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“Say These 5 ‘Magic’ Words To Your Local Bank Teller— And You Could Walk Away With A Handful Of Silver”

What's Dr. David Eifrig's secret magic phrase for getting free silver coins? Also teased as "Retirement Silver"

We’re rerunning this piece because it continues to be one of the most asked-for explanations on the Stock Gumshoe website. What follows below was originally published in mid-2012, it has been updated for the change in silver values but otherwise remains unchanged.

Dr. David Eifrig over at Stansberry’s Retirement Millionaire newsletter has been teasing us with “five magic words” that he says you can use at your local bank to get free silver.

Huh? What’s he talking about?

Don’t worry, we’ll sniff through his clues and try to figure out what specific opportunity he’s talking about … and maybe we’ll even be able to guess exactly what his “Magic words” are. Here’s how he gets us interested:

“Say These 5 “Magic” Words To Your Local Bank Teller—

“And You Could Walk Away With A Handful Of Silver

“I never thought this would work. But it did! I tried it, and to my surprise, I got 34 silver coins from a single bank. Needless to say, I’m going back for more! Thanks for the great idea!” — Maury D., Tyler, TX”

Sounds great, right? Don’t worry, there’s more where that came from …

“I recently heard a wild rumor about a major loophole in the U.S. retail banking system…

“One that enables you to get real, ‘hold-in-your-hand’ silver from practically any FDIC-insured bank in the U.S. All you do is walk in, say 5 simple, but very specific words and – according to this rumor – you could walk out minutes later with a handful of silver, as part of a totally free transaction.

“You don’t even need an account with the bank where you want to collect your silver….

“Right now, a group of banks in the U.S. are finding themselves in possession of a certain type of government-created coin, which does not circulate widely in the general population…

“You see, these coins were originally produced during the early part of the 20th century, as part of a government mandate – called H.R. 2934 – to create money that was respected and easy to use. More than 750 million of these coins were minted, all containing varying amounts of silver.

“These coins – which contain as much as 90% pure silver – were designed by many of the best sculptors and engravers of the day – people like Augustus St. Gaudens, Charles E. Barber, and Gilroy Roberts. One of these coins is even listed by the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) as one of the “20th Century’s most beautiful silver coins.”

“The coins were date-stamped and engraved with official U.S. government markings, to ensure authenticity.

“These unique ‘silvers’ were originally intended to be kept in circulation. But the Feds ceased production in 1971 because people were hoarding them and not circulating them like the government planned.

“But what 99% of the public doesn’t realize is that many banks today still hold large quantities of these coins.”

So what are these coins?

Well, from the general tone of the letter it appears likely to me that he’s talking about old US currency from the silver coinage days, not about specialty or collectible coins — and he has often teased so-called “junk silver” coins before. Junk silver refers to the pre-1965 circulating dimes, quarters, half dollars and dollars that were made of 90% silver and which are the easiest low-cost entree into silver accumulation for a lot of people — either because they buy bags of old “junk” silver or because they sift through their pocket change and set aside those occasional 1963 dimes that are actually worth a few dollars each.

But what about that 1971 date? That tells me we’re looking at something else — and my guess is that he’s talking about Kennedy half dollars.

The fifty cent piece is one of the most common coins in US history, and was very widely used up until about 50 years ago, but it has effectively disappeared from circulation. Part of the reason it disappeared is that the half dollar became the Kennedy half dollar in 1964 to honor the assassinated president, and it was extraordinarily popular as a memento of a much-loved public figure so people tended to hold on to it. Add that to the fact that this is also the time when silver was getting taken out of circulating coinage and folks started to hoard all coins that had real silver content, and the 50 cent coin was pretty much killed as a circulating piece of currency.

But the key is that 1965 isn’t the only key date for silver in JFK half dollars — 1970 is also important. Because although all the other common coins stopped containing silver starting in 1965, the JFK half dollar was struck in 40% silver for several more years, from 1965-1970. So you have an extremely common coin (hundreds of millions were minted) that’s almost never seen, and one that’s not pre-1965 and therefore not as widely known for its silver content, and people don’t use them in daily commerce, so there must be at least a few still out there waiting to be found.

The theory then, I suppose, is that a ton of these fifty cent pieces are just sitting in the dusty back portion of bank vaults — stores don’t want them to give change, but they occasionally get them in change, and every once in a while bank customers will bring in a roll or two of fifty cent pieces, and they probably sit in a box in the back of the vault until someone asks for them. So maybe if you go to the bank and ask for any half dollars they have, you’ll get some of these older ones.

