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“Say These 5 ‘Magic’ Words To Your Local Bank Teller— And You Could Walk Away With A Handful Of Silver”

What's Dr. David Eifrig's secret magic phrase for getting free silver coins? Also teased as "Retirement Silver"

We’re rerunning this piece because it continues to be one of the most asked-for explanations on the Stock Gumshoe website. What follows below was originally published in mid-2012, it has been updated for the change in silver values but otherwise remains unchanged.

Dr. David Eifrig over at Stansberry’s Retirement Millionaire newsletter has been teasing us with “five magic words” that he says you can use at your local bank to get free silver.

Huh? What’s he talking about?

Don’t worry, we’ll sniff through his clues and try to figure out what specific opportunity he’s talking about … and maybe we’ll even be able to guess exactly what his “Magic words” are. Here’s how he gets us interested:

“Say These 5 “Magic” Words To Your Local Bank Teller—

“And You Could Walk Away With A Handful Of Silver

“I never thought this would work. But it did! I tried it, and to my surprise, I got 34 silver coins from a single bank. Needless to say, I’m going back for more! Thanks for the great idea!” — Maury D., Tyler, TX”

Sounds great, right? Don’t worry, there’s more where that came from …

“I recently heard a wild rumor about a major loophole in the U.S. retail banking system…

“One that enables you to get real, ‘hold-in-your-hand’ silver from practically any FDIC-insured bank in the U.S. All you do is walk in, say 5 simple, but very specific words and – according to this rumor – you could walk out minutes later with a handful of silver, as part of a totally free transaction.

“You don’t even need an account with the bank where you want to collect your silver….

“Right now, a group of banks in the U.S. are finding themselves in possession of a certain type of government-created coin, which does not circulate widely in the general population…

“You see, these coins were originally produced during the early part of the 20th century, as part of a government mandate – called H.R. 2934 – to create money that was respected and easy to use. More than 750 million of these coins were minted, all containing varying amounts of silver.

“These coins – which contain as much as 90% pure silver – were designed by many of the best sculptors and engravers of the day – people like Augustus St. Gaudens, Charles E. Barber, and Gilroy Roberts. One of these coins is even listed by the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) as one of the “20th Century’s most beautiful silver coins.”

“The coins were date-stamped and engraved with official U.S. government markings, to ensure authenticity.

“These unique ‘silvers’ were originally intended to be kept in circulation. But the Feds ceased production in 1971 because people were hoarding them and not circulating them like the government planned.

“But what 99% of the public doesn’t realize is that many banks today still hold large quantities of these coins.”

So what are these coins?

Well, from the general tone of the letter it appears likely to me that he’s talking about old US currency from the silver coinage days, not about specialty or collectible coins — and he has often teased so-called “junk silver” coins before. Junk silver refers to the pre-1965 circulating dimes, quarters, half dollars and dollars that were made of 90% silver and which are the easiest low-cost entree into silver accumulation for a lot of people — either because they buy bags of old “junk” silver or because they sift through their pocket change and set aside those occasional 1963 dimes that are actually worth a few dollars each.

But what about that 1971 date? That tells me we’re looking at something else — and my guess is that he’s talking about Kennedy half dollars.

The fifty cent piece is one of the most common coins in US history, and was very widely used up until about 50 years ago, but it has effectively disappeared from circulation. Part of the reason it disappeared is that the half dollar became the Kennedy half dollar in 1964 to honor the assassinated president, and it was extraordinarily popular as a memento of a much-loved public figure so people tended to hold on to it. Add that to the fact that this is also the time when silver was getting taken out of circulating coinage and folks started to hoard all coins that had real silver content, and the 50 cent coin was pretty much killed as a circulating piece of currency.

But the key is that 1965 isn’t the only key date for silver in JFK half dollars — 1970 is also important. Because although all the other common coins stopped containing silver starting in 1965, the JFK half dollar was struck in 40% silver for several more years, from 1965-1970. So you have an extremely common coin (hundreds of millions were minted) that’s almost never seen, and one that’s not pre-1965 and therefore not as widely known for its silver content, and people don’t use them in daily commerce, so there must be at least a few still out there waiting to be found.

