nickels were worth more than 5 cents each. the mint must buy the copper and nickel on the market, pay a company to smelt, mix and produce the blanks that are then stamped by the mint. all of these costs add up and it costs them probably twice as much or even more to produce each nicklel. so, how much longer will it be before they change the metallic composition of our last un-debased coin. if it cost you 9,10, or 11 cents to make a 5 cent coin would you keep doing it. i didnt think so. i wouldnt either. so, whats the point i am trying to make with all of this? silver used to be cheap and allowed us to have 90% silver coins, followed by 40% silver coins, followed by 0% silver coins. copper pennies have been gone for 30 years, and maybe next year or in 2014 the nickel compasition will changeand will be made of a cheaper metal and actually only be worth 2 or 3 cents in terms of metal value. i am not saying go all in in rolls of nickels, but if you cash a $110.00 check, ask for 10 dollars of that in nickels. yeah, they are heavy and bulky, thats less a thief will be able to carry away from your residence and if you search them you might find some old or rare ones. i think its common knowledge that the global economy and financial systems are most likely going to implode and many experts believe that nickels will eventually trade as a bullion product as copper and nickel will eventually be much higher in price. even if the dollar gets devalued a nickel will always be worth a nickel, while a paper dollar wont be worth a dollar, its allready lost 98% of its purchasing power since the inception of the federal reserve 99 years ago and may to back to its intrinsic value, which is zero. no paper money, un-backed by anything of value has ever survived and the avarage life of a paper currency is 40 years. in 1971 nixon closed the gold window, so our currency has been un-backed for 41 years now.
in closing, nickels are a no-effort to find, no-premium to pay, low cost inflation insurance play, but it wont last forever.
P.S. some multi-millionaires have been hoarding the pre 1982 pennies for some time now and they have stockpiled many, many millions of these pennies, and now they are shifting their focus to hoarding the nickels.

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September 16, 2012 11:17 am
Reply to  gary

Thanks for your brief analysis and comments on the value of our coinage. You tip on nickles was right on…I will be adding to my stash….I have pounds and pounds of pennies I bought back during the M2000 bug period…maybe I can salvage some ’82s and prior from them.

June 26, 2013 3:06 pm
Reply to  gary

the 1970 kennedy half was still 40% silver

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August 21, 2012 11:21 pm

5 “magic” words. Give me a break. There are no magic words. Those darn marketing idiots try to make something ordinary sound mysterious and just make the marketing piece into an embarrassing joke instead. There probably are some silver half dollars still available by asking at a bank, or ordering rolls if they’ll do that for you without a fee. The problem is that 90% halves will be extremely rare already, and even the 40% coins are probably quite rare. I agree that the probabilities are probably better with half dollars than the quarters or dimes, but I still don’t think the return would be worth my time and effort.

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August 22, 2012 7:16 am

I just signed up for the 5 magic words. At $39, I will gladly let him hold my money for 6 months. As with coutless letter writers over the past 60 years, if they produce, I stay and play. If they fail, I bale.

September 8, 2012 4:35 pm
Reply to  Herach

Can you please tell me what the five magic words are?

October 2, 2012 11:29 am
Reply to  Herach

Lots of luck with that cancellation. Actually I’m counting on zero luck. I will assist you in cancelling your subscription after you fail. Which you will. I charge $50.00 per cancellation. If I get you a refund it is all yours. Pay me after you are successful. Cancellations are simple but very painful. Refunds are far more rare than 90% Silver coins.
On the other hand, the method does work. Pigs can actually fly. Elvis runs a successful WhattaBurger in Middleburg Florida and I am offering very good deals on Prime Beach Front Property only 25 Minutes from Down Town Scottsdale Arizona.

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October 31, 2012 2:44 pm
Reply to  Myke

Most reputable newsletters will refund your subscription if you are within the windown of the cancellation policy. Often they will also let you move the money to another subscription. Many also prorate the refund if you are beyond the initial window.
Herach and Myke:
Does Stansberry have another policy? Then Readers, STAY AWAY!

👍 210
Grandma Gina
Grandma Gina
June 28, 2013 7:39 pm
Reply to  Herach

It’s a 4 month trial, not a 6 month one ….so don’t wait too long to cancel.

August 22, 2012 1:25 pm

Eifrig MD is full of himself. In his one monthly newsletter he always puts in how much money you saved by reading it Some how his math is different than mine.

👍 1
Peter Courtenay Stephens
Peter Courtenay Stephens
September 28, 2012 1:10 pm
Reply to  otradovec

Maybe you should go back to school. His track record is impecable and I 100% doubt yours is. Yes I get his advisories and have made plenty money with them but, of course I don’t know it all like you do.

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