Of course, plenty of banks probably don’t have any half dollars at all or would have to order them for you (which might be worth it, I don’t know, the Federal Reserve banks are certainly loaded with them but I have no idea if the coins in storage have any potential for silver dates), so it won’t work every time.

So if you walk into a bank and ask them if they have any half dollars, maybe you’ll get a little trove that you can search through and see if it includes any treasures — and of course, you can’t really lose money, because this is circulating coinage so the bank won’t charge you anything, you just give them $20 (or whatever) for $20 worth of half-dollar coins.

The rub? Well, part of the rub is that they might not have these coins, since no one ever wants or asks for them and they’re rarely used in commerce. And the other part of the rub is that the next decade or so worth of JFK half dollars are also very, very common … so if you do get some half dollars, it’s likely that almost all of them will be from the early 1970s or the widely minted 1976 bicentennial half dollar, pretty much all of which are worth, well, fifty cents. And you can’t use them in most vending machines or parking meters.

But if you DO get lucky and find a few older half dollars that are from 1970 or before, they’re worth a lot more than 50 cents — so that’s how you can be compensated for the time you spent searching for these coins and sifting through them.

The silver half dollars from 1964 and earlier, including the 1964 JFK half dollar, the 1948-1963 Benjamin Franklin half dollar or, if you’re really lucky, the Walking Liberty half dollar that was minted from 1916-1947 are all 90% silver and that silver content is, at $23 silver, worth a little less than $8.20.

The more common and perhaps not as widely known 40% silver JFK half dollars, which are the ones that are theoretically more likely to still be found in rolls at the bank on occasion, are the ones that were minted from 1965-1970 — and they have about $3.35 worth of silver in them. Some of the years also may have collectible value, including some of the post-1970 non-silver years, but if you’re talking just about the silver content you want coins that were minted 1970 or earlier. An easy place to check for silver content and the (constantly updated) value thereof is the free calculator at the website.

Eifrig does, to his credit, caution that this “free” silver isn’t completely free — it doesn’t work all the time, at every bank, so you have to put time in (and, of course, you have to be fortunate):

“How often does saying these 5 magic words actually get you free silver?

“Well, from my experience, after observing more than 250 people to try this technique in dozens of banks around the country, I estimate that if you go to the right banks (I’ll show you which ones), and say the right words (again, I’ll give you the specifics) it works about 25% of the time.

“So, you’re going to have to do a little legwork to get this secret to work for you. But remember, this is basically FREE silver we are talking about here. If you are too lazy or too busy to do a little work to get something as valuable as silver, essentially free of charge, well, I’m sorry, but you can stop reading right now….

“The reason this works is because most Americans (including the people who work at banks) have no idea how this “loophole” works.

“But eventually, word will get out and this opportunity will end.”

And the special magic words? I don’t know exactly, but I’ll wager the phrase goes something like, “May I please have half-dollars?” Or “Do you have half dollars?”

There are bajillions of web articles and discussion boards about how to get your mitts on collectible or silver-content coins by getting an “in” at the local bank or trying to find the customer-rolled coins — the guess being that if Grandma let her grandchildren roll up the old jar of coins they found in the attic and take them in to the bank to exchange for bills so they can buy video games, maybe you’ll get lucky and find that the roll of dimes had a bunch of pre-1965 coins and is worth more than ten times the face value.

That’s also the hope for half dollars, though I guess they’re probably not as widely requested or talked about, or rolled up for that matter, so you may want to either cruise around to any sleepy bank branches you know about to give it a whirl, or chat up your friendly neighborhood bank teller so you can get an “in” when a promising pile of coins gets turned in. Though why any teller wouldn’t sift through them on her own is beyond me.

Or heck, maybe your brother in law runs the local Coinstar operation (those are the automatic coin counters you’ll see at some grocery stores) and will let you sort through the coins every week.

The point is that this is not just something you can do at your local bank branch every day to get a guaranteed free $50 every time — it’s probably best thought of as a hobby that will occasionally provide a nice perk of some “free” money if you’re willing to drive around to a lot of bank branches and look at a lot of coins. Unless you live in a very small town, however, you’re probably not the only person trying to look for these kinds of old coins … so be nice.