The theory then, I suppose, is that a ton of these fifty cent pieces are just sitting in the dusty back portion of bank vaults — stores don’t want them to give change, but they occasionally get them in change, and every once in a while bank customers will bring in a roll or two of fifty cent pieces, and they probably sit in a box in the back of the vault until someone asks for them. So maybe if you go to the bank and ask for any half dollars they have, you’ll get some of these older ones.

Of course, plenty of banks probably don’t have any half dollars at all or would have to order them for you (which might be worth it, I don’t know, the Federal Reserve banks are certainly loaded with them but I have no idea if the coins in storage have any potential for silver dates), so it won’t work every time.

So if you walk into a bank and ask them if they have any half dollars, maybe you’ll get a little trove that you can search through and see if it includes any treasures — and of course, you can’t really lose money, because this is circulating coinage so the bank won’t charge you anything, you just give them $20 (or whatever) for $20 worth of half-dollar coins.

The rub? Well, part of the rub is that they might not have these coins, since no one ever wants or asks for them and they’re rarely used in commerce. And the other part of the rub is that the next decade or so worth of JFK half dollars are also very, very common … so if you do get some half dollars, it’s likely that almost all of them will be from the early 1970s or the widely minted 1976 bicentennial half dollar, pretty much all of which are worth, well, fifty cents. And you can’t use them in most vending machines or parking meters.

But if you DO get lucky and find a few older half dollars that are from 1970 or before, they’re worth a lot more than 50 cents — so that’s how you can be compensated for the time you spent searching for these coins and sifting through them.

The silver half dollars from 1964 and earlier, including the 1964 JFK half dollar, the 1948-1963 Benjamin Franklin half dollar or, if you’re really lucky, the Walking Liberty half dollar that was minted from 1916-1947 are all 90% silver and that silver content is, at $23 silver, worth a little less than $8.20.

The more common and perhaps not as widely known 40% silver JFK half dollars, which are the ones that are theoretically more likely to still be found in rolls at the bank on occasion, are the ones that were minted from 1965-1970 — and they have about $3.35 worth of silver in them. Some of the years also may have collectible value, including some of the post-1970 non-silver years, but if you’re talking just about the silver content you want coins that were minted 1970 or earlier. An easy place to check for silver content and the (constantly updated) value thereof is the free calculator at the website.

Eifrig does, to his credit, caution that this “free” silver isn’t completely free — it doesn’t work all the time, at every bank, so you have to put time in (and, of course, you have to be fortunate):

“How often does saying these 5 magic words actually get you free silver?

“Well, from my experience, after observing more than 250 people to try this technique in dozens of banks around the country, I estimate that if you go to the right banks (I’ll show you which ones), and say the right words (again, I’ll give you the specifics) it works about 25% of the time.

“So, you’re going to have to do a little legwork to get this secret to work for you. But remember, this is basically FREE silver we are talking about here. If you are too lazy or too busy to do a little work to get something as valuable as silver, essentially free of charge, well, I’m sorry, but you can stop reading right now….

“The reason this works is because most Americans (including the people who work at banks) have no idea how this “loophole” works.

“But eventually, word will get out and this opportunity will end.”

And the special magic words? I don’t know exactly, but I’ll wager the phrase goes something like, “May I please have half-dollars?” Or “Do you have half dollars?”

There are bajillions of web articles and discussion boards about how to get your mitts on collectible or silver-content coins by getting an “in” at the local bank or trying to find the customer-rolled coins — the guess being that if Grandma let her grandchildren roll up the old jar of coins they found in the attic and take them in to the bank to exchange for bills so they can buy video games, maybe you’ll get lucky and find that the roll of dimes had a bunch of pre-1965 coins and is worth more than ten times the face value.

That’s also the hope for half dollars, though I guess they’re probably not as widely requested or talked about, or rolled up for that matter, so you may want to either cruise around to any sleepy bank branches you know about to give it a whirl, or chat up your friendly neighborhood bank teller so you can get an “in” when a promising pile of coins gets turned in. Though why any teller wouldn’t sift through them on her own is beyond me.

Or heck, maybe your brother in law runs the local Coinstar operation (those are the automatic coin counters you’ll see at some grocery stores) and will let you sort through the coins every week.

The point is that this is not just something you can do at your local bank branch every day to get a guaranteed free $50 every time — it’s probably best thought of as a hobby that will occasionally provide a nice perk of some “free” money if you’re willing to drive around to a lot of bank branches and look at a lot of coins. Unless you live in a very small town, however, you’re probably not the only person trying to look for these kinds of old coins … so be nice.

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Mr L
Mr L
February 26, 2013 1:27 pm

Sorry about all the grammer errors in my first post but, doing it on my mobile phone with a small keypad is almost impossible and correcting or proff reading even harder, but guess what I don’t even care, just trying to help…………..

Chimp Smirk
Chimp Smirk
March 4, 2013 8:16 am

My wife works in a bank. I can assure you that any coins of value have already been sorted out of the stream and bought by bank employees long before they hit the teller’s drawer.

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Jim M
Jim M
July 24, 2013 5:31 am
Reply to  Chimp Smirk

Yeah some tellers are like that. But most tellers don’t waste their time looking through rolls and couldn’t be troubled to get an extra $5 from the one in a thousand silver half dollar.

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March 30, 2013 10:25 am

Do you have any comments George Leong prediction of the loss of the dollar being the world’s trading instrument and the ensuing financial wipe out?

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👍 22353
April 4, 2013 2:24 am

Hoping to find any reasonable quantity of Silver or even Copper in coinage by hitting banks is silly.
1. Your hunting for the stuff which takes time where you actually could be making money since thats the goal. Aka: If you worked at McDonalds for $7.00 an hour you will make more than hunting for silver coins in that same hour.

2. Once you actually have silver coinage then what to do with it. The people who buy it in quantity do so as investment in the hope the silver someday will be able to be collected upon since it is against the law to destroy US currency. You cant lawfully melt it down and if you could removing the other elements requires some alchemy.

But… Thats not to say that conceptually its all off kilter. I know a guy for years and years and years now goes to varied venues, in person auctions, flea markets and even garage sales and finds treasures. Paying $25 for an old silver serving set or flatware etc. he does very well and sells it by weight to be melted down, Just as you see on say “Pawn Stars” the Gold or Silver etc. have value WHEN it can lawfully be melted down.

So there you have it…. BUT of course VALUE is based on history. Huh?
If your seeking precious metals and turn them over for cash to do whatall, spend, re-invest, invest etc. there are important realizations. Investing in anything but high risk investments might not turn up good results. That is to say global economics can result in the “value” of investment being actually less than the value of the original investment. Aka: I am earning 5% and meanwhile cost of living, currency devaluation etc. results in “I actually lost 2%”.

It can be sorta akin to thinking there is equity in homes. Perhaps some yes, most no. Example: In a 30 year mortgage you will pay more in interest/principle than the home might sell for and/or with the addition of property tax.

With Silver (lets say) holding unto it thinking it may increase in value may also yield similar results as much of its value is based on supply/demand and global currency valuations.

For those thinking “economic collapse” and staving it off by such things, thats silly too.
Silly? Certainly. In todays “global collapse” syndrome people dont think ahead, they think “today”.

That is to say, “Today silver is worth something”. In a global collapse valuation of currency goes down the tubes so such things become salable (perhaps) within that window of currency valuation assuming one plans on spending it “in case”. After a recovery (if there were one), different story, thats a gamble at best.

On the other end of things there is no foreseeing what that future might be. It could be a global economy where its illegal to even own precious metals or precious metal may not be sold/resold. Knowbody knows. They base life today in the past history which is not good as those times are gone. Life has changed so very much in the past 100 years the disconnect in time makes it all moot. Knowbody can tell you “what will happen if”. You could end up with the equivalent of paper stamp books… ‘Here is your money and its the only thing thats valid globally for commerce” albeit perhaps a little unlikely, anything is possible which is what history actually DOES tell us. No “plan” might be the right or wrong one. It could just as easily be “Canned foods” are worth more to people/consumers than silver they cant use.

Whats even more funny (not really) is so many people try and consider/think that history should be their guide to living through a collapse and cite the Great Depression. Todays issues are in large part completely unlike the Great Depression short of nothing worth anything.