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August 22, 2012 9:08 pm

Would you make 5 cent coins that cost more than 5 cents to make? Would you make 44 cent Simpson collector stamps and then burn them later? Only the government would do this! Doesn’t make sense but then how much the government does does make sense?

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Allan Richard
August 23, 2012 2:18 pm

My father and I tried half-dollar roll searches as an activity/hobby a few years ago. The first $10 roll we received was hand-wrapped and, to our surprise, contained over $30 worth of silver, both 40% and 90%. Now that we were excited about silver mining, we invested $50 and received five machine-wrapped rolls which contained no silver coins. Every now and then I’ll pick up a few rolls and every now and then there will be one 40% silver coin in the lot. Clearly, the best thing to do is to be waiting at the bank for the little old lady with the hand-wrapped roll.

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Scott Hill
Scott Hill
August 25, 2012 10:20 am

As an experiment, I decided to see if I could avoid a lot of legwork and called around to see if someone would tell me in advance if they had half dollars. I found a branch that said they had $300 worth, so I bought them and sifted through them. I found seven (7) half dollars from 1965 – 1970, about 1%. I’m going to continue this experiment.

👍 22353
September 8, 2012 4:32 pm
Reply to  Scott Hill

What are the 5 magic words?

Scott Hill
Scott Hill
October 4, 2012 9:35 am
Reply to  Mike

No magic words. Just “do you have half-dollars?”. Several of the places I phoned were not even willing to bother to tell me if they had any; I was forced to drive around. Hooray for the map function on my iPhone! It’s easy to find clusters of banks and credit unions in the same area. Most places I visited only had a handful, and none of them were valuable. I found a credit union that had mistakenly ordered $1000 in half dollars, but I only bought $200 worth – they were all machine-wrapped and none of them were more than face value. Eventually I came across a small bank that had $300 worth, all hand rolled, and one of the rolls was exclusively 40% silver ( all twenty of them! ). Bottom line – there’s no harm in asking, the phone is your friend, hand-rolled half-dollars are more likely to pay off, and the next step is to find a bank that will actually order you $500 lots and accept the returns when you’re done sifting through them.

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Gary T. Aniello
Gary T. Aniello
August 25, 2012 1:56 pm

I signed up for the 12 months, with the Bonus offers, for the $39, which is refundable within 4 months. Not a bad deal really. While I am not going to do the Silver hunting, I do truly believe that the bonus issues and 12 months of Newsletters, will easily provide me with many times the $39 in education and real money value. AND IF REALLY TERRIBLE, i GET A 100% REFUND WITHIN 120 DAYS.
TO: Stock Gumshoe – Great article, great research, keep it up. Hopefully your following is growing. As with myself, I ask all your readers to share with friends. Gary

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September 1, 2012 1:01 am

since you paid the $39, did you get access to the website? and did it have the methods for earning big money like he said?

Robert Shults
Robert Shults
September 4, 2012 7:43 pm
Reply to  Larry

I paid the $39.00, and the Article did NOT include the 5 “Magic” Words, nor do the banks have any pre-1965 coins … based on samples of 200 Half-dollars and 200 Quarters. This Article was a rip-off, which surprised me, because Stansberry usually provides very sound information.

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John K
John K
August 26, 2012 12:47 pm

Those 5 magic words are easy to figure out, and I will share whith everyone because the hour is late, and everyone needs to know how to do this. This silver will be your hedge against the coming hyperinlation. Spend it wisely!
The 5 words are “Please Exchange For Pre 1965”.

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👍 22353
Louis Blasiotti
Louis Blasiotti
August 28, 2012 8:01 pm

Read Ron Paul’s book on gold for free entitled: “A Case for Gold.” Can be retrieved in pdf format or download the ePub at the Cato web site:

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August 30, 2012 8:01 pm


September 8, 2012 4:32 pm
Reply to  dougspalding

Hey what are the 5 magic words?

Mary Mohanan
Mary Mohanan
December 3, 2012 5:52 pm
Reply to  Mike

Do you have 1/2 dollars? Pre 1965 1/2 dollars are 40% silver.

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February 6, 2013 11:25 pm
Reply to  Mary Mohanan

Pre-1965 dimes, quarters and half dollars (and dollars too, for that matter) are 90% silver coins.

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David Knight
David Knight
September 1, 2012 8:00 pm

I have made a lot of money from the letters of Standsberry. Give the company a break.
They provide lots of good FUN infromation. Granted they may TEASE a bit too much- but overall, they are an outstanding source for creative ways to generate income or find hidden treasure.

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September 4, 2012 10:32 pm
Reply to  David Knight

I read the tease over the weekend and wondered about it. Lo and behold,stock gumshoe comes up with the answer!

Rob Michael
September 22, 2012 12:13 am
Reply to  David Knight

If you want creative ideas for when the SHTF, check out eBay (perhaps even Amazon) AFTER doing initial research for free on YouTube, for “Recycling Gold and Silver”-this will bring up books, CDs& DVDs, 14 page booklets, et al. You can get a metal detector, Panning equipment & info, but mostly where & how to find & recycle and smelt PMs and copper-“15 silver troves you pass by daily” sounds intriguing, YT has a guy who made $3k/2wks of recycling Air Conditioners-Plus his YT check of $1400 for his videos! In hard times, you need to find things or services to barter to survive-Heirloom seeds sealed tightly by foodsaver and buried in 4″ PVC pipe with ends glued on will last for years-and will likely be worth more than gold! If you bury silver, putting a mirror above it fools metal detectors. I already rambled on with a few tips n tricks for SHTF/Prepper set ups. Best Idea for Silver in a SHTF sitch? Colloidal silver manufacturing, imho. Hope this gets you thinking-you found Travis & his great site-kudos! Now, start looking at other free sites for the real 411. YouTube has someone doing it all-Thrift Store/Dumpster diving for eBayable goods, PMs, Storage sheds-you name it, plus hundreds of things you wouldn’t think of in a million years. Open your mind, buy a book/cd or two for a few bucks filled with great ideas on how to survive the hard times ahead. 2013 is when bonds will be officially dead. No Stock market-except rare gems-Penny stocks can be awesome-lose out on 90% of your picks, but with the right system, the 10% will be a 50 bagger-do that 5x, and turn $500 into your fortune. Research NESARA funds-what IS the real scoop? Keenan accounts? Keshe Foundation? YT HHO generators-make 100mpg car rigs for yourself n others for big profit. Tesla tech-and other suppressed tech available NOW, with tons more to be released. Tech Transfers from Nat’l Labs to YOUR private business. Why, some have asked here, would S&A not keep it to themselves? I just gave you 1% of ideas I get in just one week-could I possibly do them all myself? No-they are my gift to you-do with them what you will. JV with me on ones you like. Pay it Forward. Whatever-just please, don’t do nothing. Namaste’.

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phil arra
phil arra
September 5, 2012 11:12 am

Has anyone else come across the ad for the motley fools’ dave Gardener’s fab pick for the future of 3-D printer companies– three of them whose technology is changing manufacturing in the world. It says this future technolgy will send one hundred million Chinese factory workers packing

September 5, 2012 12:09 pm

Hey does anybody know the 5 magic words?Please no b.s. or jokes,just want to know what they are!because someone already asked,and they never got their question answered.and then all the comments went off into other things.Just want the answer to my question thats all!

September 19, 2012 5:23 pm
Reply to  Mike

i was dumb enoegh to go thru the ENTIRE AGONIZING TEASE. here are the magic words–“do you have half dollars” or,wait for it——“may i please have half dollars”(6 words) pls send me your 39.00 as soon as possible

Rob Michael
September 22, 2012 12:45 am
Reply to  Mike

Mike-the question WAS answered-S&A did not give the 5 words, the “thinkolator” can only surmise. Best idea presented was “Have any customer rolled coins?” If no, then “Can you order me some 50c pieces?” (or Silver Dollars). Also, go where there are no auto sorters-there, you’d need to establish personal relationships to ask “Can I get rejected coins?”-Good for stores with coinstar machines also. Getting in good with managers at dollar stores/small, local markets to ask for their 50c pieces and dollars can sometimes pay off. Best YT Video-guy got in good with credit union-cashier called him when hand rolled coins came in-he was loaded with 40% &90% silver-even barber quarters, some newer proof coins-top haul ever seen! Was it staged? Maybe. Estate sales, thrift stores-every day, ppl get great finds-1ox gold coins, 18 ozs gold melt at the beach-see “A Moment with Rachael” on You Tube-she raises 4 kids by buying top deals at thrift stores & reselling them on eBay-dumpster dives too-flea markets, garage sales-hundreds of great ideas to make a benjamin or two a week-in tougher times, She’ll be living like a Princess, while ex hedge fund managers are in the gutter-hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. What will be valuable when the Fed Reserve note dies within the year? Can you provide clean water? Colloidal silver? Good, healthy food? Or will the Keenan accounts let us all live like millionaires? Will Leo Emil Wanta come through with his pledged $24 trillion to pay off our national debt-an alleged plan that Reagan set up for our impending doom at the hands of Liberals? And have $2trillion to help all civilization? (He’s supposed to have $27.5 trillion)-If so, yaay! if not, start an organic farm-raising Stevia, Ginseng for retirement, Acai, Cannabis-use your imagination-or buy a $2 book from eBay, and earn hundreds a week-that’ll be rich very soon…