One of the oldest historical matters they ignore. God. The Bible. In the case of JEsus for example, one man among many many many, crucified… a normal matter under Roman control for those not Roman results in THE largest movement of mankind in its history. From 1 to millions and millions. Not only remarkable in its own right but more important than currency, money etc as this deals with hows, whys and reality of life and death.

Certainly, there is much within religion texts that are of man. Truth is truth however. When reading if the teachings were true 2000 years ago, 1000, 100, today then truth is truth.

Keeping that in mind when reading such texts you will see a pattern develop if you pay attention (I am a programmer so life/work is all about patterns). Open ones eyes further and the patterns begin to appear not just in our lives, our parents lives, but even those of other creatures. Open it up further and patterns appear in everything, earth, moon, suns, you name it. Its far far from random.

No, I am not a religious zealot, nope. But with that said if you take the time to read, review, look for truth, patterns and broaden your vision you will end up saying, “Oh my. This stuff is real”. Once you realize that and embrace it proper the rest falls into place. Doesnt mean you will be money rich, what it does mean is that you have purpose and if you seek, embrace and find that purpose all you need to fulfill your life will be provided.

Are we headed for a collapse? You betcha. But not the way you think. Its about “equalization”. That is to say the VERY wealthy of the world (I believe the number is something along the lines of 3,000 people) essentially dictate the lives indirectly of the other billions. What we see is a planned, quite intentional slow decline and systematic stripping of wealth towards global equalization. The path there is akin with steering the Titanic. To avoid “meltdown” of humanity as possible thrusting the globe into complete chaos, death, pestilence etc. Instead its look FAR ahead as possible and try and predict how to steer.

Thus, trying to stave that off for the global population is again, silly. Cant be done.

Unfortunately, it will not work. Why? Because there is simply no way the course of billions of independent minds will be controlled as history has shown us a few times? No, millions of times. From big big numbers of people to just little groups. Everyday in fact even under threat of death. Those in wealth doing this think it can be and hundreds of millions dead dont matter, thats acceptable as they believe humanity will survive, controlled, grow until we reach “Star Trek” The Federation of Planets all getting along in order. Pretty much. They have been working towards it for well over 100 years, one world. Sounds utopian but cant work.

People ask themselves why do those that are ever ever so rich seek more? What can be their goals in life when they can buy anything they please? What does one accomplish once one has so much?

You dont see em’ just helping every single place they can…. helping people. Helping the human race. Certainly most do give to the human cause, but they dont give all or 95% of all, yet, they are blessed with so much.

We all understand a glimpse of “global chaos” or an “controlled ordered stripping of wealth”. Stripping of wealth equates to stripping of choices, stripping of choices equates to removal of freedoms, removal of freedoms results in an ordered control and/or eventual rebellion be they large or small, able to be put down or not. History has shown both.

Now step back. Life (God actually) gave freedom of choice to us. Freedom of choice is exactly what is attempting to be curtailed. Read of secret societies and more, even those not so secret past/present. Yet… Freedom Of Choice cannot be stripped. Everyone still has choice. The choices might be rebel, dont, walk to the left or right, speak out or do not.

What is given by God man cannot take away though history shows man trying again and again and again. It fails EVERY TIME. Thats a pattern in its own right.

Jesus stated “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money”. 110% true and BTW, I am Jewish.

Think about that. Think about it now with those extraordinarily rich as a group or those in extreme power as a group. I mean TAKE THE TIME TO THINK ON IT. WHAT do they control or seek to? What do they dictate through the power or power of wealth that impacts you/others be they “well to do”, “middle class” or the poor GLOBALLY.

Now consider what was stated by Jesus. Consider the things given us that cant be controlled no matter what. Freedom of Choice. Even in bonds one can choose to move ones eyes, think, breath or hold ones breath. Freedom can be limited by man, it cannot be taken away. Love cannot be taken away.

If you care review further and THINK what you will find is a pattern, an important pattern. The pattern being THAT WHICH WE CANNOT HOLD IN OUR HANDS, THAT WHICH WE CANNOT SEE, BUT THAT WHICH IS CORE TO BEING HUMAN AND ALIVE CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY. Life as we know it each day can be taken but the soul which makes us, us no man can claim “his”.

Some believe when life ends, the soul goes with it, done. Lived, died, nothing more. Yet, EVERYTHING is transformed. Weathered rocks turn to materials that form other things, plant matter decayed to nutrients, nothing we see, touch etc. just disappears. Its transformed, recycled whatall. Everything on Earth, in the solar system, in the galaxy, in the universe. Even our lifeless bodies transform into elements that in time have/find purpose.

Why would anyone think the soul is different when everything around you says exactly the opposite.

So what IS our answer?

Want my opinion? Yes – No (Circle one).

We cannot individually change the path of the absolute wealthy or powers. We can yap but are physically pretty powerless right? Maybe. Isnt this what happened to one man? He was crucified for his movement towards truth. Yet, billions have embraced that truth. Over time, more have embraced those ideals than literally anything else in mans history.


Because 1. Its true. 2. Its God. Something man cant control and HAS TRIED.

So what do we do? Well, scripture says that the day will come where the living and dead will be judged. We all have no connection to those MEN who steer (or try) steer us. We do have a connection to something bigger, much bigger, God. Each of us independent, each of us thinking independently, each with a soul lets call it.

Ask science why 99% of life be it mammal, reptile etc. has eyes, smell, scent, hearing or some combinations/nuances of all these? Watch them go, “Ummm”. Its not random.

Science is the pursuit of truth yet over and over again circumvents itself. Today this is truth, ooops, well, now this is. Yet, some truths are found. Its said they are often in contention, not at all. Thats an easy out. Science is the exploration of Gods universe. They would have you think it not as THAT empowers the FEW not the MANY as the MANY can make them ACCOUNTABLE.

So what do we do?

We pray, we pray sincerely to God. Not some unforeseen entity, but to our friend, God, the one who gives us life. Who gives us choices. We pray that God intervene and give those who are in powers the guidance and direction that holds our lives and futures in best interests and to sweep away those who do not yield to his influence.

Sound crazy? Why? Would it hurt to do so? It is something we all can do. Learn of him is something we all can do.

Let me put something else to you.

Ever ask yourself questions in your head? Sure. We all do.

When we dont know the answer we might research. If we do know the answer where does it come from? Our memory of course. Then there is the third way, the answer just comes to us, seemingly out of the blue. Where does that come from? Just random? Pop. There it is? This happens to all of us as well. I have yet to talk to one person it has not happened to, many many times in life in fact. So… research isnt random, coming from memory isnt random, but the “pop in” is? No. Its not. Its from “someplace else”.

Lets try another. Whats the purpose of Good and Evil? Why do these opposites exist?
Another familiar one? Whats the purpose of Love and Hate? Why do these opposites exist? We cannot deny they do, they are around us, clearly real even though we cant touch them. Just as we normally do not see air yet there it is. But we can hold air in our hand. We can define “good” and “evil” and apply actions to them, aka: Murder is evil, kindness is good. But WHY do good and evil even exist? Yet, they do. WHAT is their purpose? Ask science to answer it. They cant. Yet, everything has a purpose. Dust in space makes worlds, stars give off light and much more, gravity pulls, sand filters, cleanses, made of rocks eroded, elements in the table of elements combine for purposes.

But Good and Evil, Love and Hate on and on along with souls have none?

Let me again take you back. “God Created All Men Equal”. This is exactly why mankind has went, “Uh uh”. That is to say, “God created us to all be equals”. I respect you and you I. I give to you in need and you to I. But this does not suit. It does not suit due to say Greed vs Giving, Love vs Hate, or ultimately Good vs Evil does it?

Science and indeed the powers that be are VERY quick to activate on that which is the physical world and yet have absolutely NO explanation for something as simple (or maybe extremely complex!) such as, “Why do good and evil exist and what is there purpose” and to make that more complex, “What is there source?”.

Everything has a source and destination. Everything. A rock, a plant, a speck of dust, a electron, a beam of light, a piece of grass. Transformed, added whatall to something else. Atoms collide releasing their guts giving us sunlight, energy, radiation, dust which in itself has gravity and parts that make it up. But the soul? Poof. Nothing? Makes no sense at all to think that way. Makes MUCH more sense to realize we have a purpose. Do we know what it is or why? Nope. Just as the elements on the table of elements and indeed that make up our bodies have purpose and a source and a destination.