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September 22, 2012 10:28 am
Reply to  Mike

The five magic words are: Please Exchange For Pre 1965

Big Daddy
Big Daddy
September 7, 2012 9:10 am

I picked up $500 worth of half-dollars from my local small town bank. Not one silver coin in the lot. I did find a screw, quarter, and a nickle. Besides a waste of time, I lost .70 on the deal. Perhaps rolled coins would be a better waste of time, but not for me. ‘Fool me once…’

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September 8, 2012 4:32 pm
Reply to  Big Daddy

Hi what are the 5 magic words?

September 8, 2012 4:34 pm
Reply to  Big Daddy

And also,how did you end up paying just 70 cents for $500 dollars worth of half dollars?

September 26, 2012 5:41 pm
Reply to  Mike

He did not pay just $0.70 for $500 in half dollars. He lost 70 cents, 45 from the nickel, and 25 from the quarter.
45+25 = 70.
Get it? I hope you did.

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September 8, 2012 11:32 am

3D printing is going to be a very big deal. DDD will be one of the leaders so I’ll buy them heavier but probably look for a couple others with smaller investments to hedge my bet.

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September 8, 2012 11:33 am


David Shults
September 8, 2012 7:23 pm
Reply to  John

One LAST comment (as I prepare to request my $39.00 REFUND for Retirement Millionaire):
Miffed by the fact that the download of Efrig’s article did NOT include his 5 “Magic” Words, I sent an E-mail to S&A’s Customer Service requesting I be told what they are. I was answered by an Assistant Editor (no less) who advised me they were “DO YOU HAVE HALF DOLLARS?”
DUH??? That was worth $39.00 ? What the heck is so “MAGIC” about THAT set of words? Anyone would have to ask SOMETHING similar to that ! When I read her response, I was consumed by a sinking feeling (can you say REALISATION of RIPOFF?) and I suggested to her that a *BETTER* question might be “HAVE YOU PRE-1965 COINS? ”
RETIREMENT MILLIONAIRE is for those who are in need of some distraction for filling time.

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September 9, 2012 1:01 am

One thing: I’m getting ready to retire and until I overcome this overriding urge to do nothing on someone else’s time clock, trolling through rolls of half dollar and dimes might be a good way to occupy some idle hours. Beats recycling beer bottles (and helps preserve the Liver) 🙂

Big Daddy
Big Daddy
September 12, 2012 10:10 am

I bought $500 worth of Kennedy half dollars that came in a bank bag. After sorting through them (all 1971 and beyond) I found 998 half dollars, one quarter, one nickel, and a screw. This totaled $499.30, so I lost .70 on the deal.

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Karl Smarx
Karl Smarx
September 25, 2012 6:45 pm

The 5 magic words to making money are:
“Quick, go find a steady job!”

September 27, 2012 12:15 am

They’re talking about half dollars from 1965 – 1970. They are 40% silver. Most people, er… FOLKS don’t know that. Years ago I went through a few $500 boxes of them from BofA. They’re there, but many times they won’t work with you unless you have an account with them. Sometimes they will charge you for getting you a box. Then you have to take back the 975 coins in rolls to the bank. They told me I had to have my account # on each roll.

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September 28, 2012 12:16 pm

It’s good to see these lies debunked for what they really are, a thinly disguised veil over a sales pitch for worthless junk. No thanks. I’ll pass.

Peter Courtenay Stephens
Peter Courtenay Stephens
September 28, 2012 12:54 pm

They are not lies at all. Many people have found what he speaks about. Some don’t.

October 14, 2012 10:09 pm

….and three square meals a day and your own private “room”…courtesy of the taxpayers. 🙂

September 29, 2012 10:15 am

The five words I use… “This is a stick up!” gets me all sorts of goodies

Gloria Peron
Gloria Peron
November 29, 2012 6:56 am
Reply to  J.Kru

that’s funny as hell

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