As I noted, start taking a broadband look at everything, EVERYTHING and all of a sudden you will see patterns. You will realize that there is STRUCTURE. Its far far from random and EXTRAORDINARILY complex but structured, not random.

Then go back again and look at history, look at the scriptures and discern that which was true then, true a thousand years back, true yesterday, true today. Truth withstands time yet again, we cant hold it in our hand. Startlingly if you THINK enough you will find another pattern. That which in our soul deemed good we cannot hold in our hands. Yet those things evil we can cause by our hand and often (metaphorically) can be held.

If you hold love (metaphorically) and control it in your hand it is lost, hate, not so for example.

I ask you to simply THINK about a MUCH bigger vision than most of us do. Ask yourself the questions, purpose, why love exists, why good and evil exist, what is the source? What is the destination? What are the purposes.

Then ask yourself (since many of these questions you will explore have no answer at least in this life) WHICH do you choose to live by and embrace? Would you risk that which is MOST important to you? Your soul in an afterlife?

Remarkably enough, alot of the answers lay within The Bible Old & New. That which is truth you will think through, that which is from man (governance etc) will stand out as well.

But most of all, the answers are within you. “Built in” when we choose to listen.

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April 11, 2013 7:33 pm

So what the hell are the 5 magic words?

gene oesch
gene oesch
April 14, 2013 8:41 am

let me know the five things

Timothy Buero
Timothy Buero
April 16, 2013 10:57 am
Reply to  gene oesch

Iam interested obtaining these “5 Magic ” words. Please send methis information at the address provided. Thank you.

May 18, 2013 2:37 am
Reply to  Timothy Buero

do you have half dollars. The next step is to call me at 617 460_6496. Those are the five magic words.

April 26, 2013 12:58 am

The email address above is anxiously waiting correspondence with these “5 Magic Words”

May 14, 2013 4:01 pm
Reply to  Vickie

please send me the 5 words and a list of banks

Glenn Bix
Glenn Bix
May 15, 2013 2:35 pm

Please send me the 5 Magi words and a list of banks.thank you.

May 18, 2013 2:40 pm
Reply to  Glenn Bix

Why the hell are people still asking this question??? If your reading comprehension is so poor that you can’t understand the article and also the comments then maybe you should focus on dealing with that before you even think of investing!

Glenn Bix
Glenn Bix
May 15, 2013 2:49 pm

Please semd me the 5 Magic words and a list of banks. Thank you.

May 18, 2013 11:51 am
Reply to  Glenn Bix

Make sure you get paid with a cashiers check on Craig’s list they will print one for you , not that is a very dangerous way to start collecting, leave that to Obama and Ben B , I have already been getting my Yang money , the day is coming when the In God We Trust printed on the American Dollar will be worth about as much as Obama’s mother-in-law who save her money every time we pay her rent for the third floor of the White House, she has to have a picture of something really good of him doing something pretty bad he he would have told her to take a hike by now. Now if you want to get a good shot at the older half dollars there are a lot of older casino’s that split there change on the tables when the odds round up, put them in your pocket and get more chips because they will get it back.

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👍 30
May 16, 2013 12:03 pm

the chances of walking into a bank and getting silver coins is nil, have tried over and over again, i don,t care what anyone says there are no 5 secret words going to get you anything other then throwed out , i know plenty of people who work at banks and anything silver they get…your better off posting an ad on craigslist offering to buy silver coins or gold no questions asked you,ll get it cheaper then you ever thought of course don,t ask where it came from thats a no no but its reality, thats one way i go about it the other way is an add that i will take that 5 gallon jar of coins you have and count them all up as you half heartily watch and pay you the amount in paper money….or i buy hand rolled rolls from people i have found some real gems that way 1 roll that comes to mind was a roll of pennies that ended up having a 1907 2 1/2 dollar gold liberty head coin in it, i paid 1 dollar for that roll of coins and that gold coin is worth well over 300.00 thats how you do it….i won,t even mentionm the dozens and dozens of silver dimes.

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May 16, 2013 12:51 pm

The words are :”do you have half dollars?”

May 17, 2013 1:11 pm

Eifrig’s usual five magic words are “I love you Porter Stansberry!”

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May 17, 2013 1:12 pm

Wow, You guys really do ‘keep an eye out’! I guess I was part of the inundation this morning… I just checked this out and viola! Here it is again. Very nice. I believe I’ll stick around here and see what you folks are finding out.

Thanks for all the hard work & Best of Luck!

Los Angeles

May 17, 2013 2:03 pm

If you want coins you can also stand by corner in the business district and sing a song. You can also stop shaving, put your gardening clothes, write a sign Veteran and Hungry (you can be a vet of anything, Pomona High, Vons Supermarket, even the army, you choose) and stand by a freeway exit. Don’t forget to hand your hat. In my view, when this stuff was presented in Stock Gumshoe first time, Doc Eifrig lost all credibility.

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Wolf Emperor
Wolf Emperor
May 17, 2013 2:44 pm

I won’t be doing this coin hunting thing. Too time-consuming.

Slick Rick
Slick Rick
May 17, 2013 10:23 pm

A few years back a man ran an ad in a magazine which read , “How To Make A Fast Million Dollars. Please send $10 . The response he sent back after collecting the $10 Fee was , “Do As I Did”

May 18, 2013 12:27 pm

Porter and his team pay there bills with there customers money, a lot of businesses do that, and when your trial period is over you can get you funds back but sometimes they do the handling fee for those just want the answer to there teaser , but even if they give you all your 100% guarantee $ back they have held quite a large sum I guess they call it in house float and use that money interest free for 90 days , what a good deal , a 90 day interest free note, and they are not the only one. Now of coarse you are not going to make a living off of interest at the bank now a whopping maybe 1% but you can bet they make a good profit on monthly/weekly options etc. they have a float dept. that is a cash cow it is America like when people used to put the check in the bank on Friday and clear on Monday , they did not need a newsletter. The Govt. even insured them. Best bet at a pretty good % to me is let Travis and the Thinkolater save you the hassle, the Gumshoe is pretty darn reliable, and when I checked last it was not overpriced, less than a dollar a week to be an irregular, that is 2 half dollars a week for the newer version of the In God We Trust money. Thanks Travis and thanks to the other irregulars to. One thing Travis doesn’t do or I have not seen it is bad mouth the other Teasers which is pretty cool, kind of think there must be some mutual respect for someone maybe the thinkoater , either way Travis is professional about it and I would bet that those other guys would take his phone call , I would even say they learn from each other, stick with the Gumshoe and all the old silver is probably pretty played out maybe go to wooden nickel’s , just kidding.

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👍 30
May 18, 2013 3:00 pm

Well, my friends, I live in Rancho Cucamonga, California. I went to my local Wells Fargo branch and ordered $2,000 of half dollars. My bank had none on hand and ordered them from the central “something”. for me. I went through all $2,000 worth and found not one silver half dollar. Consider how long it took me to inspect 4,000 half dollars, unroll them, check them out and re-roll them to return to my bank.
I seriously doubt that anyone can find even 1% (which in my case would have been 40 silver halves). Care to wager on one tenth of one percent ( .1%) which would have been 4 quarters? I am up for wagering with anyone any amount of money that they can’t find 40 silver halves in 4,000 halves ordered from their bank. I’m sure I’ll make a lot more money gambling on this than on searching through quarters. I’ll even give 2 to 1 odds.
J. Curtis

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david clumpner
david clumpner
May 18, 2013 8:41 pm
Reply to  jcurtis595

Thnx a lot for the heads up John…I won’t be heading to my local banks anytime soon!

Does it matter
May 20, 2013 2:24 pm

Whatever your smoking, I want some. Tellers would buy the coins
For face value and keep them. No bank is going to hand you free
Silver coins. Good Lord, how stupid do you take people for?
My bad, they are out there. I should run an article, free money!
Send me ten bucks and I’ll show you how. Walk the streets until
You find some.

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May 20, 2013 10:45 pm

If all you fools that sent this charlatan $40 or $50 would send the cash to me instead, I would gladly give you five words: “ha ha ha ha ha!” I incidentally heard an ad for this scam on the radio this morning. I’m stunned you people still fall for this crap.

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